Quick Transmigration: The Way of Life

Chapter 992 Pure Male World

Chapter 992 Pure Male World
When Linlang heard this, she couldn't help but give Hanguang a slap. If she wants to have a baby, she must do the things that only having a baby can do. How does she answer this?

"Huh?" Hanguang asked in a low voice.

Linlang's little ears were red and soft, and she finally bit Hanguang's earlobe lightly, "If you want a child, then you have to work hard!"

Because it was the first time for the two of them, they were not familiar with each other. Then, the second time came fiercely. It was not until a long time later that the two of them ended and took a mandarin duck bath.

When Lin Lang woke up, she found that the sun was shining on her buttocks, so she sat up quickly, opened the door, looked around, and found that Hanguang was not there.

"My brother went to work. When he left, let me tell you that there are ready-made meals in the refrigerator. You just need to warm them up in the microwave!" Bai Yi snorted coldly, and said in a strange way.

Linlang opened the refrigerator when she heard this, and found that the food Hanguang made for herself was the same as what she made for the two of them last night. , the simplest home cooking, I learned it after three times.

The taste is also very good, comparable to a five-star chef.

"Is it delicious?" Bai Yi swallowed, and looked at Lin Lang with hope.

"Did you not eat?" Lin Lang asked suspiciously.

Bai Yi pouted, "My brother cooked his and yours, and said that if I eat your food, he...he will tell me to get out of this house..."

Heh, I really guessed what this person was thinking, but Hanguang cooked so much food that Lin Lang couldn't finish it, so he gave some of it to Bai Yi.

"Don't think that if you give me part of the meals, I will be able to miss you. Don't think that if it is not because of you, my cousin will definitely cook for me. After all, I can't eat because of you! "Bai Yi said eloquently.

Lin Lang sneered twice, she shouldn't feel sorry for this white-eyed wolf.

After Bai Yi finished eating, he raised his head and found that Lin Lang was still eating, so he couldn't help muttering, "Eating is so slow, I don't know what my brother likes about you!"

Lin Lang didn't want to pay attention to such a brat, she just wanted to finish her meal quickly and go back to her room to rest for a while.

Bai Yi looked at Lin Lang, and suddenly saw one or two red marks on her neck, and frowned, "What's wrong with your neck? I remember it's still spring, and the mosquitoes haven't come out yet... Could it be an allergy?" ?”

When Lin Lang heard this, she quickly covered her neck and blushed, she didn't even bother to eat, she threw down her chopsticks and ran to her room, saying as she ran, "Why do you care so much, little brat? Just take care of yourself!"

Bai Yi was unhappy, and stood up, "Hey, I finally cared about you, and you didn't want to listen to it. Really, kindness is like a donkey's liver and lungs. How can there be people like you in the world!"

Lin Lang stopped at the door, turned around, and said to the little kid, "What do you know? You'll know this when you grow up!"

When I grow up, I will know...Bai Yi had a flash of inspiration, and then looked at Lin Lang with disdain, "Oh, I know what's going on... Hey, you should be the one next to you~ your body is too weak !"

Lin Lang opened her mouth wide and wanted to say something several times, but she didn't know what to say, and finally stomped her feet fiercely, "Who said I'm down, I'll be up~!"

Hearing this, Bai Yi couldn't help but recall the scene of his cousin Hanguang below~, couldn't help shivering, shook his head hastily, and threw that thought out of his mind.

"You must be talking nonsense, my cousin can't be that kind!" Yes, his cousin is so cold and manly, he must be a real man, it is absolutely impossible, it is the one below~.

Lin Lang didn't want to talk to him anymore, so she took two steps back, walked into the room and slammed the door hard, closing the door, "What do you know!"

"Why don't I understand? I know a lot more than you, and I've even seen the movie!" Bai Yi couldn't help raising his brows when he thought of this, "My cousin is a virgin, he doesn't know anything, I and I I can lend you the video, let you give advice, don't thank me, who makes me like doing good deeds the most!"

Oh, good thing?She doesn't want to be violent~chrysanthemum!
"Keep that thing for yourself!" Lin Lang taunted twice, lying on the bed with the quilt covering her head, refusing to listen to what was said outside.

When Hanguang came back, she found that her cousin was looking at her thoughtfully, and also smiled lewdly at herself, which made her frown, and her heart also raised. Brother knows that Lin Lang is a girl?

"What are you looking at?" Hanguang asked nervously, and at the same time made up his mind that he couldn't let his cousin live here.

"I just didn't expect you to be that kind of person, cousin!" Bai Yi looked at Hanguang meaningfully!

"What kind of person am I?" Hanguang stared at Bai Yi stubbornly.

"Hey, cousin, why are you pretending to me? Although I haven't experienced it, I have seen it, but I really didn't understand it. According to your temperament, you are willing to be the next one!" Bai Yi looked dismayed. Said confidently.

Hearing this, Hanguang breathed a sigh of relief, and his face softened a little, "No matter where this kind of thing is, as long as both parties feel good, don't worry about it, when you meet someone you like in the future , you will know!"

Bai Yi lay on the sofa, "Anyway, no matter what, I must be the strongest one!"

Han Guang glanced at his room, "How is Lin Lang?"

Bai Yi said indifferently: "Eat, sleep and eat, like a pig!"

Hanguang gave Bai Yi a warning look, "Be careful with what you say!"

"Okay, okay!" Bai Yi turned over and lay down on the sofa, "Cousin, let me tell you, this man can't be spoiled. If he is petted, he will go to heaven, and he can't control it in the future, and he will Make an inch... Don't believe what I say, although I am young, I have seen a lot and experienced a lot, so I naturally know more than you, a cold monk..."

Hanguang didn't want to talk to this silly boy any more, so he opened the door gently, looked at Elder Lin who was sleeping soundly on the bed, his brows and eyes gradually softened, closed the door gently, stepped forward, and kissed Lin Lang's cheek.

"Huh?" Feeling something moving, Lin Lang slowly opened her eyes, saw that Han Guang had returned, and kissed him happily, "Honey, you are finally back!"

"En!" Hanguang nodded, touched the top of Linlang's head, and said dotingly, "Are you hungry? Shall I cook for you?"

Because she just woke up, Lin Lang was not hungry, so she shook her head, "I'm not hungry, and you've worked hard today, so even if it's cooking, I should do it!"

 I really can’t write meat anymore, one article was blocked, and now I’m still looking for an editor to unblock it!

(End of this chapter)

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