Wanjie temporary workers

Chapter 105 The Mistake Without Bad Karma

Chapter 105 The Mistake Without Bad Karma

After Zhulongzhai changed its name, the charterer and the charterer did not leave, but continued to act as ordinary citizens, and even signed up to join Longmen, becoming ordinary gangsters.

In addition to being poor or poor, the neighbors also joined in the fun because they had nothing to do.

Lin Xuan taught the simple part of the "Double Dragon Stick Technique" that he and Wu Yazi sorted out, and let everyone in Longmen Village practice it. After a while, the sense of belonging brought about by martial arts made Longmen Village More than [-]% of the people have joined Longmen.

Among them, with the support of Lin Xuan, the owner of the breakfast shop opened a "Dragon Inn", which specializes in all kinds of pasta.

Coolie Qiang opened a "Longmen Escort Agency", which is responsible for escorting...moving goods.

The Iron Fist tailor did not work as a tailor anymore. He taught boxing to the neighbors who had nothing to do in the central open space all day long, and with the support of Lin Xuan's money, he formed the "Longmen Self-Defense Force".There are more than 30 people in the guard, all of whom are the peak acquired masters. Except for the poor external skills due to the withering of modern martial arts, the pure realm is comparable to the five masters of the gods.

And the coolie three also took a large amount of Jingjue Fire Snake Gallbladder, and soon advanced to the innate state.

Iron fist, kick kick, gossip stick, one fist can smash fine steel, one kick can kick over a car, and one stick is as long as one foot--Lin Xuan used the technique of "increasing front" and using high-hardness alloys to give They forged twenty iron wire rings, a pair of spring boots, and a red-tasseled gun with strong penetrating power that could be used as a stick.

"Very good, now you can be regarded as the world's first-class masters, go to fight!" Lin Xuan said.

Immediately, Coolie Qiang asked, "What are you hitting?"

"Fight all pornography, gambling, drugs, anyone who coerces women into prostitution, anyone who tempts gambling, and drug dealers, you all go and fight, no matter if it is a small gang or a big gang like the Ax Gang, whichever hand stretches out to these, Just chop off his hand." Lin Xuan said: "There are still human traffickers, we must focus on cracking down on them, and if you provoke a master that you can't beat, come back to me!"

Undoubtedly, the three of them immediately got excited and led a large group of people, each with a nunchuck, to the downtown area of ​​the city.

As for Lin Xuan, he asked the system: "How do you judge whether you are on the wrong path or not contaminated with bad karma?"

The gang is just incidental, the purpose of forming the gang is to help Ah Xing realize his epiphany.

"This involves many aspects, and I can't explain it clearly in a few words. For example, if a son beats his father, it is a heinous crime. If his father regards him as a rebellious son, then a rebellious son and a lax parent will all be contaminated with bad karma." The system said: "However, if there is an enlightened father who forgives his son's sins and works hard to make his son turn a new leaf, then the one who raises the son well and the one who turns back after a sea of ​​suffering will not only not be contaminated with bad karma, but the two And you will get merit for it.”

Having said that, the system paused, and then said: "Of course, the premise is that neither the father nor the son has done any other bad things."

"This..." Lin Xuan felt that the amount of information was a bit too much.

But if you think about it carefully, in fact, it is nothing more than the words "forgive" and "repent".

After thinking about what to do, Lin Xuan called for someone to bring the dumb girl over.

"Brother, what can I do for you?" the dumb girl said in sign language.

At this time, she looked a little flustered, and she was very nervous.

"Don't be afraid, I came here because I need your help, but it's up to you whether you do it or not. I guarantee that no one here will hurt you!" After Lin Xuan finished speaking, he walked to the balcony and pointed at the blackmailer below. The explosive Ah Xing said: "Do you still recognize him? He was originally a person with a heart of justice and excellent martial arts talent, but because of his trauma when he was a child, he has now become a little gangster."

The mute girl's face instantly changed from panic to worry.

Then she said in sign language: "I can do anything for you, please don't hurt him."

"The one who hurt him is himself. If he keeps messing around like this, sooner or later, Ah Xing will be completely destroyed." Lin Xuan put on a melancholy expression and said, "I know what happened to you before, and I also know that you will be destroyed." I know that you still like him until now. So, in exchange for Ah Xing who is bound to rein in his horse and turn back from the sea of ​​suffering, are you willing to do so?"

The dumb girl couldn't help showing a puzzled look.

"You need to be like this..." Lin Xuan told her about his arrangement.

Immediately, a blush appeared in the mute girl's ears, and she said in sign language with a solemn look, "I am willing."

On this day, Ah Xing caused trouble in Longmenzhai and was beaten up by the neighbors. Afterwards, he provoked the Ax Gang, causing a scuffle and injuring many people.

Lin Xuan hung him and Fat Zai Cong at the gate of Zhulongzhai. After several threats, he said: "Sooner or later, Longmen will eradicate the Ax Gang and become the biggest gang here."

Because he saw the horror of martial arts masters, Ah Xing at this time bluntly said that he wanted to join Longmen to learn martial arts.

"Have you ever killed anyone?" Lin Xuan asked.

Ash shook his head.

"I haven't killed anyone before, how can I join a gang?" Lin Xuan pointed to the dumb girl selling ice cream not far away, and said, "Tonight, do all the bad things you can do on her, and then kill her, Set fire to the house and burn it down, and I will allow you to join Longmen and be a small leader."

As soon as these words came out, the expressions of Ah Xing and Fat Zai Cong both changed.

In the evening, Ah Xing, who was extremely struggling, kicked and kicked Fat Boy Cong and sent him home to feed the pigs.

And he himself was half drunk, quietly brought a knife, and kidnapped the dumb girl...

"Are you instigating that little bastard to harm people?" Bao Zugong and Bao Zupo wanted to save people, but they were stopped by Lin Xuan.

In the end, because Lin Xuan had mixed something in the wine, Ah Xing not only robbed, but also... When he came to his senses, when he thought of murdering and setting fire, he found that he couldn't do it at all.

At this time, the dumb girl took out a lollipop, handed it to him, and said in sign language at the same time: "I like you, so I don't blame you. I will always keep this lollipop for you."

For a moment, Ah Xing was stunned.

After all, he failed to fulfill the agreement and ran out frantically, shouting so that the dumb girl couldn't help crying.

On the other side, the charterer and the charterer are still fighting with Lin Xuan.

"In vain we thought you were a righteous person, but you are a lunatic!" Bao Zugong said while beating.

But it's a pity that no matter how he and the renter attack, they can't hurt Lin Xuan in the slightest.

After Ah Xing left, the dumb girl put on her clothes and came to the lobby where the three played against each other.

At this time, she had sadness, pain, and regret on her face, but there was no hatred on her face.

"You said that I will never recover, and A Xing will rein in the sea of ​​suffering, what else do you need to do?" the dumb girl asked in sign language.

As soon as these words came out, both the charterer and the charterer were taken aback.

"No more, as long as you awaken the kindness in Ah Xing's heart, he will turn around." Lin Xuan smiled and said: "Your efforts will not be unrewarded. I don't know if you can go to heaven after death, but at least when you are alive, you will be rewarded in this life." , you will get the happiness you want.”


On the other side, the Ax Gang, Brother Chen followed the master's advice and invited two martial arts masters.

"A heartbroken song, where can I find a soulmate?"

(End of this chapter)

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