Quick Transmigration: The Way of Life

Chapter 994 Pure Male World

Chapter 994 Pure Male World
Lin Lang couldn't believe that the sewing machine would become an antique, but thinking about it, there were very few sewing machines in their world.

"If you don't have a sewing machine, how can you sew clothes?" Lin Lang asked in disbelief.

"Uh..." Han Guang was also puzzled, he usually went to the mall to buy clothes, he only knew that the clothes came from factories, how did they make them?He really didn't understand.

Thinking of this, he turned on his optical brain, and after some searching, he said to Lin Lang: "Our current clothes are also sewn by sewing machines, but they are sewing machine robots. They can work non-stop, and the work is done very well. Well, this type of robot replaced all sewing machines 30 years ago!
So if you want a sewing machine now, unless you are looking for it in a museum or other places, you can also find someone to order it! "

It took so much effort for a small sewing machine, Lin Lang shook her head, "Forget it, you should buy me a sewing machine robot!"

Hanguang looked at Linlang, with unresolved tenderness in his eyes, "Okay, by the way, I used to do what I liked by myself, but you are different, I can't bear you to do housework, I'd better buy a Housework robot, it can not only sew clothes, but also do all kinds of housework!"


Hanguang smiled softly, "Well, I heard that housekeeping robots can also customize their appearance. See what you like, and I'll help you place an order!"

"Hmm..." Lin Lang thought for a while, "I want someone who looks exactly like you!"

Hanguang agreed without hesitation.

The next day, Lin Lang and the others received a housekeeping robot, which was indeed similar in appearance to Hanguang. The only difference between them was that there was an antenna on the head of the housekeeping robot, which was specially used to receive various data.

After getting the robot, the two of them were completely freed from housework. Every morning, Lin Lang would go to school with Hanguang, and at the same time learned more and more knowledge, and even got a certificate!
"Ouch~" Lin Lang vomited forcefully, as if she wanted to vomit out all her heart, liver, spleen, lungs and kidneys.

"What's wrong with you? Do you want to go to the hospital?" Hanguang asked anxiously.

Lin Lang just wanted to agree, but she tightly gripped Hanguang's clothes in fear, "What if people know my real identity? I dare not go..."

Hanguang was silent for a while, and suddenly thought, "I have a friend who opened a clinic, I can take you to see him!"

"This..." The friend frowned and looked at the inspection report above, "I really don't understand, how could this friend of yours have a child?"

"Child? Then I'm pregnant!" Lin Lang said in surprise.

"Pregnant? What does that mean?" My friend asked puzzled.

"It's just... I'm going to have a baby soon..." Lin Lang was very happy. After all, giving birth to a child for her beloved is a very satisfying thing.

"You... I... If I remember correctly, aren't the children born from cultivation? What exactly is pregnancy you are talking about?" My friend became interested.

Hearing this, Hanguang hurriedly stepped forward and hugged Linlang's shoulders, "If you consider me a friend, please don't ask me any more!"

The friend was a little disappointed, but still nodded, "By the way, you must have a physical examination when you are pregnant. Come to me in the future!"

Although my friend agreed, my curiosity about this is still undiminished. I want to know what this pregnancy is through observation!
The friend is a reliable person, and he won't be so talkative, Hanguang agreed after thinking about it for a while.

"Is this the pregnancy you talked about in your era? It's really amazing!" Hanguang said with a sigh.

Lin Lang lowered her head and smiled gently, "Yeah!"

Under the care of Hanguang and his friends, Lin Lang gave birth to a lovely boy. The friend saw the delivery process, and his face was full of disbelief. Later, he learned from Han Guang that Lin Lang was a woman.

Later, that friend announced Lin Lang's affairs for the so-called benefit, and Lin Lang was also taken away by the researchers.

"Please, let me out, okay? I know what you want. Don't you have clones now? You can use my genes to create many girls, so why arrest me!" Linlang begged bitterly road.

When the researchers heard this, no one said anything, they just silently read with a notebook, watching Lin Lang remember.

Here, Hanguang was also very anxious, because Lin Lang was taken away, he searched all relatives, but women were too precious to them, they would not let Lin Lang out at all.

Lin Lang simply skipped eating without doing anything, and his body began to resist and quickly weakened. Three months later, Lin Lang successfully met Hanguang and their child.

"It's because I didn't recognize people clearly, which hurt you!" Hanguang said with self-reproach.

Lin Lang lowered her head and said in relief: "Okay, okay, don't blame yourself anymore, in fact, I already knew in my heart that one day it would explode, but I didn't expect it to come so soon. Since they let me see you, It means that they have regressed, and with our efforts, one day I will go back, my dear, you must wait for me!"

"En!" Hanguang firmly shook his head.

After 5 years, the streets were full of women, and Lin Lang was released from that cage and reunited with Han Guang.

When she opened her eyes again, Lin Lang remembered everything, gritted her teeth and shouted into the air: "What is a handsome little brother? There is only one little brother!"

"Hey, you are not afraid of being heard by Hanguang when you say this?" 12580 said jokingly.

Hearing this, Lin Lang turned pale and curled her lips, "That's not what I mean, I clearly agreed that there are so many little brothers, but there is only one, I am angry at you for not keeping your word, not because your wish was not fulfilled! "

12580 sighed, "It's not that I don't want to help you, it's just that the beating~huang beating has been serious recently, so... I can only match you with a man!

Don't worry, this trip doesn't count, I'll arrange another one for you! "

Hearing this, Lin Lang glanced at 12580, "Then tell me first, what kind of world is this, so I won't know anything when I go there!"

"What can I tell you, the memory will be erased anyway, don't worry, I will definitely let you enjoy the glory and wealth, and live a wonderful life!" 12580 said, patting his chest.

(End of this chapter)

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