Chapter 995 Ex-boyfriend

Although 12580 is sometimes unreliable, it is quite useful in critical moments. Seeing 12580's sincere words, Lin Lang nodded.

Under the clean, large and bright window, there are two people sitting at the moment. The woman is wearing bright makeup, and the man is wearing a black suit with slender knuckles. They are slowly stirring the coffee in front of them.

"Miss Linlang, you know all about my conditions, how do you feel about me?" Huo Siyan raised his head slowly, his eyebrows and eyes were like stars and seas, his voice was low and magnetic.

Lin Lang's heart also jumped following the man's voice, she lowered her head to hide her red face, not daring to look at the man in front of her, " are a good man..."

Huo Siyan nodded, "To be honest, I came out on a blind date this time to get married as soon as possible. If...the two parties have feelings, I hope that the wedding will be held on May [-]st this year!"

Lin Lang raised her head subconsciously when she heard this. There is still a month before May [-]st, which is too rushed.

"Mr. Huo, can I ask, your qualifications are not bad, why are you getting married all of a sudden? And you're in such a hurry..." Lin Lang asked cautiously.

Huo Siyan lowered his head, "It's nothing, it's just that at a certain age, I suddenly want to get married and settle down!"

"Oh!" Lin Lang clearly refused to believe this. If a man wanted to settle down, he could only tame wild horses into domestic animals!
"Mr. Huo, you are indeed a good man. I am also interested in you. I hope we can get along first, and if it doesn't fit, we can separate. What do you think?" Lin Lang suggested.

Huo Siyan had a bitter expression on his face, but he still nodded, "Okay!"

When Huo Siyan left beforehand, Lin Lang rested her chin on her hands, sighed softly, and said in a low voice: "Looking at today's conversation, she probably doesn't remember me, but think about it, how much she was at the beginning Dazzling person, why would he pay attention to me, an ugly duckling... But, isn't he and Wang Xinya about to get married soon? Why did they suddenly come out on a blind date? No, I'll call and ask..."

"Honey, are you free? I want to tell you some gossip!" Lin Lang called and asked with a smile.

"Of course I'm free, hurry up and talk about gossip!" Yuan Yuan looked expectant.

"Do you remember our campus prince?" Lin Lang asked tentatively.

"Of course I remember, let me tell you, Huo Siyan is still the white moonlight in my heart now, what's wrong?" Yuan Yuan and Lin Lang are from the same university.

Lin Lang said: "I'm afraid you won't believe it if you tell me, Huo Siyan is the one who went on a blind date with me today, and he also wants to get married early, do you think it's strange?

What a popular person back then, now reduced to a blind date and marriage, I really don't understand, you help me ask, what happened between him and Wang Xinya back then? "

Yuan Yuan also had a face full of disbelief, "Is it really Huo Siyan? Did you not admit your mistake? He also said that he wanted to marry you. Did you think about her for too long, and your brain is so wattless, such a handsome person , how could I marry you..."

"Hey, don't say that, okay? I'm quite popular too. I looked him up and down today, and it's indeed him, and he's even more handsome than before!" Lin Lang said affirmatively.

Yuan Yuan also became interested, "Okay, I will ask my old classmates later, but you can, you can meet the campus prince on a blind date, and I want to marry you, I don't dare to write novels like that!"

Linlang talked with Yuanyuan for a while, hung up the phone, looked at the beautiful scenery outside the window, and sighed softly.

She still remembers the first time she met Huo Siyan when she was in college. As a freshman at that time, she saw Huo Siyan who was speaking, and fell in love just like that!

But she already has a girlfriend, and she is very affectionate, so this relationship can only become a secret love. After she left the society, Lin Lang didn't know why, and she never fell in love. The aunt got tired, so she agreed to go on a blind date. Unexpectedly, the person who came this time was Huo Siyan, whom she was thinking of.

On the second day, Yuan Yuan called Lin Lang, dancing and said, "Let me tell you, Huo Siyan separated from his girlfriend when he just graduated from college. I don't know why they separated. Some classmates said that his parents beat mandarin ducks. I think it is impossible. After all, apart from her poor family background, Wang Xinya is still very good... I only know that Wang Xinya went to a university abroad later, and what happened later was not I know, he suddenly went on a blind date with you, what's in your mind?"

Lin Lang thought about it for a while and said, "Of course it's to fulfill my youthful wish to be with him, but...he suddenly proposed marriage. I really don't know why, and I still feel a little uncertain, so I dare not take a step forward!
The current Huo Siyan is like a shit-stained renminbi to me. I like renminbi. That matter is his ex-girlfriend. After all, they were so affectionate at the beginning, and we also saw it. The sudden separation, I wonder if it is him I want to get revenge on my ex-girlfriend, so I want to get married, but I don't want... I don't want to be his tool for revenge..."

"Come on, don't be dissatisfied, let me tell you, as long as you shout in the campus now, whoever wants to be Huo Siyan's wife will queue up to the Great Wall!

You definitely took advantage of marrying him, so hurry up and agree, if you miss this village, there will be no shop here! "Yuan Yuan said earnestly: "If you don't want to, introduce her to me. Anyway, I am still interested in him. If I can be with him, I will go. I can wake up with a smile in my dream..."

Lin Lang also didn't want to share the meat in his mouth with others, "Don't think about it, I came first, and you have to come first before you do things, so I told you, anyway, I took advantage of this matter, so I got along with him After a while, maybe I can become Mrs. Huo!"

"Hey, they just said they want to get married early, it doesn't necessarily have to be you!" Yuan Yuan said sourly.

"You are a typical person who says grapes are sour when you can't eat grapes. It's okay, I won't talk to you anymore. I have to contact Huo Siyan. Only by taking the initiative can we have a bright future!" Lin Lang hung up the phone and turned to Huo Siyan. Si Yan sent a message.

Mr. Huo, after I went back, I thought about it for a long time. You are a very good person. I want to try with you. If it is suitable, we will hold the wedding as soon as possible.

After the message was sent, Lin Lang kept staring at the phone. As time passed, her heart sank.

 I had a fever, still a high fever, and asked for leave from the manager, but the manager immediately refused and asked me to change shifts with my colleagues!Hehehehe, I also laughed when I met such a weird boss.

  The resignation letter was handed over a month ago. I wanted to leave, but I was afraid that after leaving, she would not pay me my salary this month. The money is not too much, but I told my mother that it is your hard work. You are hard-earned, why should you take advantage of others?And it's cheap my most hated person...

(End of this chapter)

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