Wanjie temporary workers

Chapter 128 Who is the peak at the end of the fairy road?

Chapter 128 Who is the peak at the end of the fairy road?
The "Encyclopedia of Canine Breeding Techniques" redeemed by Lin Xuan costs [-] points, which integrates the "genetics" of the future world of science and technology, and also includes the "spiritual beast way" of the world of cultivating immortals, as well as non-mainstream pet breeding in various exotic worlds Knowledge, such as Pokémon, Digimon, etc., can be described as all-encompassing.

Therefore, after he came to the world of Shrouding the Sky, he directly became the "temporarily famous" beast-controlling celestial being.

Of course, it's just being respected in the mundane world.

"This world that covers the sky is really vast." Lin Xuan said with emotion.

This is not any place in the plot of Shading the Sky. After saving the stray dog ​​"Xiao Hei", Emperor Wushi temporarily landed and lived temporarily, which did not cause any disturbance.Because the level of the people here is too low, the highest level of cultivation is no more than a small achievement of the martial arts primordial spirit, and the god rank is nowhere in sight, and the level from the top of the god rank, where you can see the demeanor of the great emperor, is even worse. .

But although the sparrow is small, it has all the internal organs.

There is a mature practice system here, and the civilization is brilliant, no less than the earth.

"Little brother, can you do me a favor?" said the old man holding a puppy.

This old man is none other than the Great Emperor Wushi.

When he saw Wushi for the first time, if it wasn't for the reminder from the system, Lin Xuan really wouldn't have recognized him: there was a kind smile on his old face, and his sturdy body was slightly obese because of old age. If you don't look carefully , Most people will regard his aging muscles as fat, because just looking at it with the naked eye, this is a very ordinary fat old man.

There was no fluctuation in his cultivation, at least with Lin Xuan's eyesight, he couldn't see any fluctuations.

However, if you use Zhuge Liang's thaumaturgy to divination, you will find that this old man, his past and future run through the ages, eternal and unchanging, as shocking as the way of heaven.And his body has almost no metabolism, and the cells are closely connected at the atomic level, and it will not consume countless cells and leave countless cells every time it moves like a mortal.

Obviously, this is an expression of extreme introversion and a return to basics.

"Yes, old man, please tell me." Lin Xuan said.

In this regard, Wushi smiled slightly, handed the puppy forward and said: "This is a stray dog ​​I picked up on the side of the road. I plan to raise it and take it with me as a companion. But this pup is too Little, smart and immature and difficult to raise, so I want to ask my little brother to help raise it for a while, I wonder if it is possible?"

Hearing this, Lin Xuan immediately said, "No problem."

Just by raising a dog to adulthood, you can comprehend the pattern of the clock without beginning for a day, and touch the cloned clock without beginning. Where can you find such a good thing?
"Very well, come and live at my house!" Wu Shi said, and brought Lin Xuan to his temporary residence.

This is a palace built on a hill, surrounded by cliffs, and only one rugged mountain road can go up and down.

The road and the house should all be constructed by spells, they are completely natural, without any trace of polishing.

There is no dao pattern or mana in it, but while walking, Lin Xuan quietly stepped down with his internal force, only to find that the ground is as hard as Edman alloy, which cannot be shaken at all-this is just a temporary residence of the Great Emperor Wushi, but he has Reasons to believe that even if bombed with nuclear bombs, I am afraid that it will not be shaken in the slightest!

This is the power of the Great Emperor of the World Shrouding the Sky, which is unparalleled and beyond the imagination of the world.

"Old man, you live in a nice place." Lin Xuan said.

Hearing this, Emperor Wushi showed a faint smile, and said: "If you really think it's good, when Xiao Hei becomes an adult and I take it away, this place will be yours."

Lin Xuan was taken aback.

"However, Xiao Hei must be brought up first." Wu Shi said.

In this way, Lin Xuan stayed in Wushi's house and became a temporary breeder.

"This task seems to be very simple, system, are you helping me on purpose?" Lin Xuan asked while sleeping at night.

Immediately, the system said: "This task was arranged for you a long time ago, but because of your needs recently, the rewards have been changed. If you just complete the task, it is indeed very simple. But since you are here, You also met the most powerful Emperor Wu Shi of this period, don't you want to dig deeper into the value of this world and get more benefits?"

Regarding this, Lin Xuan shook his head and said, "Don't dig here, otherwise people will die."

"You have a big heart." The system said.

Lin Xuan was stunned.

"I just asked you to mine the value of Emperor Wushi. If you mine all the value of this world, and find Huangtian Emperor or something, you will never die." The system said: "You can't be too greedy." , Let the Great Emperor Wushi give you two random tricks, and then pass on the Sutra of Wushi, that's fine."

Lin Xuan was speechless when he heard the words, and said, "Won't your conscience hurt when you say this?"

"The Sutra of Infinite Beginning" is the cultivation method of the Great Emperor Wushi who became enlightened. We met by chance and just helped him raise a dog for a few days. How could it be taught?If you really plot that, you are not greedy enough!

In fact, apart from the mansion promised without beginning, even the mission rewards have to be paid by the will of the world.

Otherwise, how could it be so easy to see the Wushi Bell, which is the magic weapon of Wushi Great Emperor's natal life?
"Sorry, there is no 'heart' organ in this system!" The system said: "Of course, digging the "Sutra of Beginningless Time" is just a joke to you, not to mention that it is impossible for Emperor Wushi to teach it, even if it is taught, you are not an 'innate Dao Embryo Holy Physique' can't be practiced either. Don't be dissatisfied, divine superpowers and unique martial arts talents will not work on special physical exercises."

Lin Xuan: "..."

I don't know why, when chatting with the system, he always wants to say "Mom sells batches" with a smile.

"But it's still possible to find a way to ask Wu Shi to teach you how to practice. Don't miss this rare opportunity." The system said.

"I understand." Lin Xuan said.

Who is the peak at the end of the fairy road?Seeing the beginningless Tao becomes empty!

This sentence is not just talking, under the immortal, Wushi Great Emperor has really reached the extreme, if you can get his advice, it will definitely benefit you infinitely.In the short term, this may not be as useful as cloning the defense of the beginningless clock, but if the foundation is firmly established, in the long run, the benefits are still greater than cloning the beginningless clock.

You know, not every third-order peak powerhouse can be as strong as the Great Emperor Wu Shi, who is so strong that he can destroy the world.

"But the key to practice lies in oneself." Lin Xuan said, sitting cross-legged and began to practice.

Early the next morning, before dawn, the Heihuang in the kennel started barking.

"Stop barking, there are delicious dog food here." Lin Xuan said, and poured a bag full of dog food to Heihuang.

After Heihuang was full, he poured another glass of milk.

As a result, this time, Heihuang was unwilling to eat milk because he had never seen milk before.

"Milk is the most nutritious thing, what if you don't eat it?" Lin Xuan smiled lightly, took out a piece of yellow paper, cut it into a puppy and stuck it on Heihuang's body.Then, with a movement of his divine sense, the Black Emperor took a sip of milk under his control.After he tasted the sweetness, he drank it without his control.

Seeing this, the Great Emperor Wushi, who was watching with his divine sense from a distance, also tried the body control technique curiously.

(End of this chapter)

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