Wanjie temporary workers

Chapter 109 Who Has the Strongest Excavator Technology?

Chapter 109 Who Has the Strongest Excavator Technology?

After arriving in the mission world, Lin Xuan did not appear in Japan, but in China.

In front of him, a Japanese man said in fluent Chinese: "The salary for the demolition is 100 million Huaxia coins, including food and housing. We will prepare all the tools you need, including four large excavators. You only need Bring someone over to knock down the house and clean up the construction debris, and the 100 million is yours."

Speaking of this, he paused for a moment, and then said: "You don't have to worry about how to dispose of the garbage, just load it into the car and send it to the garbage dump."

This job, which looks so, so good, is almost like a scam.

But this is not a scam, it's done, and you can really get 100 million easily.But the premise is to be fulfilled!As long as ordinary people go to the Kayako haunted house, even if they escape from Japan, they will be killed by the curse.

For non-ordinary people, it's hard to say on China's side, but on Japan's side, no matter how powerful a mage is, they will be hanged.

"Sounds like a good job, I'll take this job." Lin Xuan laughed.

It’s true that the little Japan in front of him cheated him, but he might not be able to throw a backhand: the task issued by the system is just to demolish the haunted house, and it doesn’t say to eradicate the curse. If after demolition, the building is still haunted, then It has nothing to do with him.

After finalizing the details of the cooperation, Lin Xuan wandered the streets, looking for candidates.

"Ghosts, after all, I haven't had much contact with them. To be on the safe side, it's better to recruit a few Taoist priests." Thinking in his heart, he went to the labor market and listed a Taoist priest who could exorcise ghosts. The salary was 30. Give it when you come back alive.

As a result, a large group of people gathered around to tell fortunes and measure feng shui. It was very lively.

But after a little testing, Lin Xuan found that these people were all liars, and they couldn't even distinguish the strong zombie aura of the Queen of Essence. If they went to the Haunted House of Grudges... they would be sent to death!

"It's been said that there are ghosts, you don't have the skills, so don't join in the fun!" Lin Xuan drove everyone away.

Some were aggrieved, and after he slapped the cement floor with his palm, they immediately ran away wiping cold sweat.

"A fleshy palm can be shot into the concrete floor. This is definitely a master of martial arts. Even he said there are ghosts, so there really are ghosts. Bao Hulu, let's go there!" A young Taoist said to Kong.

Immediately, a sissy voice came from the open space: "Go by yourself! That man's blood is like a rainbow, it's scary."

At the same time, on the other side, a young man said with bright eyes: "30, if this ticket is made, we can buy a facade and open a metaphysics hall, and we don't have to wander around anymore!"

Next to him, Fatty, the bad friend, said with disbelief: "Pull it down! Even martial arts masters can't handle it. Can you go there?"

"There is a specialization in art, that person can't do it, it doesn't mean I can't do it, my Taoism is passed down from Maoshan!" The young man said, suddenly put on a solemn look, and said: "But you can't follow, this time The ghosts here are unusual, and there is a burden that will affect my performance."

Immediately, screams rang out in the square: "Yin Shisan, I'm sorry for your uncle!"

At the same time, on the other side.

"There are many good things in Japan, and there is no risk in selling them to foreigners. How about following this demolition team and stealing something?" A fat man looked at the sign and thought to himself.

As for the ghosts, he didn't care. As the captain of Mojin, he had traveled all over the years. What ghosts hadn't been seen?

With the gold touch talisman, the fat man is not afraid!
In the end, the three of them came to Lin Xuan, and after showing their talents, they were hired.

The first one is Yan Yangming, the successor of Maoshan Taoism, whose ancestors learned from Lin Jiu, a master of Maoshan Taoism, who is also the "Nine Uncles" with high prestige among the people; He wrote a secret book, and practiced Maoshan spells by himself; the third person called himself "Fatty Wang", the captain of Mojin, and traveled all over the world to see the world.

Originally, Lin Xuan didn't intend to recruit that Fatty Wang, but when the latter talked about the experience of the "Seven Star Lu Palace"...

"In this world, there is a lot of information reflected on the earth!" Lin Xuan sighed.

At this time, the system said: "It is recommended to go with the four of you, and don't hire ordinary employees, otherwise it is very likely that the task will not be completed."

"Why?" Lin Xuan asked subconsciously.

Then before the system could answer, he understood: the lives of ordinary people are very fragile, and he is sure that the curse will not hurt him, but ordinary people cannot resist Kayako, and he may not be able to guarantee them Safety.

After all, it is impossible for everyone to be together all the time. It only takes a moment to curse and kill, and it is too late to rescue them.

Only Yin Shisan and Yan Yangming have Taoism and are not afraid of ghosts. Fatty Wang can resist one or two even if he touches the golden talisman, and he can call for help in time no matter how bad it is.

"But, we don't know how to drive an excavator!" Lin Xuan said.

"Idiot, use Wandu's search and exchange technology, just follow suit." The system said.

Lin Xuan nodded when he heard the words, and asked Fatty Wang: "Old Wang, which one is better in excavator technology?"

"Shandong, China is looking for Lan Xiang." Fatty Wang, Yan Yangming, and Yin Shisan said in unison.

Therefore, Lin Xuan opened Wandu search, exchanged for a copy of "Shandong Lanxiang Excavator Technology Encyclopedia", and then said: "For this job, ghost hunting is only incidental, and demolition is the source of income, so we all have to drive excavators to do it." Make some work. This cheat book is a priceless treasure, you can use it to practice!"

Yan Yangming, Yin Shisan, and Fatty Wang: "..."

The three of them said "Mom sells batches", if it wasn't for the salary, they would definitely say it!
A group of four soon arrived in Japan and saw the Grudge Haunted House.

The person in charge of leading the way was very timid, pointed at the house from a distance, and left in a hurry.However, because of the overwhelming resentment and the dilapidated appearance, even if they didn't point it out, Lin Xuan and the others would know which building it was.

"I'm so obedient, it's so yin." Fatty Wang exclaimed.

As for Yan Yangming and Yin Shisan, both showed serious expressions. They looked at the haunted house for a long time, but they didn't say anything.

"What's wrong?" Lin Xuan asked.

"Evil spirits and ghosts, the deeper the resentment in life, the stronger the power after death. If you can't let go of one thing in your heart, you can become a fierce ghost, but the ghosts here... have too much resentment. Could it be that they lived decades ago? , are accumulating resentment?" Yan Yangming said, and he was about to summon his friend, the unjust dead ghost treasure gourd.

However, the result he got was "not in the service area", and Bao Hulu advised him to leave as soon as possible.

"This ghost may not be very powerful, but this resentment is too great, right?" Yin Shisan said.

"Who cares about his resentment or not, you find a way to shield the curse, and then we use the excavator to knock down the house, transport the garbage out, and everything will be fine. As for ghosts, no matter how fierce they are, they will harm Japan. What does it have to do with us?" Lin As Xuan said, he opened the "Shandong Lanxiang Excavator Technology Encyclopedia" cheat book and got into the excavator prepared by the mayor.

(End of this chapter)

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