Wanjie temporary workers

Chapter 122 Reward Cai Jing with a slap!

Chapter 122 Reward Cai Jing with a slap!
After arriving in the world of the Four Famous Captures, Lin Xuan immediately felt a burst of aura rushing towards his face, which was extremely strong.

"This is not an ordinary second-order world, is it?" Lin Xuan said.

"In the mapping information called 'Mingzhu Zhenguandong', the four famous catchers are the four gate gods sent by the Jade Emperor to protect the world. Before reincarnation, they were able to fly to the sky and escape from the earth. They are properly fourth-order immortal gods." The system said.

Hearing this, Lin Xuan was stunned.

Nima is a martial arts plane, why even the Jade Emperor came out?
"Of course, this is just a projected and manifested world of the main world, not the real world." The system added: "So, it is impossible for the four famous arresters to recover their previous cultivation, and it is impossible for you to see other gods here. , even third-order god-level powerhouses cannot be seen."

"Oh." Lin Xuan breathed a sigh of relief.

As long as there are no gods or gods, then in this world, he can roam freely.

After obtaining the Jiushu Maoshan Taoism, at this time, he has reached the third-order god level in the realm.As long as the primordial spirit is small, you can advance to the realm of "martial arts primordial spirit", and if you achieve great success, you can step into the god level in one fell swoop combined with martial arts cultivation.

God level is a crucial stage in practice.

The vast majority of practitioners in the heavens and myriad worlds are stuck between the third and fourth levels. Only those who have obtained high-level methods or who are outstanding enough can break through!
Many people, such as the Great Emperor Shrouding the Sky, the Marvel Gods, the Primordial Lord God, etc., in their respective worlds, can be said to be unbelievably strong, but they are all third-tier gods.Because the fourth-order powerhouse has a crucial symbol of "jumping out of the three realms", only those who meet this standard can be regarded as true gods and immortals.

This "three realms" does not refer to the three realms of heaven, earth and man, but refers to the three boundaries of life, death, and self.

Transcending the boundaries of life, transcending the boundaries of death, and realizing self-eternity, this is the real fourth-order immortal life.

Otherwise, no matter how powerful it is, it will only be at the third level.

Those strong people who have stepped into the fourth level, such as those who cover the sky, the Red Dust Immortal, those who swallowed the starry sky and entered the cycle of reincarnation, the Eight Immortals, the Immortal Sword Demon, and the generals, etc., have different strengths, but they all have a common characteristic, that is, only They can live forever by their own strength, except for the limit of the "five declines of heaven and man" that few immortals consider, even the end of heaven and earth can only weaken their strength, but cannot kill them!
As for the higher fifth level, it is the "Da Luo" realm that most immortals cannot reach.

The typical character is Tathagata Buddha. With only one hand, he can suppress Monkey King whose cultivation base is at the extreme fourth level, which is extremely powerful.

"What is the identity of this arrangement?" Lin Xuan asked.

Immediately, the system sent the identity information to his mind: a peerless master who is in the rivers and lakes but dissociates from everything. It is said that he can release "ten-foot sword energy" and "unstoppable sword rain" , but no one has ever seen it, because everyone who has seen it has died.

No one knew what he looked like, or even whether he was a man or a woman.

No one knew his name. When this person was mentioned in the Jianghu, all the titles became two words - invincible!
"Is your martial arts really invincible?" During the conversation, General Di asked.

Regarding this, Lin Xuan smiled and said, "I really have no opponent except God."

Below the third-order god level, Zhang Sanfeng is definitely the strongest existence, not one of them.

As early as a long time ago, he had obtained all of Zhang Sanfeng's martial arts cultivation, but because he did not understand "Tao", he was far weaker than Zhang Sanfeng.But now, Uncle Jiu's Taoism has made up for his shortcomings. As long as the god-level powerhouse does not show up, he will be invincible!

After hearing what he said, General Di shook his head and said, "I don't believe it."

"The aggressive method." Lin Xuan said.

General Di smiled and said, "Whoever wishes to take the bait."

In the end, Lin Xuan went to the palace with a "recommendation letter" written by him.

At this time, it was the court meeting time, and the prince, the prime minister Cai Jing, Zhuge Zhengwo and others were all present in the palace.

After reading the recommendation letter from beginning to end, the emperor said to Lin Xuan: "General Di and I are brothers who changed lives. The person he introduced, I believe that from now on you will be the commander of the imperial guards and in charge of the palace. As for the defense of the entire capital, there is no rank, and it is only responsible to me!"

As soon as these words came out, everyone was stunned.

Prime Minister Cai Jing objected subconsciously: "The imperial guards cannot be handed over to him!"

"Why not?" asked the emperor.

For a moment, Cai Jing was speechless.

He couldn't just say, "If the commander of the Imperial Guard is replaced by him, I can't rebel," right?

After rolling his eyes a few times, Cai Jing said, "I'm not saying that you can't change people, the truth is that the imperial guards shoulder the mission of protecting the emperor and the civil and military safety of the Manchu Dynasty, and the responsibility is heavy. This person recommended by General Di I'm afraid I can't do it!"

Then, the prince, who had been fighting against him, also said, "That's right, this person's origin is unknown, and he is not suitable to lead the Imperial Guard."

"There is no problem with the person recommended by General Di!" said the emperor.

Immediately, Cai Jing questioned: "Even if there is no problem with the person, commanding the Imperial Guard requires high-strength martial arts. Can this person do it?"

As soon as he finished speaking, a slap across the face was slapped on his face.

"Why did you hit me?" Cai Jing looked at Lin Xuan with disbelief.

He really didn't expect that someone would dare to beat him at the court meeting.

"Didn't you question my martial arts? Well, let those so-called strong martial arts people protect you and block my slap!" Lin Xuan smiled and said, "I will use the facts to explain it to you, I Not everyone can question his martial arts!"

Having said that, he paused for a moment, and said again: "If you are in pain when you are slapped in the face, then I am very sorry, because I am the one who slapped you!"

As soon as these words came out, everyone in the entire court was stunned.

"This..." Cai Jing said "this" for a long time without saying a word.

It was the first time he had seen such a bold person.

In fact, he deserved it. Lin Xuan read the mapping information and knew that although he was the prime minister of the dynasty, he was actually a dog of the big boss An Yunshan, extremely lowly.If you encounter this kind of person showing off in front of you, if you don't smoke him, you will feel sorry for the earth.

"Mr. Zhuge, how is that man's martial arts?" The prince turned his head and asked Zhuge to correct me.

"I don't know, he didn't use his internal strength, so it's hard to judge the depth." Zhuge Zheng said to me: "However, his speed is faster than ordinary Jianghu masters who use their internal strength. His martial arts are conservatively estimated, and he is also the best in the world, not necessarily better than me. Difference!"

Immediately, the prince showed a dignified expression.

On the other side, Prime Minister Cai Jing stammered for a long time, and finally said: "Come on, take him down for me!"

ps: Some readers said that the system is vague, so I will introduce it in this chapter, hoping not to be scolded.

(End of this chapter)

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