Chapter 104

After all, the three coolies were members of the martial arts world, unable to let go of their own martial arts, and being persuaded in their hearts, they all chose to submit without a doubt.

They themselves also want to establish a righteous gang to fight against the evil forces in this world.

"The rivers and lakes are not that simple. Although no peerless master has been born for a long time, there are still many people who can easily kill the three of us." Iron Fist Tailor said.

Then, Coolie Qiang also said: "We are just a first-class master. In terms of strength, we are really not the top of the world."

"That's right, you and the three of us alone can't support a sect." The owner of the breakfast shop said.

In the arena of this period, although martial arts has declined and there are fewer and fewer masters, there are still some.For example, "Heaven and Earth" ranked first on the killer ranking list. Although their martial arts are far inferior to Huoyun evil god, charterer and charterer, they are difficult to beat for the coolie three. master.

"It doesn't matter, the strength is not enough, I will give you a promotion." Lin Xuan smiled.

This "Kung Fu" world is a very strange place. The top Huoyun Cthulhu, Charterer and Charterer are definitely high-level extraordinary warriors who have opened up the bridge between heaven and earth.Ah Xing, who opened up the two lines of Ren and Du and released all his potential, is also at that level.

But under them, there was a fault. Ordinary masters were only slightly better than Ye Wen and Hong Zhennan, not as good as Bai Yutang.

For example, if there are three strong coolies, it would be difficult for one person to fight more than a dozen ordinary people, but it is already extremely difficult to fight dozens of people, and there is even a risk of losing.They can't release their true energy. Although they are at the acquired limit in terms of realm, which is similar to the five masters of the Condor, their strength is not 01:30 points behind.

Qiu Qianren could beat several of them one by one.

Hearing Lin Xuan said to improve his strength, all three of them were taken aback.

"This is the 'Super Soldier Serum' I brought from the United States, and the carefully bred 'Jingjue Fire Snake', as long as the serum is injected, and then the Jingjue Fire Snake Gallbladder is used to improve the skill, and finally the medicine is forced out, you can get advanced Internal strength, those with high comprehension can even reach the innate!" Lin Xuan said, and before the three Coolie Qiang could react, he injected the super serum into them.

Immediately, all three of them discovered their own strength and began to improve rapidly.

"I also have a 'Nine Yin Manual' here, which is the general outline of martial arts in the world. You can use it to compare and practice, and you should be able to improve what you have learned." Lin Xuan took out another translated "Nine Yin The Bible, and handed it to them.

The three of them seemed to know this thing, and after receiving it, their expressions were incomparably solemn.

"In the future, our gang will be called 'Longmen'!" Lin Xuan struck while the iron was hot, and said, "I have already prepared the unique skills of Longmen's town faction. It comes from Song Taizu Zhao Kuangyin's 'Dragon Cudgel Method', including the 'Double Dragon Cudgel' and 'Sanjiegun', as for the internal strength, it is 'Heaven and Earth Wuxiang Beiming Changchun Xiaoyao Gong', which can only be practiced by people above the level of elders in the sect."

Immediately, the coolie and the three clasped their fists together and said, "Yes."

Then he ordered them to recruit the helpers, and Lin Xuan himself came to the chartered office.

"After watching it for so long, do you have any thoughts?" Lin Xuan asked.

The charterer didn't say a word, but the charterer said: "You better take the three of them away! Those gangsters outside are either beating people or being hacked by others all day long. My neighbors here are all honest people." , why do you have to bring them down?"

Hearing this, Lin Xuan smiled brightly.

"You really think about the neighbors?" he asked.

"Ming people don't talk dark words. I've seen your martial arts. It's not low, and it's even very high. But there are people outside the world, and there is a sky outside the sky. If the neighbors really follow you and set up that kind of dragon gate, sooner or later they will die." If you provoke people who are more powerful than you, then you will be too busy to take care of yourself, how can you ensure their safety?" Bao Zugong said.

Lin Xuan smiled and shook his head.

"Why, do you have a different opinion?" the charter woman said.

"Both of you are peerless masters. Even if you can't be invincible in the world, with high strength, you can at least rank in the top five in the whole rivers and lakes. Why do you hide in this pig cage village all day and play petty citizens?" Lin Xuan said: "Is it possible? Do you really think that if you hide yourself, trouble won't find you?"

Immediately, the charterer said: "If you don't come, there will be no trouble."

"I want to buy the pig cage village." Lin Xuan said.

"Yes, but you don't need money, you need strength." The charter woman said seriously with a cigarette in her mouth: "We two husband and wife have made a poisonous oath not to fight again, so we won't compete with you. How about this? Let's ask some questions about martial arts." Skills, you answer, you ask some martial arts skills, we answer, if you can win, this pig cage village will be given to you, how about it?"

Lin Xuan naturally had no objection to this proposal, and said, "Just mention it."

The martial arts of Baozugong and Baozupo are well established as the bridge between heaven and earth, even compared with the sweeping monk, they are not too far behind.

But that's all. In the realm of the bridge between heaven and earth, they didn't go far. Otherwise, in the original plot, they wouldn't have lost to Huoyun evil god.Because Huoyun Cthulhu is not too powerful, although it is fast enough to catch bullets, it is still not enough for stronger people in the bridge of heaven and earth.

For example, in the fight, Hou Zhu Wushi and Cao Zhengchun, the god of iron gall who could push a hill around, were far more powerful than the evil god of fire cloud.

The Sword Master of Fengyun World who can freeze time and space, Di Shitian who can exert the power of Yuanshen... not to mention far away, Xiao Feng after advanced level is stronger than Charterer and Charterer. There are far more things than them.

Especially Tai Chi, Lin Xuan has the martial arts practice of Zhang Sanfeng in his later years, no one below the god level can know more than him.

And what level is God level?
Lin Dong before achieving the "Ancestral Realm", Ye Fan before becoming a fairy, and Feng Yun Wuji before becoming the main god are all third-tier gods!

Characters of that level simply do not exist in the world of "Kung Fu".

"Then let's talk about Taijiquan first. Taiji emphasizes static braking..." Bao Zugong said.

Not long after, Lin Xuan told Zhang Sanfeng's Taijiquan that he had mastered in his later years, and Bao Zugong was so shocked that he couldn't say anything anymore.Then there is the charter woman. Although Lin Xuan did not study the Buddhist Lion Roar Kung Fu, the principles of martial arts in the world are interoperable. After explaining some martial arts principles, he also learned the Lion Roar Kung Fu in person, and surpassed the founder through divine superpowers. Afterwards, the charter woman was also shocked.

Finally, Lin Xuan asked: "Do you know what is above the 'peerless master'?"

Both of them shook their heads.

Lin Xuan explained to them the Martial Dao Golden Elixir and the Martial Dao Primordial Spirit, and the two of them were taken aback for a while.

"From today onwards, this pig cage city will be called 'Longmen Village'!" Bao Zugong finally said.

(End of this chapter)

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