Wanjie temporary workers

Chapter 132 Raw Rice Cooked Rice

Chapter 132 Raw Rice Cooked Rice
"You abolish our cultivation!" The two looked at each other and said together: "Even if we are mortals in this life and don't practice anymore, we still have to be together."

"Very good!" Lin Xuan controlled the old man and said: "Actually, I just wanted to test whether you are sincere. Since I would rather give up my practice and be together, how can I not fulfill you? I am the one who decides this matter." It’s settled, you’re going to get married now! I’m also asking my comrades around to help you be the witnesses.”

Soon, a tragedy became a happy marriage under Lin Xuan's intervention.

Zhang Sanfeng stroked his beard and said, "Good."

"Hey." Lin Xuan smiled and went to Qi Ran's residence in the alliance.

In the same place, after the body control technique was eliminated, the old man was angry, but he couldn't repent. On the one hand, the wedding was irreversible, and on the other hand, he didn't dare to disobey the mysterious strong man who controlled him.

After all, in this extraordinary world, the only truth is that the strong are respected.

Qi Ran was very happy about Lin Xuan's arrival.

She cooked a table of delicious dishes early on, but during the meal, Lin Xuan took a bite of raw rice from the hot rice.

Immediately, he froze.

Qi Ran is a very careful girl, and she will never make raw rice, and making some completely raw rice in a pot of cooked rice is not something that ordinary people can cook.

"Eat more food." Qi Ran seemed a little nervous, and said with her head down.

Lin Xuan smiled and asked, "Auntie isn't home today?"

"No, a god-level monster appeared in the south. Qinglong went to encircle and suppress it several times, but failed, so I called my mother over this time." Qi Ran smiled and said, "Don't worry, that monster I have tried the beast secretly, it is not strong, my mother and Qinglong teamed up, and it only takes 10 minutes at most to subdue it. But if you want to find it, it will take at least a few hours, and they won't come back for a while."

Hearing this, Lin Xuan, who was only guessing at first, was immediately convinced of his guess.

"Are you deliberately dismissing your mother?" Lin Xuan said.

Qi Ran smiled and said nothing.

"You are a lightning-type supernatural being, and you are good at speed. It should be very easy to find the monster. You did find it and tested the strength of the monster." Lin Xuan said: "But you didn't follow the monster. Your mother said that she could find it, but she used it to drive your mother away. I have to say, my Qi Ran is really smart."

Immediately, Qi Ran stared and said, "What is your home?"

"Raw rice and cooked rice, the hints are so obvious, if I still can't see it, wouldn't I be a fool destined to be single forever?" Lin Xuan said while eating.

Immediately, Qi Ran blushed, feigned anger and said, "What's the matter, don't you want to?"

"Never separate again." Lin Xuan said.

Qi Ran nodded and said, "Never separate again."

The thoughts of the two are the same, don't forget it forever, just have it all the time - some people say that if the relationship between the two lasts for a long time, how can it be day and night?But that is a myth, a legend, a beautiful poem, not reality.

True love, don't last forever, just love now!

A few hours passed quickly. After Lin Xuan and Qi Ran had been lingering for a long time, they went out to the Civil Affairs Bureau and returned with a marriage certificate.

"Although this thing is useless, it is definitely very effective to use it to prevaricate my mother." Qi Ran said with her certificate: "She is a very open person, but she is very rigid in some places. She is very strict with herself and my father." I am particularly concerned about my marriage certificate, I have carried it with me for so many years, and never leave it.”

Hearing this, Lin Xuan shook his head and said, "What she cares about is not the certificate at all, but the person on the certificate!"

"That will only be better." Qi Ran said.

Not long after, Qi Ran's mother and Qing Long returned to Chaofan City from the south.

"It's also at the beginning of the god level, the two of us plus a large group of masters were able to defeat that monster. It's really more powerful than a monster." Qinglong said.

"After all, the monster race used to be the protagonist in this world, and it is uniquely blessed. It is normal to have a higher combat power." Qi Ran's mother said: "But compared with human monks, it is still much worse. We are only affected by the end of the era and cannot practice. If you can't learn truly powerful spells with truly profound skills, you can't compete with monsters of the same level."

Having said that, she looked up at the sky, and said again: "Soon, everything will be fine in a short time."

"Well, the gods will always appear again." Qinglong said.

At this moment, Lin Xuan and Qi Ran walked over.

Suzaku's expression changed, and he looked at Qi Ran and said, "Are you broken?"

"Mom, let me introduce you. This is my boyfriend Lin Xuan." Qi Ran pulled Lin Xuan and said, "No, to be precise, it should be my husband. We have already obtained the certificate, and we are only one wedding away!"

Immediately, the flame power in Suzaku's body went out of control, covering the entire Extraordinary City.

"We have come together, even if you object, the result will not change!" Qi Ran released the lightning barrier, and said to her mother: "The road to practice is too long, and if no one is with me, my daughter will not be able to go on. If you really have to fight with him, if something happens to Lin Xuan, my daughter would rather die with him than be a widow!"

Immediately, Suzaku's anger grew even stronger.

"Don't think about it, although Auntie may be unhappy when she hears it, but I still want to say, she can't hurt me!" Lin Xuan patted Qi Ran on the shoulder and said.

It wasn't until then that Qi Ran realized that Lin Xuan's strength was no longer the same as before.

As for Suzaku, she condensed a flaming sword and stabbed at Lin Xuan.

"Auntie, calm down!" Lin Xuan reached out and grabbed the sword.

Immediately, Suzaku and Qinglong who were watching were stunned. They didn't expect that someone with a second-level cultivation base could catch the attack of a third-level god-level powerhouse with bare hands.

"Infinite Heaven, in terms of combat power, Lin Xuan is already number one in China." Veteran Zhang Sanfeng jumped out and said.

"Sister Suzaku, your son-in-law is good, so don't object." Qinglong said affectionately.

Unexpectedly, Suzaku was not only unhappy when he heard the words, but showed decadence, even... despair!
She said in a tone almost crying: "Xiao Ran, mother's hard work, why don't you understand? Not everyone can walk very far on the road of cultivating immortals. You are destined to live forever in this life. If the partner you find fails to become Dao, the deeper your love, the more painful it will be!"

Hearing this, Qi Ran glanced at Lin Xuan and said firmly, "I trust him!"

"Auntie..." Lin Xuan wanted to speak, but was interrupted.

Suzaku said displeased, "You still call it that?"

"Mom." Lin Xuan immediately changed his words.

"My daughter is getting older, and I can't control it. Let her decide on her own affairs!" Suzaku finally sighed: "However, as a man, you have to give her a perfect wedding! And all obstacles, all hardships, you I also have to bear it all, must I understand it?"

"Of course." Lin Xuan said.

"You can't give it now. A perfect wedding requires both parents to be present. You have to find Xiaoran's father first, and then you can officially marry her at the wedding!" Suzaku shook his head and said, "That is a person with an extremely noble status. A man with unrivaled strength and an extremely domineering and arrogant personality, you can only truly have Xiao Ran if you get his approval, otherwise, even if you get married, it will not have a good result!"

Immediately, Qi Ran was stunned, and asked doubtfully, "My father?"

"Who is her father?" Lin Xuan asked.

(End of this chapter)

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