Chapter 118

"Come and help me, a master of the unity of heaven and man, with my Maimen Sect's holy sword, will definitely be able to kill the ghost king!" Chu Yi said, and handed his Maiyimen's holy knife to Lin Xuan.

Seeing this, Lin Xuan was taken aback for a moment, then his eyes lit up, and he said, "How about we make a deal?"

"What deal?" Chu Yi asked.

"I'll exchange a peerless magical skill for your Maiyimen's holy knife refining method. I wonder if you two are willing?" Lin Xuan said.

Maimen's Taoism is not very strong, at least far inferior to Maoshan.

As far as Lin Xuan knew, since the establishment of Maimen, the most lethal method against ghosts and monsters is the "Cinnabar God Fire Sky Thunder Cannon" developed by the contemporary Taoist junior high school, which can instantly kill ghost king-level evil spirits.Other than that, they have almost no spells they can do.

However, the original patriarch of the Maimen sect was alone, and died together with the ghost king of Ksitigarbha.

This is still due to carelessness, otherwise, it would be a complete victory!

He doesn't have the cultivation level close to God like Uncle Jiu's, and his martial arts are only at the extreme level of ordinary, not even super ordinary.The reason why he was able to defeat the ghost king was because he had practiced a powerful "sacred knife", which had a very strong lethality against ghosts, even if it was close to the ghost god Jizo ghost king, it would not be able to withstand it.

Of course, it also depends on who will send it. The first day and the fifteenth day of the new year hold the holy knife, and they can't beat the ghost king.

But in any case, there is no doubt that the holy knife is particularly lethal to ghosts.

Therefore, Lin Xuan was very interested in the refining method of the holy knife.

"We also know martial arts, but it's just because we concentrate on practicing Taoism and it's wasted." Chu Yi said: "However, the method of refining the holy knife is not a secret, so I passed it on to the blacksmith in our village. , used to build my 'Cinnabar Divine Fire and Heavenly Thunder Cannon'... It's far away, that, we don't need martial arts, if you want to refine the method, you can buy it with money."

Hearing this, Lin Xuan staggered and almost fell down.

It wasn't until then that he realized that Maiyimen was no better than Maoshan, and there was no earning business. If the first and fifteenth day of junior high school hadn't been helped by friends, they would have starved to death long ago.

"It's easy to talk about money. I have plenty of gold, silver and jewelry here, and I'll give them all to you." Lin Xuan said, pretending to pull out from his cuff, but actually took out a bag of jewelry from the ring space.

How many there are, he himself does not know.

There is no need to know that pearls and emeralds are no different from marbles and bricks to him.

"It's a good feeling." On the first day of the junior high school, he took a look at it, and went to the room to hide it decisively. At the same time, he took out the refining method of the "Holy Knife" passed down by his ancestor, as well as the experience he usually recorded, and extended improvements.

It has to be said that the head of the first school is also a genius of heaven: the holy knives refined by the Maimen are all knives, and they have no other use except as weapons.But the refining method he extended and improved can refine "sacred iron". As for what it can be made into, it can be a knife, a frying pan, or a gun, there is no limit.

The barrel of the "Subduing Demons and Demons, Cinnabar, Divine Fire and Sky Thunder Cannon" is made of "holy iron".

In addition, the cannonballs are also made of mixed explosives, cinnabar, holy iron fragments, etc., and their lethality is limited. Even the first day of the junior high school cannot kill themselves, but for ghosts, as long as they are hit, it will definitely be a devastating blow.

"It's useless to you, it's just the ability to destroy evil. As long as you succeed in 'divine refinement', it's not impossible to break all spells with one sword." The system said.

Lin Xuan nodded when he heard the words. He really didn't need to sacrifice the holy sword.

"On the contrary, the 'Cinnabar Divine Fire Sky Thunder Cannon', combined with the arms technology you learned from Tony Stark, might be able to create something useful." The system added.

"That's exactly what I mean too." Lin Xuan said.

Although the explosion in the Haunted House of Curses a few days ago was not very successful, he was still very interested in the combination of thermal weapons and Taoism.After all, as a modern person, there must be much more trust in pistols, cannons, and nuclear warheads than yellow paper, chicken blood, and copper money swords.

Therefore, Lin Xuan and the first day of junior high school started to study the topics of "portable cinnabar god fire thunder cannon" and "great power cinnabar god fire sky thunder cannon".

"Does this thing really work?" Shiwu watched from the side with a confused look on his face.

Not long after, Lin Xuan and Chu Yi, each carrying a "rocket launcher", began to search for the Ksitigarbha ghost king.

There were no accidents in the middle: they dug three feet into the ground, and with the help of Queen Jingjue, they quickly found the ghost king, and Lin Xuan personally shot him and smashed him to pieces.

"It's broken, it's broken like this, can it still be fed to Queen Jingjue?" He was stunned.

"It doesn't matter, I just absorb its evil spirit, and I don't eat meat, and I'm not afraid of being dirty." The Queen Jingjue said, sucking up all the evil spirit from the Ksitigarbha Ghost King's explosion in the air.Then he licked his tongue, and said with some unfinished thoughts: "This cinnabar is spicy and tastes good."

Lin Xuan: "..."

He suddenly remembered that although the Jingjue Queen turned into a spirit from a corpse, she was not evil, and she would not be afraid of things like cinnabar and black dog blood!
It's just that the taste is good, is it really appropriate to describe cinnabar?

"This book 'Heaven and Earth Wuxiang Beiming Changchun Xiaoyaogong' is given to you. If there is a destiny, we will see you again." After the ghost king was settled, Lin Xuan did not stay any longer, and continued to travel around looking for ghosts with the Queen of Essence. .

There are zombies who like to listen to music, there are foxes who like to seduce men, there are bat spirits who have practiced for hundreds of years, and there are freaks and monsters who combine Chinese and Western...

On this day, they came to a remote mountainous area near Hong Kong.

"In three days, 66 people died. What crime did we do?" The village chief knelt at the head of the village, looking hopeless.

Of course, he is not really loveless, but desperate.

"It doesn't seem to be a normal death. This should be another fierce ghost, right?" Lin Xuan thought to himself after hearing the voice of the village chief.

"Hey, little brother, don't go forward. Our place is haunted by ghosts and many people have died." Seeing Lin Xuan, the village chief said weakly: "Although I don't know if 'she' will anger outsiders, but the ghosts are so angry. There is nothing wrong with planting things far away, otherwise if something happens, it will be too late to regret it."

Hearing this, Lin Xuan couldn't help laughing, and said: "I am a Taoist priest in Maoshan, specializing in all kinds of ghosts."

Immediately, the village head was angry like a drowning man grabbing a life-saving straw.

But after thinking of Lin Xuan's age, he shook his head and said: "No, no, you are so young, and your morals must be very low. That kind of ghost with strong resentment may not be able to subdue it! I don't know if your master is there or not!" nearby?"

(End of this chapter)

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