Wanjie temporary workers

Chapter 134 The terminally ill boy

Chapter 134 The terminally ill boy

"This time, as long as Qin Shihuang can live forever, no matter whether he refines the elixir or not, he can complete it?" Lin Xuan asked.

"That's right, what Qin Shihuang wanted was longevity, not medicine." The system said.

Immediately, Lin Xuan frowned, and said: "Then if Qin Shihuang is killed, or after gaining immortality, he dies again, what is the mission?"

"That's a problem. Let me communicate with the will of the world." The system said.Then the next moment, he continued: "The judgment of longevity is to live to the 21st century without obvious aging. If you are killed halfway, as long as your body is not aging when you die, you can still complete the task."

Hearing this, Lin Xuan thought for a while, and said, "That's easy, it's just time, I don't really have to wait for 2000 years, do I?"

"No, but you have to find the method yourself." The system said: "In addition, you can't use any method to kill Qin Shihuang, even with a borrowed knife. Even if he wants to kill you, you can't kill him, otherwise the task will be directly Failed. Of course, it’s just that you can’t kill it. If necessary, it doesn’t matter if you beat it up or even disable it.”

Lin Xuan was speechless, and directly started the time travel.

The next moment, he appeared in a hospital, and his ever-changing overalls turned into a white coat.

"Hey, isn't this modern?" Lin Xuan asked in amazement.

"That's right, the first part of this mission is to travel back to the Qin Dynasty through time and space." The system said: "Although I don't know the will of the world here, why such a weird mission is released, but if you want to complete the mission, you just have to go back to the Qin Dynasty." Hurry up and find Yi Xiaochuan, and travel to the Qin Dynasty with him."

"Otherwise, once Yi Xiaochuan leaves, the mission will directly fail, right?" Lin Xuan said.

Immediately, the system said: "Not bad."

"But where can I find such a huge crowd?" Lin Xuan asked worriedly.

"Stupid, using [-] degrees to search and find someone is such a simple thing that it consumes very little points." The system said.

Lin Xuan heard the words, opened Wandu search, and quickly found the specific time and location of Yi Xiaochuan's crossing.

"It's only over an hour, and the time is tight." He muttered, and he was about to fly away with Yujian.

But at this moment, a young man came over with a case.

"Doctor Lin, I wonder if you can cure my illness?" The boy said, and handed over the case.

Ji Ning, male, terminally ill.

As for what kind of disease it is, Lin Xuan's doctor status is only arranged by the will of the world, and it is not worthy of the name at all, so it cannot be seen.

But he could also feel that the young man in front of him really didn't have a long lifespan, so he shook his head and said, "This is not a disease, it's fate. It's something that is destined by the heavens. Manpower can't change it. However, death is not the end of life. Even if life is short, you have to live optimistically."

After finishing speaking, he dodges directly and leaves here.

He really can't cure Ji Ning's disease.

"Disappeared in an instant, is this a fairy?" On the spot, the young man thought in his heart: "He said that death is not the end of life. Doesn't that mean that even if I die, I can continue to live in the state of a ghost? Go on? There's nothing wrong with this, except that you won't be able to provide for your parents in the future."

Thinking of this, the boy changed all his decadence and started to work harder.

Thus, a generation of business geniuses was born, made a lot of money, helped countless people in need, and finally died because of saving people. After being tried by the judges of the underworld, they made immeasurable merits during their lifetime, and they will be reincarnated as heaven...

On the other side, Lin Xuan Yujian flew, and soon arrived at Yi Xiaochuan.

"Yi Xiaochuan and Gao Yao, should they really travel through time and space?" Lin Xuan asked the system in his heart.

Immediately, the system said: "Yes, they have lived for more than 2000 years, and finally even returned to the time before they traveled. It is indeed a real time travel, not just travel to a parallel world. However, this travel is just a phenomenon, not Taoism and supernatural powers, the box that allows them to pass through, is not a treasure."

"Is it possible to smoke without corresponding rules?" Lin Xuan felt a little regretful.

"Fuck, time and space are the source of everything in the heavens and myriad worlds. If you take the water from the East China Sea to the West Sea, is there any difference?" The system said: "As for time travel, it's just a bug in the operation of the world. It’s impossible to master it at all, at least the god king of Dao Fruit Realm can’t master it! It’s okay to take advantage of this phenomenon a little bit, then the problem comes, Daluo Jinxian can jump out of the long river of time, cut off the past and the future, what can the god king do when he travels to the past?”

After a pause, the system continued: "Of course, there is a unique system in heaven and earth that allows people to see the Da Luo Jinxian in the past."

Lin Xuan: "..."

Mom sells batches, although you are really awesome, is it really okay to be so narcissistic?
Following Yi Xiaochuan, Lin Xuan quickly passed the treasure box and entered the space-time tunnel.

In the third century BC, Qin Dynasty, the gate of the capital city of Xianyang.

Lin Xuan looked at the majestic city gate and said with emotion: "It is said that China did not make much progress in 2000. Although this sentence is biased, there is some truth to it. Apart from other things, the Qin Dynasty is no better than that in 2000 in terms of architecture. How much difference is there between the Ming and Qing Dynasties... Well, I take back what I said before, the architecture of the Ming and Qing Dynasties is nothing!"

In this regard, the system has two words: "Hehe."

Lin Xuan originally only saw Hongwei, so he expressed emotion, but stepped into it and found that his strength had been cut.

Except for the power contained in one's own flesh and blood, all powers such as Taoism, internal strength, and thaumaturgy were weakened to almost nothing under an inexplicable suppression—for no reason, that power came from Xianyang City. The Great Qin Kingdom is not only magnificent in appearance, but the power of forbidden law contained in it is even more terrifying!
"Stop, who are you, do you have a 'photograph'?" A soldier stopped Lin Xuan.

He froze for a moment, then said in amazement, "What is that?"

He has the "ultimate language proficiency of the heavens and the worlds" endowed by the system. He can understand various dialects, languages ​​of various countries, and even all kinds of exotic languages ​​​​of the heavens and the worlds, and what he says can be understood by others.

However, he really couldn't understand the three words "photo post" for a while.

"It's the ID card, which was specially used by the Qin Dynasty and was invented by Shang Yang." The system said.

"This...really not." Lin Xuan asked the soldier who stopped him: "Where can I make it up?"

"Make it up? Come with me, I'll take you there, and I'll be there soon." The soldier said, and brought Lin Xuan to a place called "Xianyang Prison", and said, "Well, that's it, you just need to go there After ten years of residence, you can make up a photo card."

In an instant, the grass-mud horse in Lin Xuan's heart began to gallop.

(End of this chapter)

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