Chapter 141 Ancient Three Links

"It's easy to grab, it's not difficult." Lin Xuan smiled and said, "I just don't know, what kind of reward can you offer?"

"You don't have to mention it, as long as the king has it and can do it, it can be rewarded." Zhu Wushi said.

Hearing this, Lin Xuan's smile became even bigger, and he said, "Well, after I find Tianxiang cardamom, I will go to Hulong Villa to find you! There may be many things that bother you, but they are nothing important , there is no difficulty, as long as you are willing to help, it can be done easily."

After speaking, Lin Xuan stood up and walked towards the prison.

"Go slowly, don't send it off." Zhu Wushi said.

"Mr. Lin, wait for me." Zhang Jinjiu yelled, and followed behind Lin Xuan.

The two soon arrived at the gate of the prison.

"How do you plan to get in, sir?" Zhang Jinjiu asked.

Regarding this, Lin Xuan smiled and said, "Go in directly."

Hearing this, Zhang Jinjiu was stupefied.

At this time, Lin Xuan continued to move forward and walked directly into the dungeon.

No one stopped.

Seeing this, Zhang Jinjiu wanted to go in, but the gatekeeper stopped him with a knife and shouted, "Who are you? What are you doing?"

"Hey, Mr. Lin, I haven't gone in yet!" Zhang Jinjiu shouted.

"What's the name of the ghost?" the jailer said displeased.

After several conversations, Zhang Jinjiu learned an unbelievable thing: In the eyes of the gate guards, he was the only one who came to the gate of the prison, and no one entered just now, as if Lin Xuan did not exist at all. , The jailers all ignored him!
"What kind of supernatural power is this?" He sighed.

What magical powers?
In the pre-Qin period, Qishi practiced spells and became invisible.

When Lin Xuan came to the ninth floor of the dungeon, Gu Santong had passed all his martial arts to Cheng Zhengfei and was about to die.

"It's better to come early than coincidentally. This timing is just right." Lin Xuan walked over and stuffed an elixir of life and a pill of essence into Gu Santong's mouth.

At this time, Gu Santong, all martial arts had been passed on to Cheng Shifei, and he himself became a useless person who was about to die.

However, the martial arts cultivation base and realm are still there, as long as he is revived, and then take a Jingyuan Shendan to increase his skill for a hundred years, he will soon return to his heyday.As for Cheng Shifei, who was taught by him, although it will be difficult for him to use his own strength for a while, as long as he practices diligently, it is only a matter of time before he becomes a peerless master no less than the ancient Santong.

In this case, the number of people who hoped to break through to the third level suddenly changed from one to two.

"Who are you? What did you give me to eat?" Gu Santong asked in amazement.

Immediately, Cheng Shifei asked, "What's wrong?"

"My injuries are all healed, and I have increased my hundred-year skill out of thin air!" Gu Santong said.

At this time, he can be said to be extremely shocked.

Of the two elixirs, one saved the dying wounded, comparable to three Tianxiang cardamoms, while the other instantly increased the skill for a hundred years, stronger than the three Shaolin Great Returning Pills!

Who would it be to come up with such an unimaginable magic medicine?

"Increased a hundred years of skill out of thin air?" Cheng Shifei was taken aback for a moment, and then said: "That's good, you passed on your 40-year-old skill to me, and then you got a hundred-year-old skill, which can be said to have doubled your martial arts. In this way, you only need to If you go out, you might be able to easily defeat Lord Tie Dan and regain the title of number one in the world."

Hearing this, Lin Xuan immediately burst out laughing.

As for Gu Santong, with an embarrassed old face, he thought to himself how did he find such a successor?

"What's wrong? I'm not right?" Cheng Shifei scratched his head.

"Skills are not calculated that way. The 40-year skills I'm talking about not only refer to internal strength, but also how long I have practiced the indestructible magic of King Kong." Gu Santong said: "Although the century-old skills obtained through medicine seem to be a lot, they are actually Transforming it into my own internal strength is only equivalent to more than ten years, and the maximum will not exceed 20 years."

Immediately, Cheng Shifei showed a bewildered expression.

If he can't write well, he can't do martial arts. He can't understand these profound things.

"To put it simply, the purity of internal force is different. The 100 years of skill he obtained is only equivalent to more than ten years of his own cultivation." Lin Xuan said: "You can imagine it as silver and gold, and the 100-year skill is 40 taels of silver. The 40-year skill passed on to you by the ancient three links is [-] taels of gold, and the value is completely different."

Hearing this, Cheng Shifei finally understood, and said, "In other words, the martial arts of the original ancient predecessors are actually higher, right?"

"Not bad." Gu Santong nodded.

"By the way, you shouldn't call him senior." Lin Xuan laughed.

Cheng Shifei was taken aback when he heard the words.

"Yes, you should call me Master." Gu Santong said.

Then without waiting for Cheng Shifei to react, Lin Xuan said: "That's not right, Cheng Shifei you, you should be called Gu Santong father!"

As soon as this remark came out, Gu Santong and Cheng Shifei were both dumbfounded.

"Brother, you can joke better than me." Gu Santong said after being stunned.

Then, Cheng Shifei also said: "Although it is a very good thing to have a father who is a peerless master, but you must not misidentify your father, otherwise my parents will be angry."

"No, I'm not joking, nor am I talking nonsense." Lin Xuan said: "20 years ago, Su Xin gave birth to a child when Gu San Tong went to the duel with Hou Zhu, the God of Tiedan, and named him Fei. Son', handed over to the neighbor, Mrs. Cheng, to take care of her temporarily, and when she grows up, she will be called Cheng Shifei."

As soon as these words came out, the faces of the two of them immediately became serious.

"I was really raised by Mrs. Cheng, but I never heard him tell me about my father." Cheng Shifei said.

As for Gu Santong, he said excitedly, "What's the name of your aunt Cheng?"

Cheng Shifei told the truth, but immediately, Gu Santong pulled him into his arms.

"What are you doing? Men and women can't kiss each other!" Cheng Shifei said.

But no matter how hard he struggled, he couldn't get away.

"God's will, God's will!" Gu Santong laughed and said, "I never thought that Gu Santong would have a son, and he would be sent to me to pass on my lifelong martial arts. Hahaha, the number one in the world in the future is destined to be You, I, Gu Santong, have never been able to defeat Lao Zhulian in this life, and I am even happier that my son beat him!"

Then, he let go of Cheng Zhengfei, looked at Lin Xuan and said, "You helped me heal my wounds, and you told me these things, why?"

Because he met Cheng right and wrong first, and walked between life and death, he didn't suspect that Lin Xuan had any malice towards him.

If there is anything that can be conspired by others, you can get it from Cheng Shifei, including the "King Kong Immortality Magical Art" and "Suction Dafa".

Yes, right and wrong will also absorb Dafa.

To be precise, there are exercises, and Gu Santong passed on all the knowledge he had learned all his life to him without reservation.

"King Kong's Immortality Magic Art, Absorption Dafa, and Eight Schools of Martial Arts, as long as you know it, I will have it, and use it to understand the principles and improve my martial arts." Lin Xuan said: "However, the most important thing is that I need you all. With the help of the father and son, together we will advance the level of martial artists in the Jianghu to an unprecedented height."

As soon as these words came out, Cheng Shifei was confused again.

But Gu Santong stared and said, "You want to do that thing that Tianchi strange man did back then?"

(End of this chapter)

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