Chapter 106
The masters hired by the Ax Gang who spent a lot of money are the combination of "Heaven and Earth" that ranks first on the killer list.

They entered the Tao with the rhythm of music, and they have extremely high attainments in sonic skills. They can condense their internal energy into sharp blades through sound, and kill people invisible. When the two join hands, few people in the world can resist.If it weren't for being blind and not firm enough in their minds, they would always go around killing people for money, maybe they would all be able to bridge the bridge between heaven and earth and become peerless masters.

However, because the plot has been changed, their target is no longer the coolie three, but Lin Xuan.

This is doomed, this assassination will become a joke.

At night, the melodious sound of the piano condensed into a sharp blade with murderous intent, and slashed at the sleeping Lin Xuan.

"Looking at the martial arts he taught to others, I thought he was some kind of master. In the end, we didn't even notice our sound wave skills, so we were recruited. It's obvious that we are strong on the outside and capable on the inside." Tian Can said.

Regarding this, Di Que smiled and said: "Although the skill is not very good, the secret books in his hand are definitely priceless treasures. The 'Heaven and Earth Wuxiang Beiming Changchun Xiaoyao Gong' is very extraordinary just by hearing the name. Come to practice, maybe the two of us can become peerless masters in our lifetime, maybe."

"That's already ours!" Tian Can said, and was about to go in to get the cheat book.

But suddenly, he found that there was someone more beside him.

"You play the piano well, why don't you suddenly stop playing?" Lin Xuan said.

Immediately, the two punched him in the chest each.

The result is that the person who was beaten was not injured at all, while the person who beat the person was severely injured, and the bone in his hand was broken.

"This, is this the golden bell cover?" Di Que exclaimed.

Then, Tiancan also exclaimed: "The body is harder than fine steel. This golden bell cover has definitely reached the thirteenth floor of Dzogchen. Is it Lin Wudi from Hong Kong who came here? No, Lin Wudi is stronger than Huoyun evil god." If you want to be obsessed with martial arts, you won't come out of seclusion all year round, how could you meet us by such a coincidence?"

When they were talking, they braced their hands and flicked out a lot of sharp knives.

Regarding this, Lin Xuan smiled and said, "What kind of piano are you playing at night? Get out!"

For the last "egg", he performed the "Lion's Roar Technique", which shattered all the sharp blades, and at the same time shattered the dantian that was missing from heaven and earth.

"Take out your martial arts cheats." Lin Xuan said.

Not long after, the two middle-aged men, who had been scared out of their wits, left Longmen Village with each other's support.

Lin Xuan, on the other hand, began to study the martial arts that were lacking in heaven and earth.

"The sound wave skills of these two people are more concentrated in destructive power. It is reasonable to say that they should be more powerful than the "lion's roar skill" of the charter woman. But in fact, innate masters can reach the limit when using them, and no matter how high-level people are, they can't do it at all. Use stronger power, so the lion's roar is stronger." Lin Xuan compared the two martial arts in his heart.

Martial arts that are lacking in heaven and earth are easy to practice, but the upper limit is innate, and the power cannot be stronger.

As for the charter woman's lion's roar skill, although it is difficult to practice, and even requires extraordinary talent to practice, but once practiced, the power is extremely powerful.

"Using it directly is not as good as my 'Human Tribulation', but its principles can be integrated into my sword moves to enhance the power." Lin Xuan thought.

After finishing the matter of martial arts, he asked the system: "Just now they mentioned 'Hong Kong Lin Wudi', is that person me?"

"Yes, but also no," the system said.

Lin Xuan was taken aback when he heard this.

"Yes, because everything about Lin Wudi comes from you. His existence is your manifestation in this world." The system said, "But you have already left, that person is the manifestation of the will of the world." You, not your own past, so he is not you."

Curious, Lin Xuan asked, "What about his strength?"

"He is directly empowered by the will of the world. The thirteenth floor of the golden bell cover is a super master. He has beaten all Xiangjiang invincible hands. Even the old boxer you saw before you left this world, that is, the old beggar, is far from his opponent. .” The system said.

"Wouldn't that be stronger than me now?" Lin Xuan said.

"It's more than 01:30." The system said: "This is a conceptual thing, and the time and space involved are too complicated, and this system can't explain it clearly. In short, refer to your strength in that world when Ip Man's world has not been upgraded. Level up!"

Lin Xuan was stunned.

Back when this world was only at the mortal level, his own strength was at the top of the mortal level plus some extraordinary martial arts.

If the defensive power of the ever-changing overalls is included, there is no doubt that it is absolutely stronger than ordinary.

But now, the world has advanced to the extraordinary level, so the self who manifests the will of this world is above the extraordinary level, which is no longer the third-order god-level level that is too strong for humans?

After the shock, Lin Xuan asked: "Well, I'm messing around here, so I shouldn't provoke him, right?"

He suddenly thought that he seemed to be very nosy.

If the manifested self of the will of the world also...

"What are you thinking about? It's just a conceptual existence. Unless someone else provokes you, you won't attack anyone." The system said, "It's even more impossible for you. This world is extraordinary because of you. That 'Lin Wudi' is also the trace left by you, unless the will of the world is invaded, not only will he not be able to attack you, but he will also help you when you need it!"

Lin Xuan was taken aback again when he heard the words.

"That is to say, in this world, you have a truly invincible thigh." The system said.


On the other side, in the Ax Gang, after learning that Tian Can Di Que's assassination failed, Brother Chen was so angry that he kicked Master to the ground.

"What kind of killer list, what number one, I was scared away by someone's word, it's a complete piece of trash." Brother Chen said angrily, "Can't you find some reliable experts for me?"

The master immediately complained: "It's not that I'm not good at things, it's that the martial arts of the dragon gate master are too high."

"Your mother is taller!" Brother Chen kicked him again.

"Brother Chen, calm down. Actually, if they can't do it, there are still people, the legendary ultimate murderer Huoyun evil god, with world-class martial arts, who can definitely kill the master of the Longmen sect!" said the master.

Immediately, brother Chen looked at him like a fool.

"What's wrong?" the master wondered.

"Those two idiots said that Huoyun evil god was imprisoned in a mental hospital. Do you really think that the place where he was imprisoned is a mental hospital?" Brother Chen said, "That's the 'abnormal human research center', which specializes in research Supernatural human beings, gods and so on are all in the scope of research, and the people imprisoned there, can you rescue them?"

Hearing this, the master couldn't help laughing, and said: "As long as you use your brain, you may not be able to get people out."

"Oh?" Brother Chen became interested.

"I just met a thief who can pick locks..." The master pulled a person out, and it was the protagonist of the "Kung Fu" world, Ah Xing.

(End of this chapter)

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