Wanjie temporary workers

Chapter 131 To the Extraordinary Alliance

Chapter 131 To the Extraordinary Alliance
Wu Shi, who is fighting the supreme beings in the world that covers the sky, suddenly felt that the whole world was frozen by an inexplicable force.

In an instant, or possibly an eternity, time begins to flow again.

Everyone continued to fight, except for Wushi, no one noticed the short-term solidification, even the Immortal Emperor and Emperor Zun, who were watching from a distance, didn't notice it at all.


The main world, Earth, in the bay villa.

"System, you should send it back!" Lin Xuan said to the system after touching the clock without beginning.

The task reward is one day of comprehension, but at a glance, he understands that comprehension is not a reward at all. Touching the clone defense power is the real reward of the task-his realm is too low to comprehend Wushizhong's There is no difference between looking at Daowen and looking at it for a day, or even comprehending for 1000 or 1 years.

Because the enlightenment effect is zero, no matter how many times the time is doubled, it is still zero.

"You still have self-knowledge." The system said.

Lin Xuan: "..."

After that, without delay, he went directly to the headquarters of the Huaxia Extraordinary Alliance.

At this time, although his cultivation base has not reached the third-order god level, his combat power has surpassed the ordinary god level. Although he is incomparable with the big guys like Zhetian Emperor and Primordial Lord God, the ever-changing overalls have cloned Wu Shizhong's defense In the end, it is not something that the idlers can break through.

At least, as strong as Thanos, I'm afraid you have to collect all the infinite gems before you have any hope of breaking through the defense.

The few Shrouding Emperors with relatively weak combat effectiveness could barely break through the defense at most, and it was difficult to really hurt Lin Xuan.

You know, the Wushi Bell is not an ordinary extreme emperor weapon, it is the natal magic weapon of the Wushi Great, and it is already a quasi-celestial weapon in terms of level!
Lin Xuan, who has enough strength, is already planning to have a showdown with his future mother-in-law.

The headquarters of the Huaxia Extraordinary Alliance is not in a densely populated city, but in the center of the "Extraordinary City" built by extraordinary people in the Qinling Mountains and Great Rivers.

The alliance is governed by four god-level powerhouses, Suzaku is the leader, Qinglong, Baihu, and Xuanwu are the Great Elder, City Lord of the Extraordinary City, and Dean of the Extraordinary Academy respectively.In addition, Zhang Sanfeng and Qi Ran also became elders by name because of their high cultivation bases, but they never asked about the alliance.

At this time, the group of ordinary elders who were in the same generation as Suzaku and the other four were actually in charge of the alliance's affairs, but their cultivation was only in the late Chaofan period.

"The water in the real world is very deep, but practitioners are generally not strong." After Lin Xuan came to Chaofan City, he saw many superhuman beings, but most of them were in the early stage of Transcendent, and hadn't even reached the innate realm.

Occasionally there are a few who reach the innate realm, and they are all innate like Wang Chongyang with unstable foundations, and their actual combat strength is not the same as that of Duan Zhengchun.

"Senior brother, stay safe and sound." Zhang Sanfeng walked towards him and said.

"I'm sick." Lin Xuan smiled and punched him.

At this time, he is no longer what he used to be, possessing a combat power comparable to that of a god-level powerhouse.Zhang Sanfeng also advanced to the god level, and became the number one master in China, with unfathomable martial arts.When we meet again, what greeting is more appropriate than a quick fight?
Regarding Lin Xuan's attack, Zhang Sanfeng smiled lightly and wrapped his fists with Tai Chi.

After that, I borrowed my strength and pushed forward...no push!

"Three days after farewell, you should look at each other with admiration!" Zhang Sanfeng said.

"To each other." Lin Xuan said, and kicked him again, but in front of Zhang Sanfeng's Tai Chi magic, it was like punching cotton with a heavy punch, and it couldn't work at all.

Not only did it not work, but he was also slapped a few times by taking the opportunity, and under the condition of deliberately not using Wu Shizhong's defensive power, he was in hot pain.

"Senior brother's defensive power is still astonishing." Zhang Sanfeng said.

Regarding this, Lin Xuan smiled, and while attacking, he said: "You are the same, unless there is a sneak attack, no one can hurt you head-on."

During the conversation, the two of you come and go, and there are hundreds of moves in an instant.

Because Ju Du's cultivation base is introverted and his control is extremely strong, although they fought with all their strength, they did not leak any power.Therefore, people passing by only knew that they were exchanging martial arts, but no one knew what level the two were at, so they did not attract the attention of others.

It has to be said that Zhang Sanfeng's cultivation is really profound.

He has been on TV and is almost a household name, but no one can recognize him as the number one master in China. Even if someone notices his face, he will subconsciously ignore it.

In the end, the two fought thousands of moves, regardless of the outcome.

This time it was a real draw: Zhang Sanfeng was forced to fight with all his strength, but he didn't get the slightest advantage!The same is true for Lin Xuan, without the use of external force, no matter how he attacks, he is dismissed lightly by the opponent without causing any damage.

In the competition of internal strength, millennium skill is evenly matched against god-level martial arts power.

"Haha, happy, really happy." Zhang Sanfeng stopped his hands and said.

Lin Xuan also had a cheerful face.

At this moment, in front of them, a pair of young men and women were knocked to the ground. The old man at the bridge of heaven and earth withdrew his internal strength and said angrily: "You unworthy girl, it's not good to find someone, but you have to follow me!" It’s wrong for a martial artist from an ordinary background to have a partner and secretly obtain a certificate. This is wrong, and it’s embarrassing for our whole family, you know?”

Zhang Sanfeng was not surprised by this, shook his head and sighed: "People's hearts are retro!"

Lin Xuan was taken aback when he heard this.

After a little questioning, he understood the reason of the matter: people in the alliance who have reached the late stage of Transcendence and established influence have become more and more old-fashioned in their thinking.Unless Taijie enters the late stage of Chaofan at a young age, ordinary young people are not allowed to have sex with the children of the Chaofan family.

In front of them was a stubborn man and a woman who secretly obtained the certificate without telling the family, but the Patriarch of the Bridge of Heaven and Earth Realm personally took action.

"Is Suzaku, the leader of the alliance, also in this state of mind?" Lin Xuan thought of Qi Ran's mother.

Immediately, Zhang Sanfeng shook his head and said: "The leader has always advocated the abolition of old ideas, and she should not interfere too much with her children."

"Really?" Lin Xuan was puzzled.

If that's the case, what is Qi Ran worried about?

On the other side, the old man became more and more angry as he talked, and finally said: "You think you are very affectionate, don't you? Well, I will abolish your cultivation and let you love each other like ordinary people!"

Seeing this, Lin Xuan shook his head, took out a small paper figurine, and quietly pasted it on the old man's back.

Immediately, the old man's face became dull.

"You two choose for yourself, whether to separate, or would you rather be abolished and stay together?" The old man said expressionlessly under Lin Xuan's control.

(End of this chapter)

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