Wanjie temporary workers

Chapter 107 Fire Cloud Cthulhu and the Old Beggar

Chapter 107 Fire Cloud Cthulhu and the Old Beggar

As in the original plot, Huoyun Cthulhu was rescued by A Xing from the "Abnormal Human Research Center" and brought to the Ax Gang.

"In the world of martial arts, there is no strength that can't be broken, but speed can't be broken." After pretending to be aggressive, Huoyun evil god jumped up suddenly, and ran towards Longmenzhai.

Brother Chen, Master, and Ah Xing followed closely behind, but even in a car, they were far slower than Huoyun Cthulhu.

"The legendary Huoyun evil god?" Tie Xian boxer was shocked, and shot with all his strength, hitting Huoyun evil god.

As a result, Huoyun Cthulhu punched him violently, hitting him with one hand and hitting both hands, knocking him into the air.Then Coolie Qiang and the owner of the early shop rushed up, and he kicked Coolie Qiang over with his legs, and at the same time, he also used his fist to knock Goro's gossip stick flying.Seeing this, the expressions of the charterer and the charterer, who were basking in the sun on the balcony in the distance, all changed.

"There has been no balance between good and evil since ancient times. If I don't go to hell, who will go to hell?" The charter woman said, jumping over with the charter man.

Afterwards, they fought as in the original plot, and the three of them grabbed each other and stood in a stalemate.

"This Huoyun Cthulhu is also an idiot. I asked him to kill the head of the Longmen Gate, but he ended up fighting with the fat woman, shit!" the boss of the ax gang yelled angrily.

The master, on the other hand, wiped off his cold sweat and dared not speak.

"Looking at what Longmen has done in the past few days, it is entirely to police evil and punish rape, and to maintain world peace. Before the sect master asked me to commit crimes, I am afraid it was just to test me. If I don't do it, I can join Longmen. If I do... That person is not a dumb girl, maybe I am already dead at this time!" Ah Xing thought wildly.

At this moment, he suddenly saw a slender figure rushing towards Huoyun evil god with a stick.

It was none other than the dumb girl.

"Don't go there, leave quickly!" Ah Xing said.

"The people in Longmenzhai are all good people. Although the days of living here are short, they are very fulfilling. I don't allow others to hurt them!" Yunxie God's head.

The next moment, Huoyun evil god was furious, shook the charterer and the charterer away, and kicked the dumb girl away.

Coincidentally, after flying out, she landed in front of Ah Xing.

"In my heart, you have always been a hero. Promise me that you will not hurt anyone again!" the dumb woman said to Ah Xing in sign language.

"It turns out that it wasn't a test, but you were saving me!" Ah Xing said.

Next, it was naturally Ah Xing who fought desperately with Huoyun Cthulhu, and was beaten to the point where his whole body was broken and his tendons were broken.

"This, the mission can be completed, right?" Lin Xuan asked the system.

Immediately, the system said: "Yes."

"Paralyzed, I can finally make a move!" Lin Xuan rushed over and punched Huoyun Cthulhu on the forehead.

Then he continued to throw punches, but he missed, and Huoyun Cthulhu grabbed his fist.

"I can catch bullets!" Fire Cloud Cthulhu said.

Speed ​​is a very strange attribute. Bruce Lee, who hadn't advanced to the extraordinary state, could run faster than a motorcycle. Even compared with the current Huoyun Cthulhu, it is not much worse.However, the speed will not be greatly improved after advancing to the extraordinary, or even innate, and the bridge of heaven and earth.

The speed of the cold wind can be compared to a bullet when it explodes, but in the same way, the sweeping monk can only be compared to a bullet.

It's not that there is no gap between them, but that there is an upper limit to the maximum speed that the world can accommodate. After reaching it, it is too difficult to improve.

Therefore, even if Lin Xuan had Zhang Sanfeng's martial arts cultivation, it was the same, but he was grabbed by the Huoyun evil god.

"Don't you know that there is a kung fu called 'use stillness to brake, use slowness to fight fast'?" Lin Xuan chuckled lightly, performed Tai Chi, and threw Huoyun evil god away.

Then, he took out the "Cold Light" sword and unleashed a 40-meter sword energy.

No, it's not 40 meters. Because of the advanced level, and the incorporation of part of the mysteries of martial arts and lion's roar skills, the length of "human robbery" at this time has reached [-] meters, which is equivalent to the height of a [-]-story building. After it was released, the sword energy could be said to penetrate the heavens and the earth.

However, because of the increased power, this trick can only be used three times again.

After three times, the internal strength will be exhausted.

But this first time, he failed to hit Huoyun Cthulhu.

"Your move is astonishingly powerful, but unfortunately, the speed is so slow that I can even catch bullets... Ah!" Huoyun Cthulhu screamed in pain before his smug smile disappeared.

Lin Xuan cast the chrysanthemum sword and gave him a butt blossom!
"It's a pity, you can catch the bullet, but you can't dodge the chrysanthemum sword!" Lin Xuan laughed.

After being injured, Huoyun Cthulhu turned around and started to run away. On the way, in order to borrow strength, he stepped on the head of the ax gang brother into his stomach.Then, he ran desperately, and Lin Xuan chased after him without any haste. The two arrived in Hong Kong at a speed faster than motorcycles.

At this time, it was only the early 40s, and Ip Man was still in Foshan and did not come to Hong Kong to live.

Hong Zhennan is also a big brother in the Hong Kong martial arts circle.

"Damn it, how can there be such a wretched sword technique in this world?" While running, Huoyun Cthulhu cursed in his heart.

As a result, he accidentally ran into a residential building and hit a young man who was practicing martial arts.

"Mom sells batches, people sit at home, misfortune comes from the sky, I bought a watch last year!" The boy kicked it out, directly kicking Huoyun evil god for dozens of miles, and kicked it out of Hong Kong.

He is none other than the manifestation of the will of the world, Lin Xuan in this world.

The [-]th floor of the golden bell cover, Lin Wudi who has beaten Xiangjiang's invincible hands!

"Not to mention, it really looks a bit like me." Lin Xuan rubbed his nose and said, "That kick is so handsome and powerful..."

Before he finished speaking, the system interrupted him, saying: "This system has never seen such a narcissistic person!"

Afterwards, he continued to chase, and when he caught up with Huoyun Cthulhu, Lin Xuan discovered that there was an old beggar who healed all his injuries.

"What are you doing?" Lin Xuan asked puzzled.

This old beggar is none other than the old boxer from Hong Kong, the old liar who sold it to Ah Xing Tathagata.

"Let Ah Xing take care of him!" The old beggar said: "The growth of a peerless master needs to be baptized. Even if Ah Xing is a one-in-a-kind martial arts prodigy, he has to fight a duel of martial artists at the level of the bridge of heaven and earth before he can become a martial artist. A true peerless master. After all, not everyone can reach the level of invincible in the world through retreat and hard training like Lin Wudi."

Lin Xuan was speechless.

That Lin Wudi is just the identity registered by the system at the beginning, which belongs to the manifestation of the will of heaven and earth, and martial arts are not practiced at all.

"Over the years, I have secretly cultivated many peerless masters, do you know why?" asked the old beggar.

Lin Xuan shook his head.

"Because it won't take long, maybe six or seventy years, and the world will undergo unprecedented changes!" The old beggar said, and took out a picture of nine "iron cables" from his arms.

(End of this chapter)

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