Wanjie temporary workers

Chapter 120 The First Human God in This World

Chapter 120 The World's First Human God

"After becoming a master, you can't show up easily. If you encounter ghosts that you can't deal with in the future, you can set up the 'Sanqing Celestial Master Formation' and use the power of the Sanqing Patriarch to summon you as a teacher!" Uncle Jiu and the three After the apprentice explained his funeral, he closed his eyes and was about to sit down and ascend to heaven.

Unexpectedly, at this moment, a person jumped out and interrupted him.

"Wait a minute, don't die yet." Lin Xuan said.

Immediately, Uncle Jiu rolled his eyes and said, "Do you think I want to die? Is life and death something people can control? People are destined to die when they grow old! However, don't be too sad, Uncle Jiu Before I died, I finally completed my practice and reached the legendary state of 'refinement and harmony'. After my death, my soul will directly ascend to heaven and become a yin god, protecting you like the ancestors of all ages!"

After finishing speaking, Uncle Jiu was about to close his eyes when Lin Xuan hit him with a "Super Soldier Serum".

"Don't stop me from becoming enlightened!" Uncle Jiu said.

Lin Xuan was speechless, puzzled and said: "I don't know how to practice emptiness and harmony, and I don't know how to sit and transform, but now you should be comparable to a yin god, right? Why can't you live well? Can you become a god with your body? Even if you don’t have the method of longevity, you can create your own with your Taoism and cultivation, Uncle Jiu!”

The Yin God is a third-tier god-level existence, and has initially stepped into the threshold of longevity.

In the absence of external interference, it is not a problem to live for tens of thousands of years. If the incense is strong, even if it goes further, it is not impossible to advance to the righteous god.

Once you become a righteous god, your lifespan will never end unless the heaven and the earth come to an end.

Because of the righteous God, there are no three disasters and nine calamities, and there is no five declines of heaven and man.

However, the prerequisite for becoming a Yin God is to abandon the body, and only a dead person can become a Yin God.

Becoming gods with the flesh, the pros and cons between the two, the benevolent sees the benevolent and the wise sees wisdom, but people can live, who wants to die?
"Directly becoming a human god, I have thought about this too, but a mortal body cannot bear the power of a 'god' at all. If I don't use the way of sitting and melting to integrate into the heaven, not only will I not be able to become a human god, but I will also lose my soul God can't even do it!" Uncle Jiu shook his head and said.

Hearing this, Qiu Sheng, Wen Cai, and Uncle Jiu's third disciple all showed worried expressions.

Lin Xuan was not worried about this, but asked, "Uncle Jiu, tell the truth, do you want to become a Yin God or a Human God?"

Uncle Jiu didn't answer directly, but said: "If you can live forever, who wants to leave this colorful world?"

The Yin God who has achieved Taoism is loved by heaven and earth and is extremely powerful, but because of this, he cannot walk around in the world.

There is no difference between becoming a god and dying directly.

"Since Uncle Jiu, you don't want to die, then listen to me and study the method of becoming a god!" Lin Xuan smiled slightly and said, "I don't know how to become a god, but I know how to live forever , I can guarantee that even if you do not become a god in the end, you will always be alive."

Uncle Jiu was taken aback when he heard this.

At this time, he already felt that his upcoming deadline had been postponed... 100 years!

Yes, he was able to live an extra 100 years because of the super soldier serum.

"What did you inject me with?" Uncle Jiu asked in surprise.

"The 'Super Soldier Serum' produced in the United States has the effect of improving physical fitness and delaying aging." Lin Xuan said: "However, the medicinal power of this thing is not permanent, and it is impossible to become a god by relying on it. But this Things, if Uncle Nine is strong enough, you might as well use it."

As Lin Xuan said, he took out a bottle of "RR" virus from the ring space.

This is the kind that has been treated so that only one person can get sick, but it won't be contagious.

Otherwise, the "RR" virus from the fourth-order devouring starry sky world will kill [-]% of the people in this world as soon as it shows up.

After all, this is not the main world, Earth, and it cannot resist the terrifying toxicity.

But with the super soldier serum as a base and Taoism cultivation, Uncle Nine has a great hope of getting over it.

"Is this a panacea?" Uncle Jiu took it and poured it into his mouth.

This is the trust created by getting along with each other for a long time. He believed that Lin Xuan would not harm him.

"It's not a panacea, but a poison, a poison that contains the power of a true god!" Lin Xuan said: "This thing will cause serious diseases to the user, but if it can survive it, it will produce antibodies and awaken superpowers. Then It is not an ordinary supernatural ability, but a supernatural instinct extended by one's own power. After it is developed to a certain level, it is not impossible even if it is an advanced supernatural power, or even a supreme supernatural power."

Hearing this, Uncle Jiu was stunned, obviously not understanding at all.

And the three disciples beside him also showed puzzled expressions, completely unaware of what Lin Xuan was talking about.

"I'm so sleepy, I can't do it, I'm going to sit down!" Uncle Jiu babbled nonsense and fell into a coma.

Then came a high fever, and Qiusheng and Wencai dared not touch it.

Because it's hot!

If he relied only on his own resistance, Uncle Jiu would definitely be dead at this time, and his bones would be eroded black by the virus.But he has practiced Taoism all his life, and his superb Taoism practice has protected his heart.So gradually, starting from the heart, an antibody containing divinity began to grow.

Not long after, the antibody killed the virus and completely cured Uncle Jiu.

"I'm so tired, I'm so weak..." Uncle Jiu opened his eyes and tried to sit up, but he just trembled slightly and didn't get up.

Seeing this, Wencai immediately said: "Master is fine, he resisted."

"Have you awakened your natal supernatural power?" Qiu Sheng asked.

Hearing this, Uncle Jiu shook his head with difficulty.

"Failed? Impossible!" Lin Xuan asked with doubts, "Uncle Jiu, what is the thing you desire most in your heart?"

Whether it is cultivation or the awakening of superpowers, the core of everything is personal consciousness.

The desire deep in the heart is the source of superpowers.

Hearing Lin Xuan's words, Uncle Jiu was taken aback for a moment, and then said: "I don't know what desire I have in my heart. The only regret is that when I was young, I was as playful as Qiu Sheng and Wen Cai. Practice martial arts in the realm of 'harmony between man and nature'. Otherwise, maybe there is really hope, a glimpse of the realm of man and god!"

While speaking, he didn't notice that his physical weakness was rapidly fading away.

Immediately afterwards, the vast and mighty power that Lin Xuan sensed in the previous retreat reappeared, bringing Uncle Jiu with him, soaring into the sky and transforming into a heaven-penetrating dharma body... This power came and disappeared quickly, and it was still in the presence of everyone. Before he could react, Uncle Jiu, who looked like a fairy, appeared in front of him.

Not only the immortal demeanor, but also the sun-like rays of light emanating from him.

There is no doubt that he has become the first human god in this world!
"Even if the strength of this third-tier god-level Uncle Jiu is only showing the tip of the iceberg, isn't it too powerful?" Lin Xuan was shocked.

(End of this chapter)

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