Wanjie temporary workers

Chapter 129 Beginless Advice

Chapter 129 Beginless Advice

"It's not very esoteric, but with the growth of cultivation base, the power will continue to increase. Is this an immortal technique?" After trying it, Wushi Great Emperor thought to himself.

Then, he left an avatar here, and his real body went to a restricted area of ​​life,
For his arrival, the supreme being in the restricted area of ​​life is naturally facing a great enemy, and without even thinking about it, he sublimates to the best of his abilities and returns to the realm of the emperor, wanting to fight to the death.Only this time, Emperor Wushi didn't fight him, just chatted casually, then turned and left.It made the supreme being, and the other restricted zone supreme beings watching in the restricted area, all the monks of Zhang Er couldn't figure it out.

In their impression, Emperor Wu Shi was an absolutely domineering and powerful figure who killed people every time he made a move.

But this time he didn't even fight, could it be that he has changed his temper?
"Or, is it that the beginningless old man's life is approaching, and he is also planning to become one of us?" said a Supreme Being.

Immediately, another supreme said: "It is very possible. As long as it is a human being, who can not be afraid of death? Even if he has no beginning and no fear of death, and practiced for thousands of years, how can he die because of old age? How can he be willing? We all have to be prepared, Once Wu Shi is willing to open up restricted areas, we must help those who can, and those who can teach the law, we must ease the relationship."

"That's natural. With him, even if a great emperor is born in the future, it's nothing to worry about." Another supreme said.

If Emperor Wushi knew what they were thinking at this time, he would definitely sniff it.

This time, he really didn't do anything with the supreme being in the restricted area, it wasn't a compromise, but he used the body control spell he got from Lin Xuan to control the supreme!
Yes, even if it is as strong as the Supreme Being in the restricted area, it cannot resist the "body control technique" performed by Emperor Wu Shi.

So, not long after Wushi left, that Supreme rushed out madly, and started fighting with other Supremes, even if he singled out a number of the same level alone, he was not afraid at all.

At this moment, the hearts of the several Supreme Beings who fought with him were all broken.

Because what they were facing was a lunatic who had no concept of life and death at all. Using that almost self-harming fighting method, he even had a slight advantage in a short period of time with one enemy.

Of course, the final result must be defeat and death, and being divided and devoured by everyone.

"Although it doesn't take much effort for me to push directly, but since this 'immortal technique' is useful to the emperor, it may not be able to threaten the existence of higher levels if it is cultivated to the depths." When I got home, I thought in my heart: "Although the legendary supreme god of all races 'Emperor Immortal' may not be better than me, it's good that I can improve a little bit before confronting him."

Thinking of this, he stood up and walked towards Lin Xuan and Heihuang.

At this time, the Heihuang, who was still a cub, had already eaten and was sleeping soundly.

Lin Xuan took advantage of this free time to practice again and try to reach the god level, but failed.

"There is a deviation in your cultivation thinking. In cultivation, the more anxious you are to advance, the more difficult it will be for you to advance." Wu Shi said.

Lin Xuan woke up, subconsciously asked: "Why?"

"Because the essence of practice is to become stronger through hard work, not simply to improve the realm." Wu Shi said: "In ancient times, there were even many people who specialized in one realm and eventually became powerful people. Although those It is indeed a bit biased, but when you have not reached the limit of a realm and can continue to become stronger, why do you have to rush to break through to the next realm?"

As soon as these words came out, Lin Xuan couldn't help being stunned.

What Emperor Wushi said was right, he was indeed far from reaching the extreme of transcendence.

In other words, the extraordinary ultimate is not his ultimate, even if he does not advance, he still has a lot of room for improvement: the ultimate internal strength, the millennium skill, which he has not reached; Come to practice, his strength can be improved several times at least; Taoism, he only obtained it from Uncle Jiu, and he has not cultivated to the level of being close to God like Uncle Jiu!
Guoshu, the level of "breaking the void and seeing the gods are not bad", he also did not touch it.

Even simply strengthening his body, he didn't reach the peak of the extraordinary.

There are so many things that can be improved, counting them down, even he himself feels... he is really far from being advanced!

"System, did something go wrong with my cultivation?" Lin Xuan asked in his heart.

"Nothing, on the way of practice, bit by bit, even if Zhuge Zhengwo's state of mind is not perfect, it is still part of the practice. Even if he loses his cultivation base by going mad, who can say that it is not a blessing?" The system said: "Whether the road is right or wrong depends on you. If you focus on martial arts and feel that you should advance to the ultimate level of martial arts, then it is right to advance. Conversely, if you want to take every step Tao has been cultivated to the extreme, so there is nothing wrong with stopping to practice other things, because that is also your own, unique way of cultivation!"

Hearing this, Lin Xuan was speechless.

No matter what the choice is, no result is wrong, he always feels that the system is fucking fooling him.

"However, as a temporary worker, I pay attention to all the laws in the world. If you only practice martial arts or a certain immortal way, it is indeed too biased." The system also said: "In addition, there is no temporary worker in the avenue, because the system says Yes, so there is this way. And you, working in the heavens and worlds is just a process of practice, not a result. This system expects you to be familiar with all ways in the world, master all laws in the world, and surpass all sages and ancients. Stepping into the realm of 'transcendence' that no one has ever set foot in."

Hearing this, Lin Xuan couldn't help rolling his eyes, and said, "You really think highly of me."

One way, many people have no results in their whole life, ten thousand ways and ten thousand ways, if they really want to go all the way, the difficulty...

"I've even thought of a name for you after I become enlightened. It's called 'Wanfa Supreme'. How does it feel?" the system said.

Regarding this, Lin Xuan had only three words: "Shut up!"

It's just that in his heart, he always feels that maybe "Wanfa Supreme System" is the real name of a certain system.

After finishing the conversation with the system, he opened his mouth and asked Emperor Wushi: "Then how should I cultivate now?"

"Use a lot of resources, don't care about advanced or non-advanced, where you can improve, you can improve." Wu Shi said: "In addition, I just watched you practice, and I temporarily created a method, which should be very useful to you. "

After speaking, he stretched out his hand and imprinted a method into Lin Xuan's mind.

It's not a high-level technique, but just a little trick. You can compress and integrate the internal force, mana, thaumaturgy, primordial spirit, etc. into the body, and then practice again and continue to compress, so that the power will continue to become stronger. When compressed to After the ultimate, all the cultivation bases bloom at the same time, and you can break through to the god level in one fell swoop.

Moreover, it is not an ordinary god level, at least, it can reach the level of "Sendai Yizhong" in this world.

"Thank you very much." Lin Xuan said, and started to practice on the spot, refining all the power in his body into pure blood.

However, his strength did not decrease at all, but increased a lot.

"Wangwang." Heihuang woke up, seemed to be hungry, and shouted around Wu Shi and Lin Xuan.

"Come on, here is delicious dog food..." Lin Xuan took the dog food from the ring space, but because of poor control over the changes in his cultivation base, he took out the "RR" virus.

Immediately, the Great Emperor Wu Shi showed a surprised look and said, "Immortal medicine?"

(End of this chapter)

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