Wanjie temporary workers

Chapter 130 Great Emperor, You Really Know How to Play!

Chapter 130 Great Emperor, You Really Know How to Play!

"No, it's not pure enough, and the law of immortality is too weak. It should be a diluted fairy medicine." Wu Shi said again.

Hearing this, Lin Xuan wiped off his cold sweat and said, "I took it by mistake, this thing is poisonous, so don't eat it indiscriminately."

Then he opened the ring space again, and took out the dog food he had prepared for the Black Emperor.

"Medicine is poison, and poison is medicine. After use, it is harmful or beneficial. It varies from person to person, and has nothing to do with the medicine itself." Wushi the Great said, "Although your fairy medicine is not pure, it has some secrets. Exchange it with you for a 'miracle medicine', I don't know what you want, little brother?"

Hearing this sentence, Lin Xuan was taken aback for a moment, and then said: "Of course I am willing."

His "RR" virus is not a non-renewable resource, but a virus, which belongs to microorganisms and can be obtained in large quantities through cultivation.

In fact, the viruses he brought out from the devouring starry sky world have long been used up. The ones that were used by Uncle Jiu not long ago, and the ones he took out just now are all new viruses that have been cultivated and reproduced using the original virus.But the effect of using it will not be the slightest difference, because the new virus bred is also an "RR" virus.

As for the power of the gods contained in it, it is the law, just like knowledge, if you pass on your knowledge to others, will you lose it yourself?
Of course not!

Similarly, no matter how the "RR" virus reproduces, the individual carries as much spiritual power as the original body.

"That's good." Wu Shi Dadi said.

After the exchange, Lin Xuan continued to raise the Black Emperor, and at the same time did not forget to practice.

But the Great Emperor Wushi retreated to study the "RR" virus.

"The magic medicine Wu Shi gave you, now that the emperor is protecting you, use it quickly!" The system suddenly said: "I know your thoughts, and want to bring the magic medicine back to the main world to cultivate, but things like magic medicine If you don’t use it well, it’s poison. Are you sure you can use it casually after you cultivate it? In addition, although there are not many strong people in the main world, unless you watch it 24 hours a day, the magic medicine will definitely be stolen after it is planted.”

Hearing this, Lin Xuan was taken aback for a moment, and then said: "It's still possible to be robbed, right?"

"If you don't ask Zhang Sanfeng and the others for help, you might be snatched away. The possibility is not small. After all, there are not only god-level humans in China, but also god-level monsters and ghosts!" the system said.

"Okay!" Lin Xuan thought about it, so he took out the magic medicine and stuffed it into his mouth.

The next moment, the huge medicinal power began to nourish his body, causing his internal energy to soar to the limit of a thousand years in an instant.

At the same time, his thaumaturgic power also soared to an extraordinary extreme.

Then, under the catalysis of the laws contained in the magic medicine, his Taoism practice also increased suddenly, reaching the level of Uncle Jiu before he became a god.This is more than that, his blood energy has improved the most, and his national martial arts cultivation base has directly advanced from the early stage of transcendence to the level of "breaking the void and being immortal".

Feeling the power of the explosion in his body, he subconsciously punched forward, cracking the space.

"The sky-shrouding world space is too solid. If I change the place, my punch should have shattered the void, right?" Lin Xuan said in his heart.

Immediately, the system said: "Well, Shattering the Void, that is the highest level below the Martial Dao God level."

"Yuanshen is still a little short, otherwise, just now, he would break through to the god level in one fell swoop!" Lin Xuan said.

At this time, his strength has reached the extreme of the second level, the real extreme, even Zhang Sanfeng's rare abnormality in the ages, is definitely not his opponent at the second level.

Because Zhang Sanfeng's strongest attack hit Lin Xuan's weakest point, and he couldn't break through the defense!
This is not an exaggerated description, but real, unreasonably strong.

"No loss, although your current cultivation base is still at the second level, but in fact, you can already challenge the junior Suzaku and others at the third level. Except for the girl Qi Ran who has a special bloodline, it is difficult to compare the others. None of China's four most powerful players should be your opponent!" said the system.

"But why haven't you advanced yet?" Lin Xuan wondered.

To this, the system did not answer directly, but asked: "Do you know why this mission world was arranged for you a long time ago?"

Lin Xuan shook his head.

"Dharma door, magical medicine, chance, nothing is the key. The most important part of this mission is to let you understand that a powerful person is still powerful even if he is at a low level, and the weak one is the same even if he has advanced to a high level. Weak!" The system said: "Like the Great Emperor Wushi, he can be invincible in the world, even the mortals can fight, this is strong. And those wastes in the restricted area are also emperors, how can they be nothing in front of the mortals? "

Lin Xuan was taken aback when he heard the words, and asked, "Is this important in the later stage?"

"It is very important. After the realm of Daoguo, the weak will forcefully escape and die. This is why there is no strong person in the heavens and myriad worlds!" The system said: "Only the truly strong can hope to live beyond the heavens and myriad realms!" Realm, but there are stronger ones who transcend the realm itself, transcend cultivation, transcend everything, and reach the truly supreme realm, that is your direction and the meaning of the existence of this system.”

As soon as these words came out, Lin Xuan immediately fell into deep thought.

After a long time, he said: "I don't have the confidence to do it, but I will continue to surpass myself."

"Very good." The system said.

After that, he practiced every day, fed the Black Emperor, and chatted with the Great Emperor Wushi when he was bored.

Nine months passed quickly.

On this day, Emperor Wushi said: "I plan to use magic medicine to cultivate your virus into a god poison, plant it on Xiao Hei's body and seal it into the god source, so that when it is born again, it can bring a baptism to the world and urge a new one. The Golden World."

Lin Xuan was taken aback when he heard this.

Then, Wushi said: "Recently, I have studied your technique of 'Seven Star Lantern Renewal', and I have gained a lot of experience. I plan to gather hundreds of millions of stars to form an array, and use seven 'super suns' as star lamps to continue my life against the sky." If I succeed at that time, I will turn the world of mortals into a fairy, and step into the realm where I am eternal and truly immortal!"

Regarding this, Lin Xuan was speechless, and said, "Emperor, you really know how to play!"

"You always knew that I was the Great Emperor, right?" Wu Shi said.

Lin Xuan nodded and said, "Of course."

"There is definitely a big secret in you, but different people, different ways, if we can meet again on the road to immortality, we must have a good time." When Wu Shi spoke, his tone was full of farewell.

At this time, the system prompts that the task of raising a dog for Emperor Wushi has been completed.

There is no beginning to leave.

On this day, in many places such as the Big Dipper Starfield and the Ziwei Starfield, the scorching sun can be seen rising into the sky.

Countless dead stars bloomed again, gathered into a super sun, and formed a giant seven-star array.

"If I succeed, I will make this method public. Whether you will act or help me, you can decide for yourself!" Wu Shi felt that he was about to cross the "Star Lantern Tribulation", and said to the supreme beings in the forbidden areas.

Immediately afterwards, a great battle broke out. Even though he was far away from the edge of the universe, Lin Xuan could still feel the vibration of the sky and the earth.

"Little guy, you took care of that dog Wushi well, so come and help me raise my son too, okay?" A man appeared in front of Lin Xuan and said with a smile.Lin Xuan also smiled at this, and said: "Actually, you want to get the life-sustaining method of the Seven-Star Lantern from me, right?"

"So what?" the man said, "Let me introduce myself first, I am the Immortal Emperor, the supreme god of all races!"

Then, another person jumped out and said: "Immortal, you want to swallow the law of longevity, my emperor will not just sit idly by!"

Lin Xuan heard the words: "..."

The Immortal Emperor, Emperor Zun, and the world that shroud the sky, there are not many villains in the world, and there are only two of them here in a short while!
"I'm sorry, I just don't like to be threatened by others!" Lin Xuan chuckled, started the return, and threw out a recording device at the same time, which played: "The old dog of the Immortal Emperor, although I am very good at raising dogs, But that son of yours, I can't take care of him!"

In the same place, Emperor Zun laughed loudly, but the immortal emperor's old face was as black as ink.


After returning to the main world, Earth, and Lin Xuan, it occurred to him that the mission rewards had not yet been collected.

"It doesn't matter, this system will pull the Clock of Infinity to give you a day of enlightenment!" said the system.

(End of this chapter)

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