Wanjie temporary workers

Chapter 115 Corpse Refining

Chapter 115 Corpse Refining

After getting the news, Lin Xuan immediately took the sword and came to the detention center.

"Open the door." Lin Xuan said to the guarding militiamen.

Immediately, the man picked up the gun and was about to aim at him, but was hit by a sunflower acupuncture point, and lost his ability to move on the spot.

Then, with a wave of Lin Xuan's hand, he split the big iron gate, together with the gatehouse, into two halves.

Inside, the militia captain Awei, Uncle Jiu, and Qiu Sheng were holding their breath because of the dead Master Ren.Among them, Awei knows nothing, and although Qiusheng can barely protect himself, but the magic weapon is not complete, so he can't handle the zombie alone.As for Uncle Jiu, he was locked in the cell with his head stuck, which was extremely embarrassing.

"This is the real zombie, right?" Lin Xuan walked over and pressed Master Ren against the wall with one hand.

Not alive, but moving, inanimate, but bloodthirsty.

Strictly speaking, this was the first zombie he saw.

As for the Jingjue Queen in the ring space, because she was warmed by the Kunlun Shenmu, she is not so much a zombie, but a monster whose corpse has turned into a spirit.As for Dongfang Invincible, apart from possessing the ability of a zombie, everything about her is no different from a normal person, let alone a zombie.

Master Ren was held down by Lin Xuan and struggled hard, but he couldn't break free no matter what.

His strength is really too weak, not to mention Lin Xuan, anyone who knows a little bit of martial arts can beat him to the point where he can't find Bei.

And his teeth bit Lin Xuan's hand, even if he didn't have the defensive power of the ever-changing overalls, he wouldn't break the defense!
"My god, is this still a human?" the militia captain Awei exclaimed.

Qiu Sheng also stared.

"Don't look at it, it's just a second-generation zombie. It doesn't have much strength." Uncle Jiu said to Lin Xuan, "On my side, my head is stuck here and I can't move..."

Before he finished speaking, Lin Xuan used his other hand to break open the iron gate that blocked Uncle Jiu's head.

"This zombie is so weak that I'm a little disappointed." Lin Xuan said, and a bone-melting palm turned Master Ren into blood.

Seeing this, Awei was so frightened that he was covered in cold sweat.

"Wow, this skill is amazing, can you teach me?" Qiu Sheng said.

"Go save people first!" After Jiu Shu came out, he pulled Lin Xuan and ran to Master Ren's house.

There, Mrs. Ren was chasing and killing his granddaughter. Lin Xuan shot a palm of the Tathagata in the past, and directly slapped it flat.

However, even though it was flattened, the old man could still move.

"A zombie is a dead thing after all. It can't be killed by a purely physical blow." Uncle Jiu said.

At this moment, Lin Xuan's ring trembled for a while, and then, the exquisite queen in a green robe came out, opened her mouth to inhale, and swallowed a ball of black air from Old Master Ren's body into her stomach.

The next moment, the zombie was the old man, and turned into fly ash with the wind.

"This fellow daoist's mana..." Uncle Jiu was about to speak, but suddenly his expression froze, and he exclaimed, "A thousand-year-old zombie, and she is still a woman with a strong Yin energy?"

"Yin Yin hasn't been lost?" Qiu Sheng was puzzled.

"To put it simply, it's a thousand-year-old virgin, which is really rare!" Uncle Jiu said, and took out the corpse-repelling charm, but hesitated for a long time, and didn't dare to stick it on.

Facing the Millennium Zombie, he really didn't dare to take it lightly.

"I'll go, how can she run out by herself?" Lin Xuan was also stunned.

Regarding this, the system said nonchalantly: "It's normal. When the Rubik's Cube merged into your ring space, she got a part of the power in it. The 'power of life and death reincarnation' drawn from the devouring starry sky world was integrated into the ring space. She also fused a part of her when she was young. In addition to delving into the various martial arts you have collected, her current strength is not necessarily inferior to yours!"

Hearing this, Lin Xuan was speechless for a moment.

Because the sense of existence is very low, this exquisite queen has been ignored by him all the time.

On the other hand, Queen Jingjue also felt that she was too reckless to come out suddenly.

So, she breathed forward, and the corpse-suppressing talisman in Uncle Jiu's hand flew up and stuck to her head.

Seeing this, Qiu Sheng and Wen Cai were dumbfounded, and Uncle Jiu was also stunned.

"I didn't run around on purpose, I just saw something delicious and couldn't help it..." Queen Jingjue seemed to be very afraid of Lin Xuan, and hurriedly explained.

Lin Xuan was even more speechless.

At this moment, Uncle Jiu asked, "Is this the zombie you tamed?"

"That's right!" Lin Xuan said.

After being dug out of the coffin by him, this exquisite queen has been staying in the ring space.She is very obedient and has been helping to raise the Exquisite Fire Snake, and has never shown any thoughts of running away or resisting.However, she was not a kind person during her lifetime. Even if she was no longer the original queen after becoming a zombie, Lin Xuan couldn't tell whether she was really tamed, or if she had been forbearing.

In fact, the safest way to deal with it is to kill her directly to eliminate future troubles forever.

But after all, the Queen of Essence never showed any malice, and she kept helping him raise snakes, so it was too unkind to kill them directly.

But if it is not destroyed, a high-level extraordinary life that may emerge from the ring at any time is no joke.

"This is not an ordinary thousand-year-old zombie. If it absorbs enough Yin Qi, or the essence of the sun and the moon, it is very likely to advance to become a Yin God!" Uncle Jiu said, "If it doesn't resist, I suggest you use Maoshan' to refine the corpse." Please practice the technique, otherwise, if you lose control, the consequences will be disastrous!"

Hearing this, Lin Xuan wondered, "Does it work?"

The things like refining corpses and raising ghosts gave him the biggest impression of backlash. People who played those games would often end up being killed by the ghosts they raised with their own hands.

"Of course it works." As Uncle Jiu said, he took out a copy of "Maoshan Corpse Refining Technique".

At this time, Queen Jingjue urged: "If it works, then quickly sacrifice me! It's quite boring to stay in the ring space all day long. If you can recognize the master, you don't have to restrict my activities in the future." gone."

There was nothing wrong with these words, leaving Lin Xuan speechless.

Uncle Jiu, Qiu Sheng, Wen Cai and the others were also confused, thinking to themselves: Isn't this zombie stupid?

In the end, just to be on the safe side, Lin Xuan still used the Maoshan Corpse Refining Technique to sacrifice the Jingjue Queen.

However, after establishing a solid master-servant relationship, he found that he had been overthinking all the time: Although the queen is a corpse psychic and possesses all the abilities of a zombie, in fact, she is neither a ghost nor a ghost. The evil spirits, but the spirits nourished by the Kunlun Shenmu, are similar to magic weapons and spirits, and are very harmless.

In other words, she just looks evil, but she is actually very innocent.

"Go and play by yourself! Remember, ghosts and monsters can be eaten, but they must not hurt people, you know?" Lin Xuan said to Queen Jingjue.

Immediately, Queen Jingjue said happily: "Yes."

Then she jumped to the roof and absorbed the essence of the sun and moon.

"Uncle Nine, do you know any place near here where there might be golden-armored zombies?" Lin Xuan asked.

(End of this chapter)

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