Wanjie temporary workers

Chapter 119 Chu Renmei

Chapter 119 Chu Renmei

"Brother, is there really a relationship between the level of morality and age?" Lin Xuan didn't know whether to laugh or cry.

Hearing this, the village chief nodded seriously.

Helpless, he could only release the "100-meter-long" sword energy, so that the village chief, who was clearly in a desperate situation, but who was talking a lot, saw what a "fairy" was.

"Help, Taoist!" The village head suddenly knelt down.

"Get up, get up first, what kind of ghosts have appeared in your village?" Lin Xuan helped the man up and asked.

Immediately, the village chief sighed and said, "O sin!"

It turned out that the ghosts did not come from outside, nor were they old ghosts, but the people in this village, who made their own sins!
The ghost's name was Chu Renmei, a famous Cantonese opera actress, and her husband was Bu Wantian, a teacher in the village, but she was a beast in clothes and a heart of snakes and scorpions.In order to achieve the goal of throwing away his wife and marrying the wealthy daughter, he set up an adultery to frame his wife, causing her to be stoned to death, and even throw her body into a barren hill.

Later, from the mouth of a child in the village, the dead Chu Renmei knew the true face of her husband, so her resentment was hard to appease, and she turned into a ghost.

In just three days, she killed 66 people in the village, which was extremely vicious.

"Later, that child saved the whole village with a bracelet. It wasn't until decades later that the construction team developed the forest and threw her body into the pool. That Chu Renmei started killing people again." Lin Xuan told the system: "But She doesn't kill everyone, and those who truly love her can touch her and be spared—this, isn't it the mapping message "Old Corpse in the Mountain Village"?"

Immediately, the system said: "That's right."

"Then do we care or not?" Lin Xuan hesitated.

This is different from the Ksitigarbha ghost king, that ghost king is an evil ghost, and it doesn't hurt at all to be chopped up and fed to the queen.

But Chu Renmei turned into a ghost due to resentment due to her tragic experience.

"She's so pitiful," said the Jingjue Queen.

"Come on, let's see her first, and then think about what to do!" Lin Xuan said, and found Chu Renmei's body at the location mentioned by the village chief.

There, she stretched out her hands, and she could feel the strong unwillingness at a glance.

At this time, the child Li Qiang was crying in front of her, and put on the bracelet that the two had agreed to promise one thing.

"Child, it's true that you want to save the villagers, but have you ever thought that sometimes forgiveness is also a kind of harm?" Lin Xuan sighed, walked over, took the bracelet off Chu Renmei's hand, and crushed it. .

The next moment, Chu Renmei jumped up suddenly, reaching out and pinching his neck.

"No, Aunt Mei..." After all, Li Qiang was just a child, he called weakly, and then ran away in fright.

On the spot, Lin Xuan performed Tai Chi and pushed Chu Renmei's hand away.

"The injustice has its head, and the debt has its owner! Whoever hurt you, whoever you seek revenge on, and casually blaming irrelevant people, will never be reborn, do you know?" Lin Xuan said.

Immediately, Chu Renmei stopped and stared at him, without speaking for a long time.

"This kind of neither human nor ghost state is not good, I will give you a drop of the king's zombie blood, and turn into a zombie!" Queen Jingjue said, and before Lin Xuan could react, a drop of blood was thrown into Chu Renmei's mouth .

Immediately, the wound on Chu Renmei's body began to heal.

The strength became stronger, she rushed into the village and killed the villagers who killed her one by one, and the resentment became less and less in the process of killing.

In the end, Chu Renmei, who had lost her resentment, fell softly to the ground.

Her soul is still there, and her body has become a zombie, immortal, but because she has lost the meaning of existence, she lies on the ground and refuses to move.

"I really want to sleep and never wake up again." This was Chu Renmei's last voice.

Many years later, people passing by this village could occasionally hear a touching singing, but they couldn't find who was singing it when they looked around.

Nobody knows, it's a ghost, a zombie, dreaming.

The dream world is better than reality!
"It's a pity, I still wanted to keep her by my side as a maid for this king." On the way to leave, Queen Jingjue said regretfully.

Regarding this, Lin Xuan was speechless, and said: "Not only have you become addicted to 'my king' recently, but you also want to take in maids. Do you want to recruit a bunch of ghost people in a few days to rebuild Jingjue Kingdom?"

"That's a good proposal." The Jingjue Queen said.

Lin Xuan: "..."

"According to your human thinking, the more honorable the servant, the more face you have, isn't it?" The Queen Jingjue said: "There is a servant named 'Queen', and there is really a servant of the Queen. After all, the latter is better." A little bit? Don’t worry, even if one day I found a country, or even reach that so-called ‘Dao Fruit Realm’ you mentioned, I won’t betray you.”

Hearing this, Lin Xuan was completely speechless, and said angrily, "Why don't you go to heaven when you return to the Dao Realm?"

Immediately, Queen Jingjue flew up several meters from the ground.

"Grass!" Lin Xuan was dumbfounded.

He forgot that the Millennium Zombie can fly...

After traveling for a long time, when there were no more ghosts in China, Lin Xuan returned to Uncle Jiu.

"This is Xiaoyan, my new third disciple, a very spiritual child, right?" Uncle Jiu pulled a child of a few years old to Lin Xuan and said.

"Hello, Uncle." The child said.

Lin Xuan nodded with a smile, and said, "Well, it's quite spiritual, it's just that the seniority is wrong."

Uncle Jiu laughed when he heard this.

This "Little Yan" is none other than the ancestor of the famous Taoist "Yan Yangming" 100 years later, that is, his grandfather's father, who studied under Maoshan Lin Jiushu.

"Uncle Jiu, you definitely know the whereabouts of the golden-armored zombie, tell me?" Lin Xuan rubbed his "Longer and Bold Version of Vermilion God Fire Sky Thunder Cannon" and said to Uncle Jiu: "This is a new type of gun from Maimen. A magic weapon, as long as it doesn't become a yin god, no matter how powerful the ghost is, it can kill it with one shot."

Regarding this, Uncle Jiu blew his beard and stared, and said, "Nonsense!"

Lin Xuan scratched his head, not knowing what to say.

"Don't engage in these strange tricks, haven't you been practicing the method of 'divine refinement' flying sword? Although your sword has no power to destroy evil, it is an extremely extraordinary magic weapon. If you can use it Sacrificially refine it into a 'flying sword' and put it in the dantian, and Uncle Jiu will take you to catch the golden-armored zombie." When Uncle Jiu said this, he smiled and said: "As for the others, don't talk about thunder cannons. , cinnabar gun, even if you pull a 'Sanqing Jade Emperor Cannon', I won't tell you where the golden-armored zombie is!"

Lin Xuan: "..."

For the first time, he discovered that Uncle Jiu actually had such a rigid side.

So he had no other choice, so he stayed at Uncle Jiu's house and practiced the method of "spiritual refining".

This practice lasts for ten years.

One day, while he was cultivating, he suddenly felt a mighty force that was too huge to describe soaring up into the sky and piercing through the sky.

(End of this chapter)

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