Wanjie temporary workers

Chapter 123 An's Father and Son

Chapter 123 An's Father and Son
"Very good, let me see if those imperial guards are qualified to be my soldiers!" Lin Xuan said, single-handedly singled out the palace guards, and knocked them all to the ground.

Seeing this, Cai Jing had a gloomy face and didn't say anything for a long time.

As for the prince, he turned his head and asked Zhuge Zhengwo: "A top expert is so strong?"

"It's unbelievable. He is still in his prime and full of blood, but he possesses stronger internal strength than me. The martial arts is so high that I have never seen it in my life!" Zhuge Zheng said to me, "Fortunately, he and Xiang Cai are not in the same group. Otherwise, even if the Shenhou Mansion and the Six Doors join forces, it will be very difficult to fight against it."

When he spoke, he couldn't help feeling in his heart: In this Jianghu, there are indeed people beyond people, and there is a sky beyond the sky.

Afterwards, Cai Xiang wanted to call someone, Lin Xuan raised a [-]-meter sword into the sky, and said with a smile: "Cai Jing, there should always be a limit to the depth of the test, don't force me to be serious."

"This..." For a while, Cai Jing didn't dare to make any more moves.

But the others, including Zhuge Zhengwo, were dumbfounded.

Although they couldn't see the whole picture of the sword aura that soared into the sky, everyone knew that it was definitely not a joke-if they jumped up and fell from the sky to the Golden Luan Hall, I am afraid that all the civil and military officials in the dynasty, including the emperor, would be killed. I'm going to die, Zhuge Zheng, I don't even think I'm sure of escaping!

"Sword energy can be so strong?" the emperor exclaimed.

"I'm sorry, Emperor, maybe you need someone to repair the roof." Lin Xuan said.

"I..." The emperor was speechless for a moment.

If it is a modern person, he will definitely say: Mommy, what I care about now is not the roof!

"Don't talk, but I don't need to pay for the roof repair, thank you." Lin Xuan laughed.

The emperor and the civil and military officials of the Manchu Dynasty: "..."

In the end, Cai Jing, who was timid and afraid of death, chose to calm down.

Although it is embarrassing to be slapped, but if you hold on to it, you will lose your life. In comparison, the former is undoubtedly better.

Of course, after returning, he did not forget to tell An Yunshan: "The new commander of the imperial guards, Lin Xuan, is a difficult character. If we can't get rid of him, our plan will not succeed at all."

So early the next morning, in Lin Xuan's residence, An's father and son put a large box of gold in front of him.

"Is this trying to buy me?" Lin Xuan said.

"If you are sensible, the money will be accepted. After the matter is completed, I will allow you to be under one person and above tens of thousands." An Yunshan said: "But if someone is not sensible and chooses to toast instead of fine wine, I am afraid that next year will , is the anniversary of his death!"

Then, An Shigeng also said: "Real gold and silver, if you don't take it, don't take it."

"I'm curious, where did you get your confidence?" Lin Xuan said, and unleashed the "40-meter" long sword energy to strike An Yunshan.

He didn't attack with all his strength, because the mission was to expose An Yunshan's true face, not to kill him.

"Not everyone can resist your sword qi. In this world, there is no invincible martial arts." An Yunshan said, stretching out his palm and sucking it, it actually disintegrated Lin Xuan's 40-meter-long sword qi into the body.

Seeing this, An Shigeng sighed and said: "The old man's martial arts are really incomprehensible."

"You can actually suck my sword energy?" Lin Xuan was stunned.

At this time, An Yunshan shot again, slapping his chest with a palm, and said: "Thank you for the pure internal strength that has reached hundreds of years."

After speaking, he turned back confidently and ignored Lin Xuan.

"My son, kill him and let Ru Yan pretend to be him." After An Yunshan ordered, he returned to An's house in a flash.

The next moment, he spat out a mouthful of blood, and said with a gloomy expression: "That sword energy is so sharp, it was refined, and it can still hurt me! Don't underestimate the people of the world. Before I act, I have to think Find a way to get the rare treasure 'Golden Plum Bottle' that can improve your skills!"

After speaking, he vomited another mouthful of blood, apparently seriously injured.

In Lin Xuan's residence, An Shigeng's fist stayed on top of Lin Xuan's head, but did not hit it.

"Hey, although the old man pretended to be innocent, he was actually seriously injured. You were the first person to hurt him in so many years." An Shigeng said, sending a stream of internal force into Lin Xuan's body.

Lin Xuan was surprised by this, and said, "You won't kill me?"

He was still thinking, should he pretend to be killed, then kill Ruyan and pretend to be himself, or kill An Shigeng, and then subdue Ruyan and let her pretend to be An Shigeng?
Unexpectedly, this An Shigeng didn't intend to kill himself.

"Being a playboy of the rich second generation is much more interesting than being an emperor, but unfortunately my old man doesn't care what I like, he just wants me to be an emperor." An Shigeng said: "If your martial arts can be higher, I should be able to defeat the old man, I will save your life today, and you can help me defeat the old man someday, so that he can give up his unrealistic idea of ​​rebellion, how about it?"

Lin Xuan was speechless.

He always felt that this An Shigeng seemed a bit out of his wits.

"Do you really think I can't beat An Yunshan?" Lin Xuan smiled, and performed "North Ming Magic", directly absorbing the spiritual energy of heaven and earth, and recovered his internal strength in an instant.

Seeing this, An Shigeng was dumbfounded.

"I just want to dissipate the skill I developed by taking drugs and cultivate a more pure internal force, so I deliberately let your old man succeed. Otherwise, a mere martial artist in the bridge of heaven and earth will be able to practice martial arts. There is no chance of hurting me!" Lin Xuan shook his head.

Deliberately releasing power is different from being sucked dry by others.

His internal energy seemed to be consumed, and it only took a moment to restore it with the Beiming Divine Art.

"Well, it looks like I fell down today." An Shigeng said.

Regarding this, Lin Xuan shook his head and said: "You have no intention of killing me, and I will not kill you. Make a deal, you get me An Yunshan's martial arts, and I will teach you a set of martial arts that can restrain him." How are you going to learn?"

An Yunshan's absorption of his internal energy was the result of his deliberate dispersal of kung fu, but breaking the 30-meter sword energy was something he did not expect.

Although he could kill An Yunshan instantly with the stronger [-]-meter Sword Qi, but since there were flaws, he needed to figure it out and make targeted improvements.Otherwise, once you are caught in a flaw when fighting against a master of the same level, the result will be a real defeat!
"Don't do it, I can do it too, I just don't like to use it." An Shigeng directly took out a cheat book of "All Rivers Are Inclusive".

Lin Xuan was taken aback for a moment, then took out a "Tai Chi Classic" and gave it to An Shigeng.

"Interesting martial arts." An Shigeng left with the cheat book, and told his old man that Lin Xuan was not injured.

"If that's the case, then Lin Xuan's martial arts are simply unfathomable!" An Yunshan said.


On the other side, after Lin Xuan got the cheat book, before he had time to comprehend it, he ushered in another guest.

"I'm bored and want to find someone to play chess with. I wonder if Commander Lin is interested?" Zhuge Zhengwo walked in with the chessboard and said.

(End of this chapter)

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