Wanjie temporary workers

Chapter 135 The First Emperor Was Not Simple

Chapter 135 The First Emperor Was Not Simple

"I bought a watch last year, so why do I think I'm a fool?" Lin Xuan punched the soldier until his nose bleeds.

"You really are a spy, come here, catch him!" The soldier held his nose and shouted while stepping back.

The next moment, a large group of heavily armed soldiers rushed out and surrounded Lin Xuan.

"Damn it, if the tiger doesn't show its power, do you think I've come to love dreams?" Although the internal power has been banned for thousands of years, and the cultivation of thaumaturgy and Taoism have been weakened to almost nothing, he passed on the knowledge of the emperor through Wu Shi. The method, the power refined into the flesh and blood is still there, even if it is in the current state to match the god-level early stage powerhouse, it will not hesitate at all.

In addition, he also possesses the infinite defense power of clones, and people in the early and middle stages of the god level cannot hurt him at all.

So it didn't take long for half of the soldiers to be knocked to the ground by him.

"Go on, don't be afraid, this is Xianyang, Your Majesty and all the generals will be here soon." The soldier commander shouted.

Regarding this, Lin Xuan was speechless, and asked the system in his heart: "Didn't we register our identity?"

It was the first time he encountered such a thing as becoming a black household and being surrounded and suppressed as a spy.

"Our registered identities are from after 2000. It's useless here. You'd better make the noise louder, and then draw out Qin Shihuang, and make up your own identities!" There is no difficulty, it is just an exercise for personal resilience."

Hearing that, in Lin Xuan's heart, besides his mother's criticism, he was still his mother's criticism.

"Since this is the case, let's make it bigger!" Lin Xuan thought to himself, while hitting the gate of Xianyang Prison with all his strength, he shouted loudly: "I am not a spy, but I am not afraid of you. I didn't kill you before because I didn't I like to hurt people casually, if you continue to pester me, I will not be polite!"

When the words fell, the fist with the power to shatter the void hit the gate of Xianyang Prison.

But at this moment, a black light shot into the door, blocking Lin Xuan's fist.

Immediately afterwards, an old man in a pitch-black imperial robe appeared, shook Lin Xuan away with a palm and said, "Strong man, my subordinates have offended me so much, please forgive me."

The power of this palm is not too strong, but it is just right.

"Qin Shihuang?" Lin Xuan asked in surprise.

The old man who knocked him back, his cultivation base is not high, and he is also the second-order extreme, and has not reached the third-order.But in terms of strength, he is no weaker than him.Moreover, every move echoes the entire Xianyang City. If you attack with all your strength, you may be able to borrow the power of the city to raise your combat power to another level!
"It's me." The old man said.

"This Qin Shihuang is not easy!" Lin Xuan secretly said in his heart.

At this time, Qin Shihuang waved his hands to make the soldiers retreat, and said: "I don't know, where are the strong men from?"

When he spoke, there was no hostility in his tone, but unabashed respect.

The state of Qin is notorious for employing people regardless of their origins. Qin Shihuang was able to conquer the six kingdoms and unify the Central Plains in the end, which obviously has a lot to do with it.

"I'm from Huaxia, and my name is Lin Xuan. You can call me Mr. Lin." Lin Xuan said.

"Huaxia?" Qin Shihuang was taken aback.

After talking for a while, he awarded Lin Xuan a title and a mansion, which ended the farce.

Of course, I didn't forget to make up a "photo post" for Lin Xuan.

"This thing is interesting and worth collecting." Lin Xuan said holding the photo.


On the other side, in the palace, Qin Shihuang ordered someone to call Prime Minister Li Si.

After summarizing what happened today, he asked: "Aiqing, the 'Huaxia' you mentioned about Lin Xuan, does it mean the ancient Great Xia Dynasty?"

Immediately, Li Si bowed and said, "I don't know."

In his heart, he sighed: Anyone who meets anyone can think of immortality. His Majesty the First Emperor must be crazy about immortality, right?
But Qin Shihuang firmly believed in his guess.

So the next day, he came to Lin Xuan with a gift.

Lin Xuan was worrying about how to get close to Qin Shihuang at this time. When he saw the target person coming by himself, he immediately took out the "spring of immortality" from the Tianlong world as a treat, and then said: "I used to only know that Qin Shihuang is very powerful. Only when I really saw him did I know that your majesty Not only are you powerful, but your cultivation is also unfathomable."

This sentence is not a compliment, Qin Shihuang's cultivation is indeed unfathomable.

At least in Xianyang City, if Lin Xuan fights him, he can only be sure to remain undefeated, but has no chance of winning.

It's the same with the clone's defense of the beginningless clock.

"To each other, Mr. Lin's 'punching punch' is the only one in the world." Qin Shihuang said.

From Lin Xuan's point of view, he is unfathomable, but likewise, from his point of view, Lin Xuan is also unfathomable.

At least, he couldn't figure it out: why in Xianyang City, all Taoism and spiritual power were banned, why can this person still use the power of Shattering Void?

Is the ban not effective for it, or is the cultivation base too strong, and it can break the void after weakening it?
If it is the former, it means that the ban in Xianyang City is weak, while the latter means that the person in front of him is stronger outside Xianyang City!

"I don't know, why did you come to Xianyang this time, sir?" Qin Shihuang asked.

Hearing this, Lin Xuan immediately knew that it was time for him to pretend to be aggressive, so he put on a melancholy expression and said, "I have been studying the art of longevity for a long time, and I have a little idea, but I suffer from being weak and do not have enough resources. Trying to achieve longevity, so I want to find the most powerful person in the world, and work together to study the law of longevity!"

As soon as these words came out, Qin Shihuang's face changed immediately.

"Is there really a law of longevity?" He asked eagerly.

"Naturally, didn't the first emperor realize that what you and I are drinking at this time is neither wine nor tea?" Lin Xuan said with a smile: "This is a little achievement I have obtained in the process of studying longevity. Although drinking can't make you live longer, it can delay aging, and you can live for at least another 20 years, no problem."

Hearing this, Qin Shihuang felt it for a while, and found that his already exhausted body really had a ray of vitality.

"Good." The First Emperor rejoiced.

At noon that day, he summoned the ministers and named Lin Xuan the "Great Qin National Teacher", a position below one person but above tens of thousands.

And the resources in the national treasury, not only elixir, but also kung fu, thaumaturgy, formations, books, etc., were all at Lin Xuan's disposal.

"This Qin Shihuang really worked hard for longevity." Lin Xuan sighed.

Regarding this, the system said indifferently: "Nonsense, you only have one life, who doesn't cherish it?"

In the evening, Qin Shihuang prepared a grand feast for Lin Xuan.

While eating and chatting, Lin Xuan asked: "I'm curious, Shihuang, your cultivation base is obviously very high, as long as you break through to another level, even if you can't live forever, you can still have at least a few hundred years of life, and a little longer, or even a thousand or ten thousand years. , why do we have to seek longevity through foreign objects?"

(End of this chapter)

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