Wanjie temporary workers

Chapter 117 Ksitigarbha Ghost King

Chapter 117 Ksitigarbha Ghost King
In the end, Lin Xuan still practiced the spell of "controlling the little paper man", and mastered it to the extreme with divine superpowers.However, he did not reach the realm of not using paper figurines.It's not a question of spell proficiency, but of cultivation. Without Taoism cultivation above the third level, it is impossible to directly control the body.

According to Lin Xuan's estimation, I am afraid that the third-order extreme can be used without the use of media.

As for the body-holding technique, there is no need to think about it before becoming an immortal.

While practicing the body-controlling little paper figurine spell, Lin Xuan did not ignore the system's words. He found Uncle Jiu and asked how to make Queen Jingjue advance to Hanba.

"The thousand-year-old zombie in your hand has no grievances, and has never sucked human blood. The possibility of rebelling against its master is extremely low. If it can be cultivated into a yin god, it is indeed a great thing." It's not easy, let's not say that you need to go through the thunder disaster to advance to the Yin God, and you can't provide the Yin Qi you need."

Hearing this, Lin Xuan touched his nose, but did not speak.

There is no need to think about the matter of the thunder calamity. It belongs to the rules of each world. As long as you change to a world without the rules of the thunder calamity, you can avoid it perfectly.For example, in the main world, where the level of the world is extremely high, and the world is in the age of doomsday, no matter how hard it is, it is impossible for thunder calamity to appear.

In fact, Lei Gong probably has not been to the human world for many years.

Yin Qi is a problem. It has no form or form. Before coming to this world, Lin Xuan had never touched it.

"However, it is difficult to train Yinshen on others, but it is very simple on you." Uncle Jiu said again: "As long as you feed with your own blood and insist on taking one drop every morning, noon and evening, you will definitely be able to kill the thousand-year-old zombie in your lifetime." Cultivate into a yin god. After all, you are a martial artist in the realm of 'Heaven and Man Unity', and the essence contained in a drop of blood is a hundred times that of ordinary people."

Hearing this, Lin Xuan was speechless, and said, "How many years is this lifetime?"

"It is said that a martial artist in the realm of 'Heaven and Man in One' can live at least 100 years without dispersing kung fu, minus the odds, and subtract your current age, it will be about seven or eighty years!" said Uncle Jiu.

Lin Xuan: "..."

With those 80 to [-] years of kung fu, I have already advanced to the god level, and may even become a fairy. At that time, I still need Hanba to have an egg?

At this time, Uncle Jiu said again: "Or, you go to catch ghosts like thousand-year-old zombies, ghost kings, and thousand-year-old demons, and feed them when they are disabled. In that case, it is not about time, but about how many you can catch. It only takes about ten or so to turn a thousand-year-old zombie into a yin god."

Hearing this, Lin Xuan couldn't help but his eyes lit up.

Compared with feeding seven or eighty years, catching ghosts is much easier.

"However, ordinary people may not be able to meet a thousand-year-old zombie in their whole life, you..." When Uncle Jiu said this, he was taken aback for a moment, and then said: "Stinky boy, the purpose of your coming here to find the golden-armored zombie is Could it be feeding this zombie too? I tell you stop dreaming, if you really release the golden armored zombie, I’m afraid the result will be that he sucks you up, eats your zombie, and then kills all the nearby creatures to pass the catastrophe Become a ghost."

In fact, there is another shortcut he didn't mention, that is to suck all of Lin Xuan's blood, which is equivalent to sucking thousands of ordinary people, and can also advance to Yinshen.

"That's right, the golden-armored zombie, just catch him and chop him up and feed him to the Queen Jingjue, isn't that all right?" Lin Xuan said.

Regarding this, Uncle Jiu blew his beard and stared, and said, "It's almost as if the golden-armored zombie chopped you up!"

Obviously, he didn't think Lin Xuan was capable of defeating a golden-armored zombie.

As a matter of fact, normal bridge fighters can't really do anything against golden-armored zombies. Except for Zhang Sanfeng's unreasonably strong abnormality, only the "martial arts primordial spirit" under the god level can compete with golden-armored zombies. high and low.

Of course, it's hard to say whether someone who is abnormal, such as a god of iron courage who has absorbed the power of hundreds of people, can beat him.

"Uncle Jiu was reminded by me that he should have guessed where there might be a golden-armored zombie, but unfortunately he didn't tell me." Lin Xuan said to the system in his heart.

Immediately, the system said: "Go out and take a look! The golden-armored zombie will not appear in a short time. According to the plot, it will take at least decades, long after the death of Uncle Jiu, before it will appear. Instead of waiting here, It's better to find some ghosts to feed the Jingjue Queen, and upgrade her to Yinshen first."

"Could it be that I really have to wait here for decades?" Lin Xuan was stunned.

"Idiot, if you had a Yin God in your hand, would Uncle Jiu hide from you the place where the golden-armored zombie is sleeping? He would like to take you there to kill the golden-armored zombie, so as to eliminate future troubles forever!" the system said.

Lin Xuan thought about it too, so he bid farewell to Uncle Jiu and started to travel.

Not long after, he met young Taoist priests Chuyi and Shiwu in a small town.

This town is different from the town where Uncle Jiu lives. There have been no ghosts here for 200 years, not to mention others, even Taoist priests on the first and fifteenth day of junior high school have never seen what a ghost looks like.However, their Taoism did not fall behind, especially the first day of the junior high school who is the head of the Maimen, he even found a new way and developed a new type of magic weapon called "Cinnabar Shenhuo Tianlei Cannon".

Perhaps in terms of Taoism, he is not as good as the ancestors of the Mai family, but in terms of ability to catch ghosts, he is definitely better than him.

At this time, the first day of junior high school and the fifteenth day of the junior high school were frowning.

"The Ksitigarbha ghost king sucks virgin blood. He is already too strong. With the two of us, can we deal with it?" Fifteen said.

Immediately, the first day of the junior high school said: "No problem, we have the 'holy knife', even if the ability is not as good as the ancestors of the past generations, we can still fight against the ghost king. And, brother, I also have a secret weapon 'cinnabar god fire sky thunder cannon', as long as the ghost king doesn't After sucking the blood of 49 virgins and becoming an indestructible King Kong, you will never be able to take a shot from me!"

Lin Xuan was listening, and immediately became interested, and asked: "The Ksitigarbha ghost king you are talking about, but the one who died with the founder of the Maimen sect 200 years ago?"

"I don't know, but there should be an enmity with our Mai Sect," Chu Yi said.

"It must be, I will help you deal with it!" Lin Xuan said.

The first and fifteenth day of the Lunar New Year, together with the Ksitigarbha Ghost King and Maimen, there is no doubt that this is exactly what he was looking for, the place that reflected the movie "Legend of Mai".

200 years ago, the founder of the Maimen here once fought against the Ksitigarbha ghost king, and in the end one person and one ghost died together.

Today, 200 years later, the ghost king of Ksitigarbha was revived by accident and started to suck the blood of a young girl again in order to achieve the indestructible body of King Kong and fight against the thunder disaster of the advanced Yin god—Lin Xuan doesn't care what the ghost king wants to do Well, he came here for only one purpose, and that was to capture the Ksitigarbha ghost king and feed him to the Jingjue Queen.

You must know that the Ksitigarbha Ghost King is only short of the blood of a young girl in order to achieve the indestructible body of King Kong.

"Ghosts approaching Yinshen should be worth several, right?" Lin Xuan thought in his heart.

(End of this chapter)

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