Wanjie temporary workers

Chapter 108 Nine Dragon Bronze Coffin Lies to the Sky

Chapter 108 The Kowloon Copper Coffin Lies to the Sky

"This is a lingering cable, which hides the biggest secret of the Central Plains since ancient times." The old beggar said, "I don't know what it means. I only know that 70 years later, the earth will enter a new era because of it. In order not to let the As a result of China’s decline, I have painstakingly trained many masters, and Ah Xing will probably be the best of them.”

Lin Xuan had seen the material of that picture before.

It is exactly the same as the "Nine Dragons Map" of the previous dynasty found in the treasures of the Qing Dynasty, and the "Bronze Coffin Map" that Xiao Feng found in the Spring and Autumn Period!
"Could it be together?" Lin Xuan thought of this, and took out the two pictures.

The next moment, an irresistible attraction brought the three pictures together.

Immediately afterwards, the three pictures of Nine Dragons, Bronze Coffin, and Lian Tiansuo merged together, and after disappearing, a picture appeared out of thin air: In the cold and dark universe, nine huge dragon corpses pulled an ancient bronze coffin, and the ancient bronze coffin was stretched out from ancient times. live……

This picture shocked the old beggar extremely, but Lin Xuan, like a muddy horse, was galloping in his heart.

"I thought it was some kind of big secret. After working on it for a long time, it turned out that it was Jiulong pulling the coffin. It turns out that this world is a corner of the world that covers the sky!" Who to talk to?"

"Talk to anyone, but just don't tell me," the system said.

Lin Xuan: "..."

From Yuenv Sword, to Tianlong Babu, to Shooting Condors, Divine Condors, and Yitian Tulong, Xiaoao Jianghu, Deer and Dingji, and finally the passage of time to the Republic of China is Kung Fu.He thought this was the end, and this world was just a world of martial arts, but he didn't expect that the secret that has been passed down since ancient times is actually Nine Dragons Pulling Coffins!
Go to the fucking world of Jin Yong!

Here, the sky is completely covered, it is a perfect world!

"I think, if you don't care, you can also give me a copy of Tathagata God's Palm, maybe it will be useful to me." Lin Xuan said.

Immediately, the old beggar handed him a stack of cheat books, and said, "One book costs ten yuan, pick whatever you want."


Returning to the main world again, Lin Xuan's temporary worker experience value has reached more than 30.00%.

And the points are as high as more than 5000.

"It's so far away from the skill of Yujian flying!" Lin Xuan said.

Immediately, the system said: "The exercises in the third-order world are naturally not something you can easily obtain now. However, if you complete another task, plus Xiao Feng completes the task, your points are just enough to exchange for a 'God Refining' technique." From now on, you can start refining the flying sword with your mind and spirit, although it has no power."

Lin Xuan: "..."

This time, he didn't rush to pick up the next task, but bought a movie ticket, and went out with Qi Ran to have a good time.

The movie the two watched was called "Justice League". After watching it, Qi Ran said, "The people here are too weak. Before I advanced to the god level, I could beat them all by myself. After I advanced, I could beat them all." More. In comparison, I still like to watch the Avengers series, Marvel Infinity Gems is a real artifact, and Thanos with the last five gems, I guess I can’t beat it now.”

"What about the Journey to the West series?" Lin Xuan asked.

Qi Ran smiled mischievously, and said, "After another 100 years of practice, the two of us may join forces and beat Zhu Bajie."

"Well, with a family member, I really can't show my strength in a fight." Lin Xuan said.

Immediately, Qi Ran feigned anger and said, "I should say this."

The two talked and laughed, went home all the way, and finally had fun, became more and more intimate, and gradually began...Qi Ran's cell phone suddenly rang inappropriately, so she stopped abruptly, and said in embarrassment: "It won't be so easy You got it!"

After speaking, without waiting for Lin Xuan to answer, he ran away shyly.

"I will succeed next time!" Lin Xuan laughed.

A few minutes later, Qi Ran came back again and cooked a table of delicious food.

During the meal, she said solemnly: "My mother is coming back, remember, don't expose the two of us, or your life will be in danger."

Lin Xuan was taken aback when he heard the words, then nodded and said, "I understand, I understand."

He thought that Qi Ran was shy and didn't want others to know.

"I'm not joking with you. My mother is moody. If she knows that someone has abducted her daughter, she may kill someone!" Qi Ran said seriously: "She is the 'Suzaku', one of the four great god-level powerhouses in Huaxia, and is also the daughter of Huaxia. The leader of the Extraordinary Alliance has always been at the limit of what this world can accommodate, if she really makes a move on you, I am afraid that no one in the world can stop her."

Lin Xuan was speechless immediately after hearing the words.

I'm just dating, not abducting an underage girl. Is it really that dangerous?

"Anyway, don't let her know. When you reach the 'limit' and are no longer afraid of my mother, we don't have to hide it." Qi Ran said again: "The right is to take care of my mother's mood. Okay? I'm just this relative, if she hurts you, I really don't know..."

Lin Xuan didn't let her speak the next words.

"I will catch up with the recovery of spiritual energy sooner!"

After that, Qi Ran continued to practice, while Lin Xuan returned to his home and drew another work sheet.

Work unit information: There is a house in Tokyo that needs to be demolished, but because it is haunted, no demolition team is willing to take the job. The mayor is extremely helpless and finally decides to hire a demolition team from China at a high price.

Task completion conditions: Form a demolition team, demolish the house specified in the task, and ensure that all recruited employees return to China alive.

Remuneration for work: a lot of points.

Friendly reminder: This is also a second-level extraordinary world, ghosts are not simple ghosts, and may be extremely difficult to deal with.

"Why do you even have work like demolition?" Lin Xuan was speechless.

But when he saw the words "a lot of points", he was reluctant to give up. After all, this kind of pure points and experience tasks were rare.

"This is not a simple demolition. Look clearly, that house is 'haunted'." The system said: "In fact, none of the demolition team that was invited to Japan in the original plot came back alive. It’s more about saving people than demolition. Of course, the employees you recruit may not necessarily be the ones you saved, but in terms of karma, there are still meritorious deeds!”

Lin Xuan didn't understand, but he didn't dwell on it, but asked: "Is this a world without mapping information?"

"Yes, but there is no section about demolition." The system said.

Lin Xuan was taken aback.

At this time, the system said again: "There is a gloomy haunted house in the suburbs of Tokyo. All visitors will die strangely or disappear mysteriously. The owner of the house back then, Takeo Saeki, went berserk..."

Before he finished speaking, Lin Xuan understood, and said, "'Curse grudge' refers to the curse cast by the person who died with resentment. After a person dies in vain, there will be a strong resentment due to the anger in his heart. The place where you live will last for a long time, anyone who touches it will die, and a new "curse" will be generated, spreading terror and death, guarding the haunted house forever, and cursing every visitor..."

There is no doubt that that world is the world of "The Grudge", and the house to be demolished is the Grudge haunted house!
(End of this chapter)

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