Wanjie temporary workers

Chapter 110 The Difficult Curse

Chapter 110 The Difficult Curse

The curse of resentment is unsolvable for ordinary people, but for Yan Yangming and the other three, it is not too difficult to deal with: Yan Yangming and Yin Shisan have Maoshan Taoism, and a spell to avoid evil can protect themselves from harm. thing.

As for Fatty Wang, the gold-touching talisman hanging around his neck can also block the curse.

As long as they don't go directly into the haunted house and encounter Kayako, the curse will not be able to contaminate them at all.

"It seems to be very simple." After Lin Xuan drove the excavator past, he immediately felt a rush of resentment.

But that's all, and it can't affect him in the slightest.

In fact, it's normal. Extraordinary warriors and extraordinary ghosts exist at the same level, one level higher than ordinary ghosts. No matter how much Jiaye's resentment is, it can't be stronger than Lin Xuan at the bridge of heaven and earth.

Difficult, and limited to weirdness.

After all, it was just a ghost, not a ghost.

If the resentment couldn't affect Lin Xuan, it couldn't stop him from demolishing the house, so in just over half an hour, the haunted house was demolished into ruins.

After loading and pulling away, everything went smoothly beyond imagination.


"Why didn't you complete the task?" Lin Xuan asked in confusion after boarding the plane back home with Yan Yangming and the others.

Immediately, the system said: "You will know when you go back and have a look."

Lin Xuan was taken aback for a moment, and after returning to China, he flew to Japan again.

The three of Yan Yangming followed, and when they arrived at the place, the four of them were all dumbfounded: the cursed haunted house is still in place, it has not been demolished at all!

"Is this automatically restored?" Lin Xuan asked in amazement.

Then, Yan Yangming also said: "It's incredible!"

This is not a ghost hitting the wall, nor is it under an illusion, the house was indeed demolished.

Only for unknown reasons, it recovered!
"Yin Ling doesn't have such a powerful ability, it must be that the resentment is too strong, and it has already begun to affect the surrounding environment." Yin Shisan said.

They did not simply demolish the demolition, but after the demolition, they also set up a spirit-suppressing magic circle to prevent the evil spirits from affecting the effect of the demolition.

This magic circle was inherited from Maoshan, and it can even suppress spells such as transporting five ghosts.

But he couldn't stop Kayako!

"How about trying to light a candle in the southeast corner?" Fatty Wang said.

Lin Xuan: "..."

Mom sells batches, this is not tomb robbery, light your sister's candle!
"No need, the excavator can't dismantle it, so I will demolish it manually." Lin Xuan said, releasing a [-]-meter-long sword energy, and slashed at the haunted house.

This sword energy is as long as a [-]-story building, and it is as high as seven or eight excavators erected together.Chopping on the roof directly split the whole house in half.

With a few more horizontal sweeps, the haunted house turned into ruins again.

"My God, is this still human?" Fatty Wang exclaimed.

"Immortal?" Yin Shisan asked.

Then, Yan Yangming also said: "A master of martial arts can do this, I regret that I chose to practice Taoism at the beginning! If I also practice martial arts, I can release such a long sword energy..."

"Start work." Lin Xuan said.

Then it was loaded and pulled away, leaving only a big pit in place.

After that, the four of them did not leave, but stayed where they were, quietly waiting for the haunted house to recover.

Not long after, under the noses of several people, the big pit twisted and turned back into the haunted house again.

Seeing this, Rao Lin Xuan had nothing to say for a moment.

This thing is so weird that it doesn't make sense: if it's a ghost who can hit it directly, he won't love any ghosts.But the restoration of the Haunted House of Grudges shows no traces of manipulation by ghosts at all. All of these seem to be natural phenomena, but the reason for this phenomenon is related to the strong resentment.

But resentment can't be dispelled by strength!

"Why don't we rest for a day and think of a solution tomorrow?" Fatty Wang said.

After such a mess, he lost his mind about fighting in Japan.

This bird place is a bit rich in ghosts.

After listening to Fatty Wang's words, Lin Xuan nodded and said, "That's the only way to go."

At this moment, Yan Yangming suddenly said: "Why don't we live in this haunted house tonight?"

As soon as this remark came out, except for Lin Xuan who didn't care, the expressions of the other two changed. Fatty Wang stared and said, "You still live here knowing that there are ghosts. Is it because the old birthday star hanged himself? I know you and Yin Shisan will meet again." Spells, but such a strong resentment, are you sure you can deal with it?"

Hearing this, Yin Shisan immediately said: "Sure, the two of us will definitely not be able to deal with it!"

Fatty Wang: "..."

"Because we can't deal with it, we have to live in the haunted house. In this way, as soon as we see Kayako, we can find out the reason for her strong resentment. When the time comes, adapt to the situation. As long as it breaks its resentment, isn't it just a mere ghost?" Yan Yangming Say.

Hearing this, Lin Xuan couldn't help but said: "If you want to use this method to get rid of your grievances, I'm afraid it won't work."

"Why?" Yan Yangming asked.

"I have all the information about Jiayeko here." Lin Xuan said: "She is an autistic patient. She has been withdrawn since she was a child. She doesn't even like to talk to her parents, and she has no feelings for her. She has only had feelings for two people in her life. , one is Shunsuke Kobayashi, who is crazy in love, and even has a twisted mind. The other is her husband Takeo Saeki, that is not love, but Takeo Saeki is the only one who needs her, even if that need is just possession, she is willing to give half of her feelings .”

"And then?" Yan Yangming asked.

"But it was these two people, but one forgot her, and the other killed her with his own hands." Lin Xuan said: "So, she lost her last attachment to this world and hated everyone except herself. This is The source of the resentment here is also the real reason why the cursed haunted house is so dangerous!"

Hearing this, Yan Yangming was completely speechless.

"No wonder, that kind of lunatic who hates everyone in the world is terrible to live. After death..." Fatty Wang wiped his cold sweat and said, "Why don't we quit this job? You all have great abilities People, walking around the ancient tomb, wouldn't it make more money than this?"

Immediately, Yin Shisan asked in surprise, "Are you a grave robber?"

"Genuine touch gold captain." Fatty said.

"Okay, don't talk about those useless things, it's getting dark, let's find a hotel to live in first, and then discuss the next thing." Lin Xuan said: "If you want to go for a while, you can go, how much will it cost? I will reimburse you, so I should just relax. But let’s say it first, I won’t treat you if you get sick, and I won’t be responsible for arresting ghosts.”

Yan Yangming, Yin Shisan, and Fatty Wang: "..."

In the end, because Lin Xuan didn't go, the other three didn't go to Xiaosha, so they discussed countermeasures in the hotel.

"I'm going to wash my face." Lin Xuan said.

He walked into the bathroom, washed his face, and stood in front of the mirror to comb his hair.Suddenly, Kayako appeared with blood on his face, and when he was in a daze, he dragged him into the mirror!
(End of this chapter)

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