Wanjie temporary workers

Chapter 136 The Emerald Form of "The Divine Power of Ten Thousand Laws"

Chapter 136 The Emerald Form of "The Divine Power of Ten Thousand Laws"
"Oh, people in the world are ignorant. They only think that 'Jing Ke Assassinates the King of Qin' has failed, but they don't know that he really killed me!" Qin Shihuang sighed.

It turned out that Qin Shihuang could indeed live for many years in terms of cultivation, and the reason why he aged so quickly was because of a secret injury.

It was none other than the famous assassin "Jing Ke" who injured him severely: he poured his whole life's cultivation into a dagger, and when Qin Shihuang was unprepared, his burning life erupted to the extreme, stabbing him with a knife that could almost kill him. Said to be the strongest blow in the world.

It's a pity that Qin Shihuang's cultivation was too high. Although that blow cut off his vitality, it failed to kill him.

Yan Guo also failed to escape the fate of extinction.

"Although I hate that Jing Ke very much, I have to admit that he is a rare warrior!" Qin Shihuang said again.

Hearing this, Lin Xuan asked curiously, "What is his level of cultivation?"

In the practice system of this mythical world, martial arts are just small ways, and the real masters all come from "refining qi".

Just like the world where Uncle Jiu lived, the practice here is also divided into four realms: Refining Qi to Transform Qi, Refining Qi to Return Spirit, Refining Spirit to Return Void, and Refining Void to Combine Dao.But even those who have just started to practice, their combat power is far higher than that of ordinary warriors, and the masters who have cultivated to the second level are already comparable to the bridge between heaven and earth, and among them, the stronger ones can even cultivate the primordial spirit.

The third realm is exactly the level Qin Shihuang is at at this time. Although he has not yet reached the god level, his combat power is not weak.

As for the fourth realm, the realm of "refinement and harmony" at the end of the way of refining qi, Lin Xuan has read the classics of the Qin Dynasty for a short time, and he has not seen any records about that kind of strong man so far.

According to his estimation, the fourth level should be far stronger than the general god level.

"Jing Ke's cultivation level is not high, but he is only in the realm of refining Qi and returning to the gods, which is far away from the realm of my king's refining gods and returning to the void." Qin Shihuang said with emotion: "If it weren't for this, I wouldn't be defenseless and let him go all the way. The blow succeeded. However, his blow that burned all his cultivation and life has already surpassed the realm of refining the gods and returning to the void, and reached the level of refining the void and joining the way, which is a very incredible thing!"

Lin Xuan nodded upon hearing this.

It is really incredible to refine Qi and return to the state of God, and to exert a blow of the state of refining emptiness and combining Taoism.

You know, the "Refining God Returning Void" in the middle is comparable to the early stage of the god level.

"Attention, the system of this world is just 'Qi', not Taoism." The system said suddenly.

Hearing this, Lin Xuan said: "Understood, I just want to practice and see if I can improve my strength again without advancing."

After chatting with Qin Shihuang for a while, after eating and drinking enough, he went to the Great Qin State Treasury and read the secret books on the way of refining qi.

It didn't take long before his qi refining practice had never been improved, he refined and transformed qi, then he refined qi to restore his spirit, and then he refined his spirit to return to the emptiness. All the way was unimpeded, and he even approached Qin Shihuang—unexpectedly, that "everything" There is no one in the martial arts talent", which is actually useful for refining qi, and the divine superpower can also accelerate the process of qi refining.

At the very least, the running speed of that "Qi" can be accelerated through super energy.

"Actually, the true internal energy was created by the pre-Qin Qi refiners. If you have been to the world of Yuenv Sword, you will find that Zhuangzi, Mozi and others are extremely powerful Qi refiners." The system said.

Hearing this, Lin Xuan said: "I feel that this qi refining is very close to comprehension."

At this time, he already possessed "spiritual consciousness", and it was extremely powerful. He could look inside his own meridians, combined with metaphysics and thaumaturgy, and even directly look at cells.

"Anyway, in this city of Xianyang, internal energy is of no use. It's better to refine all of it into flesh and blood, and even return the 'qi' to the body." Thinking in his heart, he operated the method taught by the Great Emperor Wushi, and put all the energy in his body. All the power in him has been refined into flesh and blood.

So far, he lost all his cultivation, but his strength has tripled.

"With the method of divine refining, I can fly. The shortcomings of the physical body can be made up for by simply cultivating. It's just that my strength, where does it go after it is integrated into the body?" Lin Xuan thought, using his divine sense, to check his cells .

As a result, after the cell was magnified many times, he really saw a group of "five-color" forces.

This kind of power is the product of the compression of internal force, Taoism, thaumaturgy, qi, and primordial spirit. It does not belong to any known system. Even Emperor Wushi who taught Lin Xuan's method, I'm afraid he never imagined that he could cultivate such a strange thing.

It is worth mentioning that this power does not exist alone, it is inseparable from the cells, and cannot be separated by any means.

Not to mention the forbidden formation like Xianyang City, even Lin Xuan himself can only passively enjoy the strengthening of the cells, but cannot call it.

"Isn't there something wrong with my repair?" Lin Xuan asked the system.

Immediately, the system said: "It's not for you, because you have divine superpowers and are immune to your own power riots. If someone else cultivated this thing, the power should have been out of control by this time, and then it exploded with a 'bang'." , the power is comparable to a large-yield nuclear weapon, and it can explode a beautiful mushroom cloud."

Lin Xuan heard the words: "..."

"That's a good thing," the system said.

"What good thing?" Lin Xuan asked.

The system did not answer, but asked: "Do you know how many small realms are divided into the third-order god level?"

Lin Xuan shook his head.

"Ordinary god-level powerhouses, Suzaku, Qinglong and others, cannot perfectly control their own power, which is the worst level." The system said: "Above this, your little girlfriend's power is completely controlled. Restrictions can quickly grow to a height that is unimaginable for ordinary god-level powerhouses, which is the middle stage of god-level."

Immediately, Lin Xuan asked: "How strong is it?"

"If Qin Shihuang advances to the god level and reaches the realm of refining emptiness and Taoism, plus the ninth uncle of the human god, and borrows the power of an entire extraordinary world, it will probably be able to tie with the middle stage of the god level." The system said: "Add another one later. Now you can defeat a god-level mid-stage powerhouse with the ever-changing overalls as a shield!"

Hearing this, Lin Xuan couldn't help being taken aback.

He really didn't expect that Qi Ran's realm was so strong!

"Furthermore, awakening bloodlines or cultivating super powers to the extreme and turning them into 'supernatural powers', you can advance to become a great power. This is the later stage of the god level." The system also said: "Your little girlfriend, you should She has already touched this realm, but she uses the power of the end of the world to seal her bloodline and concentrate on cultivating supernatural powers. This is very wise. Because of both, without going to the realm of immortals and gods, she can reach the great power Above that, it is already comparable to the 'Emperor Realm' of immortal gods, that is, the realm where the Great Emperor of the World Shrouds Heaven!"

As soon as these words came out, Lin Xuan was taken aback again.

Doesn't this mean that Qi Ran can directly become a character at the level of the Great Emperor, as long as he cultivates his super power to perfection and further restores the aura of the sky and the earth?

I thought that my cultivation had already caught up with her, but unexpectedly, it was still far behind.

"In the late stage of the god level, you can already go to the realm of immortals and gods. About one or two people in 1 people will succeed. If you have a lot of merit, you can increase the success rate. Most of the immortals are promoted under this situation. The system continued: "As for the emperor, as long as he keeps improving his strength, he can eventually become a fairy in the world of mortals. The probability of this advancement is about one-tenth."

Hearing this, Lin Xuan couldn't help but nodded.

The ratio of the Great Emperor of the World Shrouding the Sky to the Red Dust Immortal is roughly ten to one.

At this time, the system said: "But the emperor is not the ultimate. There are always some arrogances in the heavens and myriad worlds, who can cultivate the god level to the extreme. If they do not become immortals, they have combat power that surpasses that of the mortals. For example, Emperor Huangtian Shi Hao, the late Heavenly Emperor Ye Fan, Chen Nan and Xiao Chen before becoming immortals, etc., they are slightly stronger than Wushi and Ruthless, and far stronger than the Immortal Emperor and Emperor Zun at the same time."

Immediately, Lin Xuan said: "The chances of these people becoming immortals is [-]%, right?"

"They don't attack the realm of immortals and gods, and they are no different from true immortals and true gods. Whether they become immortals or not is just a situation for them." The system said.

"Is there any stronger one?" Lin Xuan asked.

Hearing this, the system was silent for a while, and said, "It wasn't there before, but this system has seen a glimmer of hope from you."

"Me?" Lin Xuan was taken aback.

He doesn't underestimate himself, but he also knows something in his heart. He is far away from ordinary emperors. How can he be compared with Shi Hao and Ye Fan, those freaks born under the mutation of the world?
"Didn't you find that every time you practice a different system and compress it into your cells, you can become stronger?" The system said: "If you practice all the systems once, then the strength after fusion will be strengthened and filled to the full. The whole cell can use this as the source to use the Shrouding Heaven cultivation system to prove all the dharmas in the world, and after success, the mana power will be comparable to 1 Shrouding Heaven Emperors!"

Then there was a pause, and the system said again: "This kind of power, this system named it 'Wanfa Divine Power', this is the ultimate third-order power that only you can hope to master!"

(End of this chapter)

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