Wanjie temporary workers

Chapter 133 Qi Ran's True Identity

Chapter 133 Qi Ran's True Identity

"Xiao Ran's father is called Qi Yuhuang, who lives in the Supreme Heaven's "Lingxiao Palace" and rules the "Three Realms of Myth" including Jiuyoutian and the human world. In the projections and legends of the heavens and ten thousand realms, he is called the "Jade Emperor". !” Suzaku said.

As soon as these words came out, Lin Xuan and Qi Ran were stunned on the spot.

Qinglong even staggered and almost fell down.

Zhang Sanfeng, who had a very calm mentality and was successful in cultivating the Tao, also stared and almost jumped up in shock.

"My father is the Jade Emperor?" Qi Ran couldn't believe it.

"The God King is the God King, and the Jade Emperor is the Jade Emperor. Don't confuse them." Suzaku said, "Even if the Supreme Heaven is one of the best worlds in all the heavens and worlds, the God King rules the Supreme Heaven. Even stronger and terrifying existences! As for the 'Jade Emperor' in the mythical worlds in the evolution of the heavens, they are indeed the manifestations of your father, but none of them can compare with your father's deity .”

Qi Ran was puzzled by this.

Zhang Sanfeng and Qinglong also looked puzzled.

Only Lin Xuan, who has seen the evolution of the will of the world, understands the difference between the Jade Emperor and the Supreme Heavenly King.

But the more so, the more astonishing it is.

The Jade Emperor is not the top among the gods, but as one of the heavens, the Supreme Heaven must be in the realm of Dao Fruit!

At this time, Zhang Sanfeng said: "Your daughter's father is the Jade Emperor, so aren't you the Queen Mother?"

"No, there are tens of thousands of concubines, and I'm just an inconspicuous one, otherwise I wouldn't be living in the mortal world." Suzaku shook his head and said.Immediately afterwards, she continued: "But Xiao Ran is different. The God King has no sons, and including Xiao Ran, there are only nine daughters, and he also said that 'nine' is the ultimate, and he will not give birth to a tenth child. "

"Mystery is also important in childbirth?" Lin Xuan was speechless.

"A concubine with children, as long as she can cultivate into a fairy, she is eligible to go to the Supreme Heaven and accompany the King of God." Suzaku looked at Lin Xuan, and said, "The combination of you and Xiao Ran ruined everything. The thing I hate the most is the marriage of a fairy in the sky with a mortal, especially my own daughter."

Hearing this, Zhang Sanfeng and Qinglong were taken aback.

Lin Xuan, on the other hand, broke into a cold sweat.

"The legend of the Cowherd and the Weaver Girl and the Seven Fairies going down to earth once caused a great sensation, and you know how bitter the result is." Suzaku continued, "The seven sons-in-law are still imprisoned in the Jiuyoutian Hell, and they will not become Da Luo Jinxian in a day. , unable to come out for a day! And the seven fairies are confined in the palace, and have not seen the sun of the heavens for thousands of years."

"This..." Lin Xuan sweated even more.

Qi Ran was also dumbfounded when she heard this.

"Don't be afraid, even if you are imprisoned in Jiuyoutian, you can continue to work." The system said.

Lin Xuan was speechless, and greeted in his heart: "Mom, I'm discussing with you whether I can work part-time in the future?"

"Afraid of an egg?" The system said nonchalantly: "You are the host of this system. As long as you have enough time, it is very easy to advance to the realm of Dao and Fruit, and it is not worthwhile to directly fight with the king of God. Then cooperate with your own efforts and practice Comprehension, even if it is to achieve the truly eternal and supreme state of 'transcendence', it is not impossible, but that is a state that no one in the entire heavens and worlds has reached!"

"Did you know her identity early on?" Lin Xuan asked.

"Nonsense, otherwise why would I encourage you to date her?" The system said: "It's hard to find a suitable life partner, and it's even more difficult to find a spiritual partner. Look for the daughter of the Dao fruit expert, so that even if the other party does not practice, relying on the power of blood, he can live forever with you forever."

Hearing this, Lin Xuan said in one word: "Grass!"

"However, the god level is the beginning of the awakening of the blood. Your daughter-in-law can have today's cultivation, talent and hard work are indispensable." You will be ordinary, but if you have enough chances, you may not be able to achieve Dao Fruit, so you have made a lot of money!"

Regarding this, Lin Xuan still had one word: "Get lost."

"That Jade Emperor, no, it's the Supreme Heavenly God King. He came to our place?" Qinglong asked doubtfully, "Isn't the earth in the end of the world?"

Zhang Sanfeng also showed a puzzled look.

"What does the end of the world have to do with him?" Suzaku shook his head and said, "Immortals can already resist the end of the world to a certain extent, and above the immortals, the Daluo Jinxian who jumped out of the long river of time is equal to or even surpasses the world. How can the end of the law limit it?" Got them? On top of that, the re-opening of the world by the Hunyuan Saint is a matter of flipping hands, let alone fear!"

"The human world is one of the three realms, with such a high level, can the end of heaven and earth not affect the god king?" Qi Ran asked.

Immediately, Suzaku shook his head and said: "If there were no forces like Wanjietian, Honghuangtian, Kunluntian, etc. who are also at the top of the pyramid of the heavens and ten thousand realms, the king of gods would have joined the heavens and ten thousand realms long ago, using magic power to transform all positions The face is compressed into a world, do you think that kind of character can be influenced by the end of the world?"

For a moment, everyone was speechless.

"However, the God King spends most of his time in retreat, and the next time he leaves the seclusion should be after the spiritual energy in the world is completely recovered." Suzaku said again: "So, you must keep up with the pace of spiritual recovery, so that when the God King wakes up At that time, what I saw was Da Luo Jinxian's daughter and son-in-law, and even if I was unhappy at that time, I would not punish you."

"It's not enough to just work hard, fighting more is very helpful to improve the cultivation base." Zhang Sanfeng said.

Qinglong and Suzaku nodded upon hearing this.

Thus, Lin Xuan, Qi Ran, Zhang Sanfeng, Suzaku, Qinglong, and the five joined forces to beat up all the god-level monsters in the entire Huaxia territory, and even killed some of the cannibals directly.It didn't take long for human beings to dominate the land of China, and it returned to the level of the technological era more than ten years ago.

And in the Huaxia Extraordinary World, the names and deeds of the new generation of "China's No. [-] Powerhouse" have also begun to spread.

In the end, Lin Xuan left behind an indestructible palace next to Chaofan City.

It was the Palace of the Great Emperor Wushi that he dug away along with the mountains.

"To the outside world, just say that Qi Ran and I are retreating in this palace." Lin Xuan finished talking to Qinglong, and together with Qi Ran turned into a streamer, and returned to his bay villa.

After lingering for a long time, another work order was drawn into his hand.

Work unit information: Qin Shihuang feels that his health is getting worse and worse recently, and he is afraid that he will die soon. He needs a strange person with the art of immortality to help him refine the immortality medicine.

Conditions for completing the task: travel back to the Qin Dynasty through time and space, and help Qin Shihuang live forever.

Remuneration for work: All elixirs in Qin Shihuang's treasury.

Friendly reminder: The elixirs eaten by alchemists are also considered normal consumption.

 It was guessed by many people. In other words, is this really bloody?
(End of this chapter)

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