Chapter 112

Although the Yasukuni Shrine is not a big temple in Japan, it has a lot of traffic because of its special nature.

This morning, when tourists came to visit the Yasukuni Shrine, they found that the old man in charge of cleaning stood there for a long time like a wooden stake.A curious tourist went over to snort, only to find that the old man was not breathing at all, apparently dead.

Afterwards, everyone found out that the old man had been completely cold, and he did not know how long he had been dead.

"The will of the Yamato nation is the strongest in the world. The old man responsible for cleaning the shrine, even if he died for a long time..." The TV station focused on the story of the old man sweeping the floor.

The reporter who wrote this report was very happy to receive a high salary.

"Go to have a good time tonight, young models in the clubhouse, I want ten!" After drinking some wine at noon, the reporter was walking on the street in a daze, when he suddenly saw a woman covered in blood.

At the same time, a middle-aged man who had just visited the Yasukuni Shrine today also saw a woman covered in blood... On this day, thousands of people visited the Yasukuni Shrine, but after one night, they all died.Even an Australian tourist on the other side of the world was not spared, and some American and British tourists who believed in God were not protected by God.

Everyone died, quietly, but for a while, no one connected it with the Yasukuni Shrine.

Even, no one knew that the people who visited the shrine on this day were all dead!
On the other side, in the suburbs, the Grudge Haunted House reappeared.

"It's useless. The core of this haunted house is resentment. Don't use explosives to blow it up. Even if you throw a nuclear bomb into it, it's useless." The system said: "You have to change your thinking and treat that resentment as a certain kind. Natural phenomena, not ghosts, it is impossible for a pure ghost to have that much energy."

Hearing this, Lin Xuan was speechless.

Then he asked the system: "Well, anyway, as long as I demolish the house, the task will be considered complete, and even if Kayako haunts the world, it has nothing to do with me, does it?"

"Yes." The system said.

"Mom, we won't demolish this time. We'll move the whole house, including the foundation!" Lin Xuan said to Yan Yangming.

Immediately, Fatty Wang said: "I know you are strong, but how do you move such a big house?"

"When did I say I was going to move it myself?" Lin Xuan smiled slightly, and said, "I want to set up an formation, use metaphysics and thaumaturgy, and move it away!"


The resentment at the Yasukuni Shrine has never been stronger because of the deaths of thousands of tourists.

After absorbing the resentment of everyone's tragic death, Kayako's power was fully restored and even became stronger.As a result, the tourists who went in to pay homage the next day didn't have to wait until night at all. Before they even had time to go out, they died tragically in the hands of Kayako.However, the power of Kayako and the resentment of the Yasukuni Shrine have become even greater.

At this time, careful people have noticed that the Yasukuni Shrine can only enter and cannot exit.

"Nani?" The mayor was confused when he heard about it.

He sealed off the Yasukuni Shrine that afternoon, and the police station sent many police officers to investigate the situation. As a result, there was no doubt that there were people who entered but no exits, and as many people died as they went.

Paper can't hold fire, and this incident quickly spread to the world.

Even the next day, even Yan Yangming, Yin Shisan and others who were in Japan learned about the Yasukuni Shrine from friends in China.

It's just that they didn't know about the Kayako corpse, so they just lamented that Japan is rich in ghosts, and they didn't link the haunted Yasukuni Shrine with the Kayako Haunted House.

Only Lin Xuan knew, he wiped his cold sweat and asked the system: "Is there no old ghost in the shrine who can restrain Kayako?"

"What a fart. Most of the enshrined there are soldiers who died during the war of aggression against China. Their souls were either completely scattered or swallowed by the old Chinese ghosts. How can it be so easy to come back?" System Said: "Even if some of them come back by chance, they have already been reincarnated as beasts. Even if people without merit are enshrined, they cannot become Yin gods!"

Hearing this, he immediately understood that the Yasukuni Shrine was hopeless!
Gayako's resentment is too strong, even the blood of the Tiandizhiqiao fighters cannot be suppressed, and the spirit of the great Japanese martial arts and the will of the emperor must not be suppressed.As long as there is no Yin God in the Yasukuni Shrine, then the final result must be Kayako ruling the shrine!
"That is to say, Gayako has been transferred?" Lin Xuan said.

"Forget it!" the system said: "The main body was blown up, and it just happened to land on the very dark Yasukuni Shrine. It should never come back. But the cursed haunted house will still exist. Even if the main body of Kayako leaves, there are Toshio, The dead souls of Takeo Saeki, Shunsuke Kobayashi and others are here, and ordinary people will also be cursed to death when they come."

Lin Xuan was speechless.

This curse, just like cancer, can spread and transfer, but it can't be cleared.

"Then is it useful for me to move the house?" Lin Xuan asked.

Immediately, the system said: "It's useful, but it's useless. You'll know the specific result after you try it."

In the end, Lin Xuan completed the mission and boarded the plane back home.

He got [-] points and experience points, and he was very happy, but the mayor of Tokyo City, he had a heart-to-heart heart: the cursed haunted house was completely moved to the garbage dump. Logically speaking, the demolition task was completed. .However, the haunted house is not in the original place, but it has taken root in the garbage dump, and whoever enters will die.

In addition, the "one kilometer" curse that was blown out by Lin Xuan did not dissipate because of the disappearance of the haunted house.

Originally, there was only one grudge, but suddenly it was messed up, and it became three places!

"Bageya Road, Bageya Road..." Under the pressure of many aspects, the mayor finally went crazy and was admitted to a mental hospital.

The haunting became more and more serious. At some point, a very interesting joke circulated on the Huaxia Internet: Abe, hurry up and pay homage to the Yasukuni Shrine!Why don't you visit the Yasukuni Shrine?Yasukuni Shrine is calling you!

wanna die?Let's go to the Yasukuni Shrine!
The whole of China is urging Abe to visit the Yasukuni Shrine, but he himself said that he would never dare again...

On the other side, in the world of the young Zhang Sanfeng, Xiao Feng performed the Eighteen Dragon Subduing Palms, and fought the big boss Xiaoyao Wang inseparably.In the end, relying on his unparalleled endurance, he exhausted his opponent to death.Then, Zhang Sanfeng, a young man named Zhang Junbao, exchanged martial arts with him, and both of them made great progress.

"It's a pleasure to be a chivalrous man, and to see heroes and heroes again. It's a pleasure!" Xiao Feng was very satisfied with the task.

Different people, different personalities, when doing tasks, are naturally completely different.

"My 'Shenlian' flying sword method." After Lin Xuan returned, he opened Wandu Search, and exchanged all the points for the method called "Shenlian" by the system.

(End of this chapter)

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