Wanjie temporary workers

Chapter 121 Golden Armored Zombies

Chapter 121 Golden Armored Zombies
"Nonsense, that's the level of Emperor Zhetian, Primordial God, and Marvel God, how could it be not strong?" The system said: "Of course, Uncle Jiu is just a beginner at the god level, and there is still a big gap with the peak of the god level. Probably, It must be the difference between the Heaven-shrouding Sage and the Ancient Great Emperor!"

Lin Xuan nodded upon hearing this.

Ordinary god-level powerhouses, such as Qi Ran, Suzaku and others, are indeed far inferior to Zhetian Great Emperor.

Uncle Jiu is the same.

At this time, Uncle Jiu said: "Because I was not sure how to deal with it before, I never dared to tell you the location of the golden-armored zombie. The golden-armored zombie is wiped out, and the future troubles will be eliminated forever!"

At this time, he practiced Taoism and became a human god, all his Taoism was transformed into mana, and he was no longer afraid of golden armored zombies.

Even, let alone the golden-armored zombie, even Hanba is far from his opponent.

"No, Uncle Jiu, you just need to tell me the location, I can deal with mere golden-armored zombies." Lin Xuan said hastily.

He came with a mission, and he had to kill the golden-armored zombie with his own hands. If Uncle Jiu took the head, the mission would definitely fail. Not only would there be no rewards, but points and experience points would be deducted instead.

Hearing Lin Xuan's words, Uncle Jiu took a serious look at him, and then said: "So, you have treasures to defend yourself, even if you lose to the golden-armored zombie, you can guarantee yourself to be safe. That's all, you will take the golden-armored zombie with you." Let Qiusheng and Wencai go and eliminate them together! Uncle Jiu, I am familiar with supernatural powers at home, if you encounter problems, just call and I will appear immediately."

Then, he cast a spell to condense a blueprint and put it in front of Lin Xuan.

This is a feng shui map of a cemetery. Even if ordinary people got it, they would not be able to understand it. Even Qiu Sheng and Wen Cai looked confused.

"I should have thought of it a long time ago. Besides the cemetery, where can there be golden-armored zombies?" Lin Xuan suddenly realized that he was still not very proficient in using his abilities.

Otherwise, you can find the tomb directly by using the "Looking for the Dragon Art" without waiting for Uncle Jiu to tell you.

After knowing the exact location, Lin Xuan led Qiu Sheng, Wen Cai and others, and quickly dug out the zombie.Then the formation was arranged, and the reloaded version of the "Cinnabar Divine Fire Sky Thunder Cannon" was brought in, and the coffin was directly blasted to pieces.There was no twists and turns during the period, and the golden-armored zombie didn't even have a chance to wake up, so it was completely wiped out.

Seeing this, Uncle Jiu manifested his figure, and said embarrassingly, "This foreign cannon is really so powerful?"

Lin Xuan was stunned for a moment, and said in astonishment: "China-made technology, made by Chinese people, how can it become a foreign gun?"

"Aren't these all in foreign languages?" Uncle Jiu pointed to the ghostly symbols on Pao's body.

Those ghostly drawn symbols are not spells, nor are they in foreign language, nor are they even words—if modern people see them, they will definitely smile, because they are popular line drawings on the main world network, such as "I am not convinced by Zhao Ritian". People, "Liangchen likes to shoot people who think they are capable" line people add Chinese characters, "If I shoot this shot, you may die" and so on.

Lin Xuan couldn't laugh or cry at Uncle Jiu's words, he shook his head and said, "These are just decorations, not words."

Uncle Jiu was stunned.

"Did you see this 'line man' holding a fan? That's Zhuge Kongming. And that long beard line man, that's Confucius..." Lin Xuan explained.

Immediately, Uncle Jiu understood, and said, "So it's a picture with Chinese characters. I thought it was foreign language and Chinese characters!"

It's just that those pictures are too different.

In addition, there are foreigners' heads, and "I don't read much, so I can only bombard you with bombs" and "I use bricks for fighting, and my face is illuminated, maybe there are guns here" and so on.


After devouring the golden-armored zombie, the Jingjue Queen finally accumulated enough energy to advance to Yinshen.

But she is not Jiushu, she does not have such advanced Taoism cultivation, nor does she have the mana bestowed by heaven and earth, so when she advanced, she fell into a deep sleep and was taken into the ring space by Lin Xuan. I don't know how long it will take to wake up.

But once he wakes up, Lin Xuan will have a third-tier god-level master in his hands.

It also has the ability of zombies, and can travel thousands of miles in the red like a drought man!

"I'm leaving, Uncle Nine. If I have time, I will come to see you again." After Lin Xuan bid farewell, he started to return.

In the same place, Uncle Jiu watched him leave and thought for a long time without moving.

"What's wrong with you? Master." Wen Cai said.

"It's nothing, it's just that suddenly, I don't want to be a god anymore." As Uncle Jiu said, he released his divine power and sent it to a portrait of himself.

Then, he swung the copper coin sword, pierced through the void with one sword, and came to another place.

Here, on the ground with mountains of bones, stood a zombie absorbing the essence of the sun and the moon.

She was a little surprised by Uncle Jiu's arrival, opened her eyes and said, "I didn't expect that someone would be able to ascend by himself without being guided. You should have realized the power of mind and spirit, right? It's a pity that it's not a ghost, so it can't exert its power. Otherwise, it is an ordinary fairy, and it is definitely not your opponent."

Hearing this, Uncle Jiu smiled indifferently and did not speak.

"I'm going to the 'Ten Thousand Worlds City', and I'll leave it to you to pick up the 'Ascended' from now on!" The zombie smiled and disappeared in a flash.

In the same place, Uncle Jiu said with emotion: "It's really rare to see a god who has become a zombie!"


In the main world, after Lin Xuan returned, he found Qi Ran's mother packing into the sports car to salute.

"Auntie is going on a long trip?" he asked.

Immediately, Qi Ran's mother nodded and said, "There are a lot of things to deal with in the alliance, I have to go."

Lin Xuan couldn't help being overjoyed when he heard this.

Then, he sent a message to Qi Ran: "Your mother is leaving!"

"Well, I have some good news for you. I will also go to the alliance headquarters with me. I don't know how long it will take to come back." Qi Ran said with a smile.

Lin Xuan was dumbfounded for a moment.

"Don't think I don't know what you're thinking, hum!" Qi Ran said.

After chatting for a while, Lin Xuan clicked on the work card and drew another work order.

Work unit information: General Di knew that An Yunshan was going to rebel, but he had no time to take care of An Yunshan because he had to hold down Zhenyuan General Ling Luoshi who was also planning to rebel.

Mission completion conditions: Kill Ling Luoshi and reveal the true face of An Yunshan.

Work remuneration: Jingyuan series pill formula.

Friendly reminder: Don't be too gullible in innuendo information, because even men and women may change.

"The reward this time is not bad. The Jingyuan series of pills should include 'Jingyuan Shendan'?" Lin Xuan asked the system.

Immediately, the system said: "Of course it is included, otherwise how can it be considered a series? However, the rewards are often proportional to the difficulty of the task, and none of the 'Four Famous Catchers' planes of this task are easy."

"I know." Lin Xuan nodded.

In this mission, An Yunshan from the movie version of the Four Famous Catchers appeared, and the big boss Ling Luoshi from the TV series "Four Famous Catchers" appeared a long time ago, and there may be other characters in the mapping information. ——In short, this is a world of high martial arts and martial arts. Even if a few people have cultivated Yuanshen, even if they are worse than Fengyun World, they are not much worse.

(End of this chapter)

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