Wanjie temporary workers

Chapter 114 Uncle 9's Distant Relative

Chapter 114 Uncle Jiu's Distant Relative

Qiusheng and Wencai were in a bad mood today, because they were called up by their master early in the morning and dragged to the county town to pick them up.

"Master, we have been with you for so many years, why didn't we know that you have a distant nephew?" Qiu Sheng asked.

Next to him, Wen Cai was also puzzled.

"My nephew has been wild since he was a child. When he grew up, he ran around the world all day long. Let alone you, I haven't seen him for many years." Uncle Jiu said, "However, although he is naughty, he is very capable. Years of travelling, I have even seen foreign ghosts and ghosts, and I have continued to practice slaying demons and demons along the way, and now my martial arts have reached the highest level of 'harmony between man and nature'!"

Hearing this, whether it was Qiu Sheng or Wen Cai, they all curled their lips subconsciously.

In their view, martial arts are fake moves, and Taoism is the real supernatural power.

On the other side, Lin Xuan was stunned as he read the identity information given to him by the will of the world.

"Didn't you say that you are not responsible for the distribution of relatives?" He said in surprise.

This time, because he was too lazy to register by himself, he left it to the system to arrange.

After arriving here, he found that he had become a distant relative of Uncle Jiu.

"The identity of this relative is just a seniority, and there is no real content." The system said casually: "They all have the same surname. Your surname is Lin, and his surname is also Lin. Maybe it was a family 500 years ago, and it was arranged for Chengyuan Isn't your relative okay?"

Hearing this, Lin Xuan was speechless.

Nima is not from the same world, and it is impossible to be a family 500 years ago, 5 years ago!
However, he is still very happy to play a guest role as a distant relative of Uncle Jiu.

"That's right, your qi and blood are like a rainbow, and your internal energy circulates endlessly. It seems that you have indeed reached the legendary state of 'harmony between man and nature'." After the meeting, Uncle Jiu said: "However, practicing martial arts alone is not enough. Because you can’t let go, otherwise, even if you grow old in this life, you will only be a martial artist.”

Lin Xuan quickly said yes when he heard the words, and it turned out to be very easy, and he got a "Shangqing Qi Refining Art" from Uncle Jiu.

This is a pure way of cultivating the Tao, without supernatural powers, and the Taoism cultivated cannot be used to fight with others.

It is not as powerful as martial arts, and it is not as destructive as self-cultivation skills, but once it is cultivated, it will at least step into the third-order god level, and those with great merit or high understanding can even directly become immortals!

"The system of this world seems to be different from all the worlds I have been to." Lin Xuan said in his heart.

Immediately, the system said: "Of course, this is the ideal world."

"The idealistic world?" Lin Xuan was puzzled.

"It's the power of the mind, the kind of world that is particularly easy to induce." The system said: "Whether it is Gayako or the ultimate goal of your mission, the golden-armored zombie, they are all products of resentment, and they are not in the heavens and myriad worlds." In the mainstream system. There are many other worlds similar to this, the most famous is the world of 'Journey to the West, Conquering the Demons', where all the monsters are born out of resentment, and the stronger the resentment, the stronger the power."

Regarding this, Lin Xuan was speechless.

The mainstream system of the heavens and worlds all pay attention to the perfection of the state of mind, and there are even methods such as beheading three corpses and forgetting love.But the system of this world is based on obsession. Taoism and Taoism are only auxiliary. If the heart of the Tao is firm to a certain extent, it will even have powerful mana.

But how can the power of the soul be released by ordinary people?
So there is a strange situation here: people are weak when they are alive, but if they have deep resentment and obsession, they are very powerful when they become ghosts after death.A cultivator is not very powerful when he is alive, but after death, it is much better to invite the ancestors to the upper body than to directly perform Taoism.

At this time, Mrs. Ren hadn't turned into a dead body yet. Lin Xuan stayed in Jiushu's Yizhuang, practicing the method of "divine refining" during the day and Maoshan Taoism at night. Although his strength did not change much, his own cultivation , but gradually becoming complete.

In the corner, Qiu Sheng and Wen Cai watched him practice with puzzled expressions.

"Looking at the sword all day long, if you ask me, he's probably a fool." Wen Cai said.

Then, Qiu Sheng also said: "Master Uncle left with his zombie, or else we let one go, and we will be able to test how much he weighs."

As a result, before they could finish speaking, the two of them received slaps on the back of the head respectively.

"He has reached the peak of his cultivation, and there is no way to advance, so he holds his sword and looks at it all day long, in order to make a breakthrough in swordsmanship." Uncle Jiu said: "It's not surprising, when you reach my current state, You will find that an epiphany is more useful than decades of practice."

Immediately, the glib Qiusheng said: "Master, what you mean is that we don't have to work hard at all, and we can be as powerful as you just by enlightening once?"

When Uncle Jiu heard this, he staggered angrily and almost fell down.

In fact, Qiusheng and Wencai's abilities are not low, it's just that they have a master on top and rely too much on them, which makes them seem very good.In fact, they are the important helpers of Uncle Jiu in subduing demons and demons. If there are no two apprentices, Uncle Jiu alone may not be able to subdue Old Master Ren.

But it is an indisputable fact that the two are very lazy and like to cause trouble.

"Ninth Uncle's Realm?" Lin Xuan was awakened by the conversation of the three people. Comparing with the introduction of each stage in the "Shangqing Qi Refining Art", he found that this Ninth Uncle had already cultivated to the highest level, and he was only short of completing his life successfully. Can reach the god level!

In other words, Uncle Jiu is already a third-tier god, but his mortal body limits his strength!
"See it?" the system said, "Uncle Nine is far from as simple as you imagined. After completing this mission, even if you can't get his cultivation level and have all the Taoism, you can still advance to the final stage of an extraordinary warrior." One level—martial arts primordial spirit!"

In the realm of martial arts, there are many paths after the innate, such as the bridge between heaven and earth, the golden pill of martial arts, the gathering of three flowers on the top, the five qi towards the yuan, and so on.

But below the third level, the true Dzogchen realm of an extraordinary martial artist is the primordial spirit of martial arts.

At this level, there is a very typical character called "Di Shitian".

Of course, the Martial Dao Primordial Spirit is only a realm, and cannot fully represent strength. Zhang Sanfeng, whose cultivation base is only an innate realm, can challenge warriors of this level by two levels, and win the battle.

To advance to the god level, there is no need to follow the steps.

But that's just a special case, Zhang Sanfeng can almost be said to be the No. 1 martial arts through the ages!
Ordinary warriors like Lin Xuan don't even specialize in martial arts. If they want to advance, they can only follow the steps.

Soon, due to the negligence of Qiu Sheng and Wen Cai, Mrs. Ren got out of the coffin and killed his son Mr. Ren.The whole village suddenly fell into panic, and Uncle Jiu was also intentionally framed and taken into a cell.

(End of this chapter)

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