Quick Transmigration: The Way of Life

Chapter 993 Pure Male World

Chapter 993 Pure Male World
With irresistible pampering in Hanguang's eyes, he said to Linlang gently, "But I can't bear to make you suffer!"

Lin Lang sat up slowly and leaned against the bed, "In our place, Lanzhou people usually work outside, and the hostess does housework at home, takes care of the children, does laundry and cooks!"

"Then it's not easy for the women over there!" Hanguang said distressedly: "Think about it, men only need to work outside and do nothing at home, but women have to do so much work, let me guess Guess, even if this is the case, the men over there don't know how to be grateful?"

Hanguang guessed it right, Lin Lang nodded, "You guessed right, men and women are equal over there, but there has never been equality at all. After marriage, men only need to work hard outside and hand in their wages. That's a good man!
But women are different. Before they have children, they have to earn money to support the family. When they return home, they have to wash and cook. I envy you a technology here, only a little human tissue is needed to create a life!
Sometimes I wonder how many women will be benefited if this technology is brought to our place! "

When Hanguang heard this, there was a hint of distress in his eyes, "If you don't want to have a child, then don't have one, and I don't want to have a child anyway!"

Nonsense, you said you wanted a child last night, how could you not want it today?She knew that this man cared about her, with a smile on his face, hugging Hanguang's strong waist, "But it's okay, I'm willing to give birth to you!"

Hanguang smiled, his eyes were full of emotion, and suddenly thought of something, "By the way, I forgot to tell you, ever since you said you were a woman, I have searched all over the school library, Finally found some clues!
It is recorded in an ancient book that our original world should be the same as yours, and there are indeed men and women. Just as I told you, the men earn money outside, and the women do housework at home. Don't stop!
Women do exist, but I searched all the answers, but I couldn't find the real reason for the extinction of women..."

Lin Lang lowered her head, "Actually, I don't understand. Since there have been women in this world, why is there no news about women?"

It is said that a small piece of human tissue can reproduce a person, but she doesn't believe it. Isn't there a woman in this world?Even if there is not, is it possible to make one?
Hanguang also frowned and began to think, "I suspect that this incident is man-made. A long time ago, there was a great war in this world. As for the reason, the book didn't mention it, it just said At that time, many people died there. As for our current reproduction technology, it was actually static in that era. After all, a small piece of tissue can replicate a living person. It is a bit scary to think about it!
But after that battle, everyone agreed, and it was extended until now! "

Lin Lang looked at Hanguang, "If I'm not wrong, the big battle was the reason, maybe I don't know why, all the women died, only men were left, and very few men survived!

In order for human beings to continue to survive, there is such a black technology, only women... Maybe they think, it is better for me to be a woman. After all, if men know the existence of women, they will definitely go crazy. The world has already suffered a blow , can’t go through the second time...so..."

Lin Lang didn't continue talking. Everything he said was just her own guesswork, and there was nothing to prove it, so she lowered her head, "There is one more thing, I am not from this era, and I didn't know how it happened back then. things, suddenly came to this world..."

"Are you going to leave me?" Hanguang asked anxiously.

Of course not, finally there is a man who loves herself wholeheartedly, Lin Lang is willing to give up everything, no... If she remembers correctly, she seems to have nothing, so she has nothing to worry about in that world, and now she can meet a man like that If she loves her man, she naturally wants to live like this with her for the rest of her life.

"Hanguang, you said that there are only men and no women in this world, and I came to this world, is it to save this world?" Lin Lang didn't know why, but suddenly remembered the romance novels she read when she was adolescence, thinking of her eyes. It gets brighter and brighter, and suddenly travels through, isn't that the treatment of a heroine?
"That's right, with that black technology, many copies of me can be copied. At that time..." Lin Lang lowered her head, "If many copies are made, then... are those copies me? If one day I and Those in charge are together, will you admit your mistake?

After all, we have the same gene, maybe we also look exactly the same, tall, short, fat and thin, and have the same preferences..."

Thinking of this, Lin Lang didn't dare to dream of Mary Su anymore, and hurriedly embraced Hanguang, sobbing softly.

Hanguang was so distressed that he hugged Linlang and comforted him, "No matter what you look like, no matter how many you there are, you are you, the one and only you, I promise, I will definitely recognize you at first sight in the crowd!

Only the duplicators you mentioned, forgive my selfishness, I really don’t want your world to be filled with all kinds of you, let’s just pretend we don’t know anything, and it’s okay to live a lifetime without having children..."

Lin Lang burst out laughing when she heard this, and her mood improved a bit, wiping away the tears on her face, "I'm worrying too much, and what I'm talking about is all big talk. The technology here is advanced, the law must be sound, and there won't be any accidents. What an accident!

Even if one day, I really reach that point, I will work hard to see if I can not copy me, but create a new human being through the combination of eggs and sperm! "

Hanguang smiled, "No one can say for sure what will happen in the future, don't worry, it's getting late, hurry up, I'll cook porridge for you!"

Lin Lang smiled and agreed, and quickly got dressed, because there are all men here, so the men here are all wearing trousers, and she misses her delicate and elegant dress a little bit.

"Is there a sewing machine here? I want to sew some clothes for myself?" Lin Lang said to Hanguang, toying with the clothes.

"Sewing machine? It's an old antique, only museums have it... If you want it, I'll find someone to copy it..." Hanguang didn't respond when he heard the sewing machine at first, but later he realized when Lin Lang was talking about it. , said hastily.

(End of this chapter)

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