Wanjie temporary workers

Chapter 103 The Republic of China in the 2s

Chapter 103 The Republic of China in the 40s

In the early 40s, New China had not yet been established, and some places that were not affected by the war, although there was a government of the Republic of China, were still very chaotic.

Gangs run rampant here, and among them, the Ax Gang is the most feared.

There are also many members of the Crocodile Gang, who are brutal and brutal, and even the police don't look down on them.

At this time, Lin Xuan was in the police station, applying for an ID card.

"Such a beautiful woman, you brought her here just because she spat on the ground. Is there any law? Is there any law?" The boss of the crocodile gang hit the policeman and said brazenly, "You guys The director has to give me face from the Crocodile Gang, otherwise he won’t be able to be the director, don’t you fucking mother know me?”

The policeman apologized quickly, but he poured a pot of boiling water on his face, screaming in pain.

"Let's go." The crocodile gang said, and walked out of the police station.

"I don't know how to make movies in any business. On Sunday, there is no one in the movie theater." The boss of the Crocodile Gang said, and gradually realized that something was wrong, but when he wanted to return to the police station to seek asylum, the doors and windows of the police station had been locked tightly. close.

Inside, the old policeman issued an ID card for Lin Xuan and said, "The crocodile gang is finished today. It doesn't matter if they beat the police, but if they offend the ax gang, they will definitely not end well."

Lin Xuan nodded upon hearing this.

The crushing of IQ has already doomed the end of the Crocodile Gang: using the police to capture the woman of the boss of the Crocodile Gang, then dispatching the tiger to get rid of his younger brother, and finally eradicating the entire Crocodile Gang.

As for the boss of the Crocodile Gang, he didn't know he was caught in the trap, so he triumphantly beat the police to stand up.
"Young man, you don't have to be afraid of the police here in the future, but don't provoke the Ax Gang." The old policeman added: "If you accidentally provoke other gangs, don't be afraid. Take the money and go to the Ax Gang. With enough money, everything can be settled for you.”

Lin Xuan was speechless.

At this time, the battle outside was over. After killing the boss of the Crocodile Gang, the second leader of the Ax Gang shouted: "Police, come out and clean the ground!"

"It's really a magical era." Lin Xuan said with emotion.

In this era, no one lives in a stable way. Only the impoverished areas where even gangsters are not interested can enjoy a short period of peace.

Pigpen Walled City is just such a place where poverty is down to the bone.

"Hey, boy, do you want to rent a house? It's 30 yuan a month, 360 yuan a year. If you rent it directly for a year, you can only charge 350 yuan for ten yuan." The charterer said to Lin Xuan with a smile.

Regarding this, Lin Xuan also smiled, took out a bag of gold and said, "I will rent it for 100 years."



In the morning, on the roof of Zhulongzhai, Lin Xuan did a set of Tai Chi during his morning exercises.

"Little brother, do you know martial arts?" Bao Zugong asked in surprise.

The Taijiquan that Lin Xuan was playing at this time was just a routine, and Bao Zugong couldn't tell what level he was in before the real fight.But he knew that Lin Xuan's martial arts were not weak, at least they were innate.

Nodding his head, Lin Xuan stopped and chatted with the charterer: "I heard that there are three masters in Jianghu, who are respectively good at Hongjia Iron Fist, Wulang Eight Diagrams Stick, and Twelve-way Jumping Legs. Later, because they were tired of fighting in Jianghu , just hide their names and stop asking about Jianghu affairs, I don’t know what level they are in Jianghu?"

Hearing this, the charterer smiled and shook his head.

"What are you laughing at?" Lin Xuan asked.

"They're all top-notch masters!" Bao Zugong said, "It's not a problem for them to fight more than a dozen alone, but that's all. If they meet a congenital-level master, three of them together may not be able to win. On top of that, the peerless master who opened the bridge between heaven and earth, hehe, let’s not mention it.”

After speaking, he turned and walked downstairs with loneliness.

Lin Xuan, on the other hand, came to the breakfast shop and ordered some deep-fried dough sticks.

"Here, the deep-fried dough sticks just out of the pan are crispy and delicious." The boss said.

But Lin Xuan didn't eat it. Instead, he picked up a deep-fried dough stick, pointed at the boss and said, "Wulang Bagua stick is also famous in the Jianghu. I don't know why you chose to live in seclusion, but this kind of ordinary people Is life really what you want?"

Hearing this, the boss froze first, then shook his head and said, "I don't understand what you're talking about."

"Are you really willing to be an early shop owner and live your life in a mediocre way?" Lin Xuan said, waving the deep-fried dough stick and pumping it.

Seeing this, the boss also picked up a deep-fried stick and smoked it with Lin Xuan.

But after three times of "bang bang bang", Lin Xuan's fritters were still the same, but the boss's fritters were broken into four sections.

With a shocked expression, the boss took out a towel and said, "Come on, wipe your hands."

"No, I take the fried dough sticks, so there is no oil on my hands." Lin Xuan threw away the fried dough sticks and said with a smile.

It can't be said to be casual, because he intentionally threw the fritters at the coolie who was eating breakfast.

"It's such a good thing, it's a waste if you don't eat it." Coolie caught the fried dough stick and put it in his mouth.

However, if there are careful people here, they will find that his hand that catches the fried dough sticks is trembling and not very flexible.

"What can I do if I'm not reconciled? It's only one aspect of being tired of the rivers and lakes. In fact, the root reason for quitting the rivers and lakes is to survive." The shop owner said: "Although my Wulang gossip stick is not weak, it is only first-class after all. There are many people I can beat. But even those people are dead, useless, and none of them have a good death. I have never seen a real peerless master, but they must be them. People are in the arena. Many things And I can't help myself."

Regarding this, Lin Xuan smiled and said: "The greater the ability, the greater the responsibility. Blindly avoiding is not the way."

"But we are weak, what can we do?" Coolie Qiang said.

"Create a gang with me! No drug trafficking, no smuggling, no casinos, just like the ancient martial arts sect." Lin Xuan said: "We don't care how degenerate others are, as long as we stick to the ray of light in our hearts , sooner or later, we will be able to change the world."

Immediately, the three coolies, together with the charterer and the charterer who were secretly observing not far away, were all touched.

Then, what should you do? Touching the heartstrings doesn't mean you have to take action.

"Mom, is your saliva wasted when you're my father?" Lin Xuan ran away, knocking the coolie and the three to the ground, and then said: "Be good, I promise it won't be long, you guys You can advance to the innate level. If you are disobedient and insist on being ordinary people, I will immediately disable your martial arts!"

(End of this chapter)

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