Wanjie temporary workers

Chapter 113 Qi Ran's Mother

Chapter 113 Qi Ran's Mother

Divine refining is a very strange method of sacrifice, it has nothing to do with cultivation: even a mortal can sacrifice flying swords if he masters the method. It will not be faster than ordinary people!
Therefore, very few people will use this thing.

Because practitioners can refine it with magic power, it will be faster, and divine refining is completely redundant!

"This divine refinement is a manifestation of the power of consciousness. It is not in the three thousand ways, but it is above all laws in the world!" The system said: "Attention, consciousness is not divine consciousness, nor is it the power of thought, it is thinking. In itself, it is the most incredible power in the heavens and the world, and it is also the end of the road of practice and the only way to escape!"

Lin Xuan was puzzled when he heard the words, "That is to say, even fantasy can become a fairy?"

"Otherwise, how can there be the saying 'Once enlightened, you will become a Buddha immediately'?" the system said naturally.

But then, he said: "However, even the low-level use of consciousness power like 'epiphany' is extremely rare. More people pursue epiphany, but they will become lunatics in the end. Therefore, this system does not recommend that you go now. Thinking about those things, after all, although you, the host, are stupid, have poor cultivation, and good looks...but you are still an excellent temporary worker, and this system does not want to change the host just because you are crazy."

Hearing this, Lin Xuan smiled and said, "Mom sells batches."

Then he started to practice.

The method of divine refining is very simple, there are only two steps in total: one is to take out the thing you want to sacrifice and stare at it when you are free; the other step is to hold it in your hand all the time, eat, sleep, take a bath , Shit, and do everything without leaving the body.

When Lin Xuan first saw it, he even thought he had exchanged a fake cheat book.

But in fact, this is true.

The power of consciousness is so unreasonable!
"By the way, does the divine superpower have any effect on the divine refinement?" Lin Xuan asked again.

Immediately, the system said: "Maybe, or maybe not. Your divine superpower is actually a manifestation of the power of consciousness. Whether it will work or not, there is no exact answer. Everything depends on you."

Lin Xuan was speechless.

However, although he was confused, the effect was surprisingly good when he started to practice: in just two days, he established a slight connection with his big Adamantium alloy sword, and then he thought about the sword in his heart, even The man with the sword directly soared into the sky.

This flight broke out of the atmosphere and into outer space.

In the end, he turned into a lump of ice and fell back into the yard of his home.

"Sigh, young people these days practice like crazy." Seeing this, a woman who was driving home stretched out her hand to catch Lin Xuan with a gust of wind.Then he shook his head and said again: "It's all caused by the end of the world. Now that the practice world is cut off, many things have to be practiced gropingly. Although this young man is reckless, if he doesn't even have the courage to try, how can he do it?" Cultivate the Tao?"

After finishing speaking, she stepped forward and came to Lin Xuan.

Seeing this, Lin Xuan shook off the melted ice water and asked, "May I ask who you are?"

"I'm your neighbor. I went out to practice and just came back." The woman said.

Immediately, Lin Xuan understood that this was Qi Ran's mother, one of the Four Great Powers in China, "Suzaku" codenamed after a holy beast.

At this moment, Suzaku asked, "Do you live here by yourself?"

"Well, it's more clean, it's helpful for cultivation." Lin Xuan said.

"Seeing that your cultivation level is not weak, you can be regarded as a young talent. There are many beautiful single girls in the alliance. Do you need Auntie to introduce one to you?" Suzaku said suddenly.

Lin Xuan quickly shook his head.

"Really?" Suzaku looked disbelieving.

"It's true, Auntie." Lin Xuan said: "If you can't be with us forever, it's better not to have one. Instead of being distracted by mundane affairs, it's better to practice hard, and take advantage of this opportunity of spiritual recovery to become a fairy as soon as possible."

Hearing this, Suzaku couldn't help being taken aback.

Then he looked at Lin Xuan for a long time, and finally said with a smile: "Sensible child."

Lin Xuan didn't know why, but Suzaku disappeared in a flash.

At noon, Lin Xuan chatted with Qi Ran on his mobile phone, and said, "Your mother seems to be a very easy-going person. Is it really necessary to hide our affairs from her?"

Immediately, Qi Ran sent a message: "It is very necessary!"

At this moment, a car stopped in front of the door, and a young man with an extraordinary mid-term cultivation, walked to the gate with flowers and said, "Miss Qi, I have liked you for a long time, today, while my aunt is here... ..."

Before he could finish speaking, with a burst of energy, he flew through the gate and flew out.

"You are not allowed to appear in front of Xiaoran in the future, otherwise, I will kill you first, and then destroy your sect!" Suzaku said, and with a wave of his sleeve, he sent the young man out of the bay.

Seeing this, Lin Xuan broke into a cold sweat.

This is really not a normal mother, what can be done, is there any story in it?
"Why don't you take a bunch of flowers and go around the door?" Qi Ran sent a message.

Although she couldn't see it, Lin Xuan knew that she must be laughing at this moment.

"Ahem, well, I'm never arbitrary. Since you don't want your mother to know about us, I will help you keep it a secret and do what I say." Lin Xuan said.

Immediately, Qi Ran sent a message: "You have a thick skin."

After chatting for a while, Lin Xuan clicked on the work card and drew a work sheet.

Work unit information: Mr. Yin Yang and Uncle Jiu found that the corpse of Mrs. Ren showed signs of death, and there were more and more demons and ghosts around him. He was worried that he would not be able to subdue it alone, so he planned to find a helper to help.

Mission completion conditions: Subdue the zombie Ren Laotai, and eradicate the golden armor zombie that caused the sharp increase of nearby demons and ghosts.

Remuneration: Uncle Jiu's Maoshan Taoism.

Friendly reminder: The time span of this task may be very large.

"Is this Mr. Zombie's world?" Lin Xuan asked.

Immediately, the system said: "Yes, but it's not just Mr. Zombie. Basically, the Hong Kong-made ghost movies you have seen, the mapping information comes from there. It is the same place as the world where the last mission was located, but the time, place 100 years ago, Yan Yangming's great-grandfather was still a child at that time."

Lin Xuan was speechless.

With such a long time span, what is the difference between being in the same world and not being in the same world?
"Also, please don't judge Mr. Zombie's world by the strength of ghosts in the cursed world. You have to understand that Japan doesn't even have a tenth of China!" The system added: "Golden armored zombies are even comparable to The third-order god-level powerhouse, if it is not for obvious weaknesses, this system will not release this job for you."

Lin Xuan was stunned again when he heard the words, and asked in astonishment, "What weakness?"

"Rely on physical attack." The system said.

After a pause, the system continued: "Besides, the golden-armored zombie is not the strongest existence in that world. You have to experience it yourself to understand the specific situation."

(End of this chapter)

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