Wanjie temporary workers

Chapter 127 Unexpected Mission

Chapter 127 Unexpected Mission

"Why did you suddenly go crazy?" Lin Xuan asked.

Immediately, the system said: "It's nothing, I just saw something interesting and felt emotional for a while."

"..." Lin Xuan was speechless.

"Did you know? In the world of the Four Famous Detectives changed by you, An Shigeng finally became a monk in Shaolin Temple and became a monk." The system said: "He likes to sweep the floor in the Buddhist scriptures pavilion or study Buddhism when he has nothing to do. In the end, I gradually forgot all my previous martial arts, and practiced a peculiar martial art called 'Three Chi Qi Wall'."

As soon as these words came out, Lin Xuan couldn't help being stunned.

"Isn't that the Heavenly Dragon World?" He wondered.

"The endless planes and the heavens of the myriad worlds actually reflect each other and influence each other." The system said: "An Shigeng is not a sweeping monk, but the two worlds influence each other, and the roles they play in their respective worlds are the same. No. I don’t know if it was An Shigeng who manifested the sweeping monk in the Tianlong world, or the sweeping monk manifested the An Shigeng who was changed by you in the world of the four famous arresters.”

Lin Xuan shook his head upon hearing this.

He is just a rookie in the cultivation world of the second level, so how can he know such a profound question?
"I still care more about the table of delicious food that I can eat every time I come back from the mission world." He said, and went to Qi Ran's house.

However, seeing the locked door, he suddenly remembered that Qi Ran went to the headquarters of the Extraordinary Alliance with her mother.

Then called, but no answer.

"Turn on the TV," the system said.

Lin Xuan did so, and immediately saw six figures sitting on the stage.

The program has the words live broadcast.

Next to the few people, the host introduced: "These six are the top practitioners in China. They are called 'god-level' in the practice circle, and they already possess the power of gods. Among them, Qinglong, Baihu, Suzaku The four of them, Xuanwu and Xuanwu, are veteran god-level powerhouses who have advanced for many years. It is their credit that China is not infested by demons and ghosts. And the young girl next to Suzaku is the youngest god-level powerhouse in China. , it is very likely that he will be the number one expert in China in the future. The old man in the middle is our current number one expert in China. He has achieved Tao through martial arts, and his strength is unfathomable. His name is Zhang Sanfeng."

It turned out that Qi Ran didn't answer the phone because he was being interviewed.

It didn't take long before the interview ended, and Qi Ran called and said, "Why, I haven't seen you for a day, and you miss me?"

"A little bit." Lin Xuan said.

Qi Ran hasn't seen him for a day, but he hasn't seen Qi Ran for several months.

The last time we met was not too long. Counting the ten years we stayed in the world of Mr. Zombie, the parting was not too long.

"I miss you too." Qi Ran said, "Staying here in the alliance headquarters is boring."

Immediately, Lin Xuan said: "Then come back!"

"No, my mother's place..." Qi Ran wondered: "Actually, in terms of cultivation, I have surpassed my mother now, and she has to use the fourth-order black ice to suppress her fire ability, and I, The power can be retracted freely and will not go out of control at all. But the upper limit of the cultivation base that the earth can accommodate is the elementary level of the gods, if my mother gets angry, even if my cultivation base is higher than hers, I can't stop it."

Hearing this, Lin Xuan said: "It won't take long, and I will also reach the god level."

After that, the two chatted from day to night, and from night to morning.

I don't want to sleep, and I don't want to practice.

Really didn't like this kind of atmosphere, Lin Xuan said, "Where are you?"

"Why?" Qi Ran asked.

"At this time tomorrow, I will pick you up!" Lin Xuan said solemnly.

Immediately, Qi Ran worried and said: "Don't, if you are like this, you will definitely fight with my mother... You can't beat her. Why don't you wait for the spiritual energy to recover, and I can show a stronger cultivation than my mother. ..."

"Wait for me." Lin Xuan said.

Qi Ran was taken aback for a moment, then remained silent for a long time, and finally said: "Then come on! I will make sure you are fine!"

"You don't need to do anything." Lin Xuan said and hung up the phone.

"I want to go to a world where I can break through to the third level. If I don't reach the third level, I will never come back!" Lin Xuan told the system.

Hearing this, the system immediately said: "Draw it yourself, throw all the inappropriate ones to Xiao Feng, that's all."

"Yeah." Lin Xuan nodded and drew a work slip.

Work unit information: Rewarding the good and punishing the evil The second envoy feels that his martial arts cannot surpass everyone in the Central Plains, so he plans to find a helper to reward the good and punish the evil together.

Mission completion conditions: Reward the good and punish the evil, kill Bei Haishi.

Remuneration: Tai Xuan Jing.

Friendly reminder: The level of this world is actually not high, but some people's martial arts are surprisingly high.

"Xia Ke Xing?" Lin Xuan shook his head and threw it to Xiao Feng.

In Jin Yong's world, unless he waits for hundreds of thousands of years and follows the Kowloon to pull the coffin to the other side of the starry sky, he will not be able to advance to the god level at all.

Afterwards, another job was drawn, which was to avenge Yuan Chengzhi, but Lin Xuan also lost it to Xiao Feng.

Then draw again, the result is still Jin Yong's world, the task is to help Di Yun kill the blood knife ancestor.

"Damn it, I don't want Shenzhao." Lin Xuan gritted his teeth and threw the task to Xiao Feng again.

In the end, he drew again, and when he saw the work order, he couldn't help being stunned.

Work unit information: In his later years, Emperor Wushi picked up a stray dog, which was very difficult to raise. He needed a temporary breeder to help him feed the dog.

Task completion condition: Raise the stray dog ​​"Xiao Hei" to adulthood.

Remuneration: Comprehend the beginningless bell pattern for one day.

Friendly reminder: Dao pattern and so on are really not something you can understand now, but the Wushi clock feels good to the touch, do you understand the host?
"Awesome, my system!" Rao Yilin Xuan's calmness, at this moment, was so pleasantly surprised that he almost jumped up.

But the next moment, he wondered: "That's not right, isn't the world that covers the sky at least level three?"

"You will know when you go. The era shrouded by the Great Emperor is comparable to the end of the Dharma. When the Great Emperor Wushi reached his old age, the strongest group of people in the prosperous era died. There are few third-tier powerhouses in the world, and the world level is already less than third-tier. .” The system said nonchalantly: “Of course, it’s not the second order, but the tasks generated will be calculated according to the second order!”

Hearing this, Lin Xuan thought for a while and immediately understood.

The level of the world that shrouds the sky is not fixed: during Jin Yong's period, there was only a supernatural world, and it was still low-level martial arts; but during Ye Fan's period, before the fairyland was opened, it was a third-tier god level; after the fairyland was opened, it was At the fourth level, the Red Dust Immortal is definitely a real immortal; further up, dating back to the time of Emperor Huangtian, even the Golden Immortal existed, so it is undoubtedly the fifth level!
This doesn't even count as "above the heavens". If everything is counted, it is not surprising that it is divided into the sixth-level, or even the seventh-level highest-level plane.

"Send me there!" Lin Xuan said, and spent [-] points in Wandu search to exchange for a copy of "Encyclopedia of Canine Breeding Techniques".

(End of this chapter)

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