Wanjie temporary workers

Chapter 137 Yushu and Yi Xiaochuan

Chapter 137 Yushu and Yi Xiaochuan
"It's easy to say, I don't know how many different systems there are in the heavens and myriad worlds, how many years will it take to practice all of them?" Lin Xuan shook his head and said, "Besides, it is not easy to fill the cells with power The thing is, I have even taken the magic medicine, and I have only filled in a little bit of refining skills for thousands of years, and I don’t know how many miles away from full.”

At this time, the rudimentary form of myriad magic powers in his cells only covered about one-thousandth of the cells, and the amount was very, very small.

In other words, his strength needs to grow a thousand times to fill the entire cell!

This is just a simple filling. If you count the compression and fusion of different forces, it will be more difficult.Moreover, there is also a distance between cells. It is really difficult to connect the "divine form of divine power" in the body into a whole and become a "mana of divine power".

"If it was simple, others would have achieved it long ago, so what's the matter with you?" the system said nonchalantly.

Then he paused, and then said: "You don't need to achieve it all at once, as long as you cultivate a kind of power, use the method of the Great Emperor Wushi to cultivate it into the flesh and blood, fill the entire cell, and sooner or later, you will cultivate the power of ten thousand dharmas." of!"

"Is it okay to fill it up with a single force first?" Lin Xuan was taken aback.

"It's all the same. There is no difference between first integrating and then growing, and first growing and then integrating." The system said: "Of course, this is your own way of cultivation. Only the 'divine' superpower can achieve it. Others want to learn it." You can’t learn it. Otherwise, the mushroom cloud will be beautiful when it blooms.”

Lin Xuan: "..."

Because he didn't advance, he also possessed the combat power of the early stage of the third-tier god level. At this time, he didn't care so much about the realm, so he followed the system's suggestion and began to fill the cells with strength.

I don't know if it's because of this world, or because of Xianyang City's ban on the Great Formation. He is very slow in cultivating internal energy, thaumaturgy, and Taoism here, and the growth speed of his soul is also very limited.Only by refining qi, he probably only needs to practice for a few hours, and he will be able to achieve one time of refining the spirit to return to the void, and then after a few hours, he will be able to refine it into flesh and blood, and start to practice again.

He didn't try to refine the emptiness and join the Tao, because he didn't plan to advance to the god level so quickly.

However, it feels like that realm cannot be cultivated in this world at all.

Comparing many worlds and various situations, Lin Xuan found that: the world of Tianlong, the world of four famous catchers, and the world of mythology, the levels of these worlds are far below the second-order extreme, even if there are various methods and elixir stacks, it is still difficult Upgrade it to Tier [-].

In fact, it is not that easy to promote the promotion of the world.

The biggest reason why he was able to upgrade so many worlds at the first level was that he had obtained the martial arts inner strength of the second-level world from the very beginning.But now, he doesn't have the practice methods of the third-order world, and most of the elixir is at the second-order level. It is very, very difficult to promote the world's promotion!
Fortunately, he has the "RR" virus and "Jing Yuan Dan". If he encounters a suitable world in the future, he still has great hope of promoting promotion.

It is worth mentioning that at this time, with the help of Qin Shihuang's power, he summoned most of the alchemists of the Qin Dynasty to his residence, but he did not let them refine the medicine of immortality. Give them the formula, and move the elixir from the treasury for them to refine.

This has nothing to do with the mission, it is purely hoarding pills for future upgrades in the world.

In fact, if it wasn't for refining qi and not being able to take drugs, he really wanted to be in this world and try to promote the world promotion once.

"The elixir of life, I should be able to refine it now?" Lin Xuan thought in his heart, analyzing the pharmacology of super soldier serum, RR virus, spring water of immortality, etc., and then reintegrated it again. It took more than half a month to finally refine it. A longevity medicine has been produced, which can increase lifespan by 1 years after taking it.

However, it is only effective for life below the god level, and it cannot be used repeatedly.

"Give it to Qin Shihuang!" Lin Xuan said to Gao Yao.

Because there was no one available around him, he transferred Gao Yao to his subordinates and appointed him as his deputy. Compared with people in this era, even if he was just a cook, Gao Yao was much more efficient as a modern person.

After that, I continued to refine medicine and practice, and time passed quickly.

Until this day, under the introduction of Gao Yao, Yi Xiaochuan came to ask for help.

"You can't let Princess Yushu go after all, can you?" Lin Xuan smiled and said, "I will give you the marriage of a lifetime, and take it away forever, are you willing?"

When Yi Xiaochuan heard the words, he was stupefied.

In the end, he said: "Although I don't know what it means, but I am willing."

"Very good." Lin Xuan nodded.

He couldn't let go of a treasure like Tianxing, and the elixir of life is extremely difficult to refine, and it doesn't have Yi Xiaochuan's share—everything has a cause and effect, he took away the chance that belonged to Yi Xiaochuan, so as Compensation, of course, must give him some things, and Princess Yushu is the compensation for Yi Xiaochuan.

When he found Empress Qin Shi, Lin Xuan didn't make any detours, and said directly: "You and Princess Yushu are incompatible. If you accept her as a concubine, you will die in a short time."

"Then I will kill her!" Qin Shihuang said immediately.

Regarding this, Lin Xuan shook his head and said, "Kill her, and you will have no hope of everlasting life!"

"Is it so evil?" Qin Shihuang didn't believe it.

"Fate matter, believe it or not, you can decide for yourself." After Lin Xuan finished speaking, he turned and left without further words.

The next day, Emperor Qin gave Princess Yushu to Meng Yi, the former general of the Qin Dynasty.

"Are you so sure that Qin Shihuang will definitely give her to Yi Xiaochuan?" Gao Yao asked Lin Xuan in the mansion of the National Teacher.

Hearing this, Lin Xuan smiled and said, "Because there is no second choice."

Although part of the reason for marrying Princess Yushu was that Qin Shihuang was greedy for her beauty, but more of it was because of the need for marriage.

Being able to get a beauty and stabilize the frontier, why would Qin Shihuang not do this kind of thing?
But once it affects longevity, with Qin Shihuang's courage, he can give up without hesitation.Therefore, the object of the marriage is no longer himself, but Meng Yi.Because the only one who can also reach a marriage and has sufficient status is Meng Yi, the former general of the Great Qin Yu.

As for the sons Fusu and Hu Hai, and the other princes, they were either not of sufficient status, or they already had a wife, which was not within the scope of Qin Shihuang's consideration.

In other words, with his arrogance, he didn't even bother to use his own son to marry him!
This was just a small episode, no one cared about it, and Qin Shihuang soon forgot about it.

Lin Xuan continued to practice, and emptied the national treasury, and asked his subordinates to create a lot of Jingyuan Pills, even a lot of Jingyuan Shendan.As for himself, his cultivation base continued to improve, and the color representing "Qi" in the cell became darker and darker, and the pure Qi continued to increase, and it was about to fill the entire cell.

On this day, Qin Shihuang suddenly came to him and said, "National teacher, there is a star descending into the world. It is said that that thing can be used to refine the medicine of immortality. If I get it, can I continue my life in ten thousand years?"

(End of this chapter)

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