Wanjie temporary workers

Chapter 126 Zhuge Zhengwo's "Strongest State"

Chapter 126 Zhuge Zhengwo's "Strongest State"

After the task was completed, Lin Xuan had nothing to do in this world.

But he did not leave immediately, but stayed to watch the duel between Zhuge Zhengwo and An Yunshan: because of the use of the golden plum bottle, An Yunshan's martial arts at this time were much higher than the original plot. After that, he didn't engage in any more conspiracy and tricks, and directly led his men into the palace, unstoppable.

Catching God stepped forward to stop him, but he was exhausted in an instant. If Lin Xuan hadn't rescued him, he would have died.

"You surrender to me now, and you can still live." An Yunshan said.

Immediately, Zhuge Zheng walked up to me and palmed him.

Not long after, he was also sucked dry and fell limply to the ground.

"Don't struggle in vain anymore. After getting the martial arts in the golden plum bottle, the old man has truly reached the state of 'inclusive of all rivers'. You can absorb the internal force from any martial arts practice. There is no possibility for you to defeat me!" An Yunshan did not Anxious to kill the emperor, but showing off his power, wanting to subdue everyone present.

Seeing this, the four cold-blooded, ruthless, life-seeking, and iron hands rushed forward even though they knew they were invincible.

Although they have been reincarnated, the dignity of being gods in their souls prevents them from submitting to anyone.

"Commander Lin, can you beat him?" the emperor turned to ask Lin Xuan.

In this regard, Lin Xuan shook his head and did not speak.

At this time, An Yunshan's martial arts were very strong, and he could absorb almost all the internal forces cultivated in martial arts.If it was Lin Xuan before he got the golden plum bottle, apart from punching and kicking directly with Chinese martial arts, or using a self-defense pistol, pure martial arts really couldn't deal with him, not even a hundred meters of sword energy.

Because as long as it is "qi", he can inhale it and take it away.

But that's all, when the primordial spirit reaches the realm of the martial arts primordial spirit, Lin Xuan only needs to send a piece of true energy with his own primordial spirit brand into An Yunshan's body, and then he can attack from the inside, directly attacking An Yunshan. Killed him!Because of the qi branded by the primordial spirit, even if it is taken away, it cannot be refined, and the original owner can still control it!

This is the biggest difference between the realm of the bridge of heaven and earth and the realm of martial arts primordial spirit.

Therefore, at this time, Lin Xuan was not even interested in fighting An Yunshan.

Of course, not all warriors in the bridge of heaven and earth realm will be restrained by the strong martial arts soul. A god who has absorbed the power of hundreds of people and can use his flesh and blood to resist the indestructible magic of King Kong is not an ordinary soul warrior. defeated.Cao Zhengchun, who cut off his little brother since he was a child, and practiced boy skills for decades, did not have such an obvious weakness.

There is also the indestructible magic skill of King Kong after transformation. Unless the primordial spirit is used to attack, it is difficult to break the defense by ordinary means.

On the other side, the four famous arresters who were young with low skill and low level were quickly knocked down to the ground.

"I didn't expect you to be so young, but your skills are so pure, thank you." An Yunshan said, and was about to kill them.

At this time, Zhuge Zhengwo stood up suddenly and said, "It seems that only I can deal with you!"

"You?" An Yunshan smiled.

In his opinion, a cripple who doesn't even have internal strength is no longer a threat.

"I have nothing now, nothing, I can be stronger than now." Zhuge Zheng said to me.

Immediately, Lin Xuan smiled, turned to the emperor and said, "An Yunshan is about to lose!"

The so-called "nothing" state is strong because his internal energy has been sucked dry, and his martial arts primordial spirit, which he could not use at first, has begun to show its power - there is no special power, it just allows him to ignore An Yunshan His internal strength, and his ability to respond greatly increased, he was able to accurately grasp the opponent's flaws when making moves.

So, he took out the hairpin, stabbed forward, and pierced An Yunshan's hand.

Immediately, An Yunshan's zhenqi, which was extremely weak in control, began to leak out and completely lost control.

"Father, why are you bothering?" An Shigeng walked over and temporarily helped him control the leakage.

But it's only temporary, the circulation of internal breath has been messed up, no one in this world can save him except Lin Xuan.

And although Lin Xuan was not interested in killing him, it was also impossible to save him.

An Yunshan knew that he was bound to die, and sighed: "When your mother died, I swore that my son would be the happiest person in the world in this life! But what is the happiest person? At first I didn't know , until one day I met the emperor, I realized that the happiest thing is to enjoy the whole world!"

As soon as these words came out, An Shigeng was instantly stunned, and Leng Xue and others were also stunned.

"Being emperor is not as good as you think!" Zhuge Zheng said to me.

Then, the emperor also said: "The teacher is right, when the emperor has endless things to do every day, it is very painful."

"I can be the emperor myself, and I will take care of the bad ones myself. As long as my son can enjoy the world, no matter how tired I am?" An Yunshan said.

Hearing this, An Shigeng couldn't help but shed tears, and said: "You look like this, it seems that I have to save you!"

He knew that there was something that could save his father, and that thing was on Lin Xuan's body, and it was called the "Golden Plum Bottle".

However, An Shigeng knew in his heart that it was impossible to snatch something from Lin Xuan!That person is too deep and unfathomable, all I can do is to accompany my father to die in Huangquan, that's all!

"Silly boy, you have a son for your father. By the time you grow up, you should be buried in the ground. How many more years can you live?" An Yunshan shook his head and pushed An Shigeng out of the imperial city.

Immediately afterwards, he reversed his zhenqi abruptly, forcibly gathered the rest of his energy, released it instantly, and blew up the entire imperial city.

This didn't do much harm to the people present, but because of the explosion, they also couldn't pursue An Shigeng.

This is An Yunshan's purpose!
"Pity the hearts of the parents in the world. If An Shigeng doesn't do evil any more and doesn't come back to take revenge, please forgive him!" Lin Xuan said to the emperor.

In this regard, the emperor frowned and didn't say yes or no.

"Your Majesty, for Commander Lin's sake, let An Shigeng go!" Zhuge Zhengwo told the emperor.

At the same time, he used the power of the primordial spirit to send a voice transmission to the emperor and said: "Lin Xuan is the real master. I don't know how deep he is, but even if I join hands with An Yunshan, I may not be his opponent. During the rebellion, An Shigeng never made a move because he knew that with Lin Xuan around, he would not be able to succeed, so he had no intention of doing it."

Hearing this, the emperor immediately rolled his eyes.

"I can't even count the number of emperors I've met. Goodbye." Lin Xuan said, returning to the main world.

In the same place, the emperor and Zhuge looked at me, and said in unison: "Is he really a mortal?"

"Absolutely not," said the Catcher.

This is exactly what Lin Xuan wanted.

Time flies, time flies, many years later, Zhuge Zhengwo, Catcher and other masters of the older generation passed away, and the cold-blooded, ruthless, life-seeking, and iron hands also reached their old age, living in seclusion in the market and no longer asking about the affairs of the world.The emperor has changed for several generations. This year, many people from all walks of life gathered in Shaolin Temple, and at the end of the fight, they saw an old monk.

"How long have you been sneaking here?" asked a quack.

"Did the benefactor ask the old monk how long he has been hiding here? I can't remember whether it was 70 years or 80 years!" said the old monk.


"In the heavens and worlds, cause and effect, right and wrong, is my figure reflected in the mirror, or the people in the mirror reflecting me?" The main world, the system said an inexplicable sentence.

(End of this chapter)

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