Wanjie temporary workers

Chapter 124 Bu Wu Tianxia and the Golden Plum Vase

Chapter 124 Bu Wu Tianxia and the Golden Plum Vase

"I'm interested, but I have to train the imperial guards first before I can play chess with you." Lin Xuan smiled and said, "It won't take too long, it only takes an hour to train well."

Zhuge Zhengwo was taken aback when I heard the words, and then said: "Can I allow this old man to watch from the sidelines?"

In his opinion, if someone like Lin Xuan wants to train his subordinates, he will never stop if the effect is not achieved.

But just for an hour, what effect can it produce?

He was curious.

"Whatever!" Lin Xuan said, and sent a signal to summon all the imperial guards.

Because he once singled out everything in the palace, these imperial guards were particularly afraid of him, and none of them dared to do anything wrong.

"I actually don't know how to train soldiers, and I don't intend to really train you." Lin Xuan walked up to everyone and said, "But since I'm a soldier under me, even if it's only temporary, I can't be too weak. So , I am going to pass on a set of 'peerless martial arts' to you, I hope you can practice hard."

As soon as these words came out, everyone showed stunned expressions, even Zhuge Zheng and I were surprised.

Peerless martial arts are naturally the kind that can become a peerless master after practice.

People who practice martial arts, even Zhuge Zhengwo, who has a relatively broad mind, will not disclose his unique knowledge. Everyone really didn't expect Lin Xuan to show such a thing.

"What martial arts?" A centurion asked.

"Taizu's long fist!" Lin Xuan said.


At noon, after dinner, Lin Xuan and Zhuge Zheng sat facing me and started to play Go.

But no matter who it is, their real thoughts are not on the chessboard.

"The Taizu Changquan, not to mention that everyone knows it, at least it is a common martial art. Unexpectedly, it hides a mystery, and it directly points to the realm of the 'Bridge of Heaven and Earth'." Zhuge Zhengwo said.

In this regard, Lin Xuan smiled and did not speak.

Ordinary Taizu Changquan is naturally a real high-end product, otherwise Da Song would have been flying all over the sky with peerless masters!But the skills from the world of Tianlong, after Lin Xuan's improvement and integration into many martial arts, are properly at the level of the bridge between heaven and earth.As long as those Imperial Guard soldiers practice hard, although they may not be able to enter the "Bridge of Heaven and Earth", it will not be too difficult to step into the level of innate, that is, cold-blooded, ruthless, life-seeking, and iron-handed.

Of course, even if the realm is the same, compared with them, the strength will still be worse.

"I just don't know, what is the purpose of you uncovering the mystery?" Zhuge Zhengwo asked.

It was the first time he had seen someone who made his peerless martial arts public.

"It's nothing, it's just an experiment." Lin Xuan said.

Immediately, Zhuge Zheng asked me, "What attempt?"

"Bringing martial arts to the world, promoting the world's upgrade." Lin Xuan said: "Acquired, Xiantian, the bridge of heaven and earth, and the martial arts primordial spirit, these are the cultivation realms that we have already had in this world. But practice is endless. Above God, there must be a higher realm, I want to cultivate a few characters of that realm!"

As soon as these words came out, Zhuge used Zhuge to correct my composure, and I was also moved.

However, the next moment he shook his head and sighed: "It's hard, don't talk about martial arts masters, even bridge warriors are as rare as rare in the Jianghu."

"But there is always, isn't it?" Lin Xuan said.

"An Yunshan, Ling Luoshi, Yang Jian, me, you, An Shigeng, plus Catching God who is about to break through, the warriors in this entire rivers and lakes, the bridge of heaven and earth, are less than the number of hands." Zhuge Zhengwo said: "Martial arts There is not even a single one in the Yuanshen realm, and there is no hope for a higher-level powerhouse to appear."

Hearing this, Lin Xuan was taken aback for a moment, and said in astonishment: "Are you not in the realm of martial arts primordial spirit?"

In the mapping information, Zhuge is me, but he is a great master who can go out of his body and even travel thousands of miles in an instant.

"In terms of martial arts, I have indeed surpassed the bridge between heaven and earth, and I have cultivated the primordial spirit, but because of my unsatisfactory state of mind, my internal force and the primordial spirit actually clashed, so that not only could I not use the power of the primordial spirit, but my martial arts also regressed. A lot." Zhuge Zheng said to me: "For so many years, I have been cultivating my mind, but things like knots in my heart are really too difficult to untie."

Having said that, he shook his head and sighed.

"Is it because of what happened to Sheng Dingtian's family back then?" Lin Xuan said.

Zhuge was stunned for a moment, and said in surprise: "You even know this?"

"I know a lot, but let's continue to talk about martial arts!" Lin Xuan said: "I have a lot of peerless martial arts here, and there are also medicines that can help people improve their internal strength. The amount is large. You should How can we train a few warriors who surpass the level of primordial spirit?"

Immediately, Zhuge Zheng said to me, "I don't know."

"Not even any suggestion?" Lin Xuan didn't believe it.

"Cultivation cannot be improved by foreign objects. If one's own comprehension is not enough, no matter how good the resources are, it is impossible to advance to the 'Bridge of Heaven and Earth', let alone the Martial Dao Primordial Spirit, and the level above it that no one has ever reached. "Zhuge Zhengwo said: "Of course, not all foreign things are useless, and the legendary magic weapon 'Golden Plum Bottle' may be useful to you."

Hearing this, Lin Xuan immediately asked, "Who owns it?"

The Golden Plum Bottle is a rare treasure in the world of the four famous catchers. It has the magical ability to bring the dead back to life, and it can also greatly increase the martial arts of everyone who gets it.

I just don't know if it is useful to warriors in the realm of martial arts.

"General Zhenyuan Ling Luoshi." Zhuge Zheng said to me,

At this time, the system suddenly said: "The origin and efficacy of the golden plum bottle, you can spend one point to redeem it in Wandu Search."

Lin Xuan did as he was told, and when he got the information, he immediately showed a look of surprise.

"Is that so?" he exclaimed.

Zhuge Zhengwo was a little confused by his strange performance, and asked, "What is it like?"

"It's okay, I suddenly thought of something." Lin Xuan said.

The origin of the golden plum vase really shocked him: the past lives of the four famous arresters, that is, the four gate gods of the Jade Emperor, before they went down to earth, although they left the gods in the heaven, their martial arts still remained. On the body, and was brought over completely.

When they were reincarnated, their stripped cultivation bases fell into the hands of the world's master "Master Jinmei", and were forged into a strange magic weapon, which was exactly the "Golden Plum Vase".

The effect of the Golden Plum Vase is only incidental to bringing the dead back to life, and improving martial arts is the main function.

Because it's just a dead thing, that thing's improvement to the third-order god-level powerhouse is very limited, and almost no effect can be seen.But for the second-order extraordinary life, the improvement is very obvious.Basically, any warrior in the realm of the Bridge of Heaven and Earth, after using it, can defeat Zhuge Zhengwo who is at the peak of the Bridge of Heaven and Earth!
And Zhuge Zhengwo, if he uses the golden plum bottle, he will definitely enter the realm of martial arts primordial spirit.

Even if the mood is not perfect, it can!

"It seems that we have to kill Ling Luoshi immediately, otherwise there is a risk of being robbed of his head." Lin Xuan thought in his heart.

(End of this chapter)

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