Wanjie temporary workers

Chapter 142 The Past of Tianchi Hero

Chapter 142 The Past of Tianchi Hero

"Tianchi strange man has done such a thing?" Lin Xuan asked in astonishment.

From the system, he already knew that this world once hit the third level and failed.But the passive impact of the world and someone's deliberate promotion are two completely different concepts.Because only those who have reached the limit can sense the shackles of heaven and earth, and have the idea of ​​wanting to break the shackles.

Of course, it can't be ruled out that that day Chi Weixia purely wanted to improve the overall strength of the Central Plains martial arts.

If it is only the latter, it is not surprising, because many high-level people are doing such things.

"That's right." Gu Santong said: "That was a long time ago, about 100 years ago. At that time, there were far more masters than there are now. Absorbing Dafa and Vajra Indestructibility are all in one. The Tianchi monster, the master of the world, the sword demon who controls the heart with the three swords of Ah Bidao, the sword god who has a sword that is so powerful that he has never worshiped the world, and the immortal boy who is unparalleled in the world..."

In one breath, he said many names.

Some of the martial arts involved are known to Lin Xuan, such as King Kong is not bad, Xiongtianxia, ​​Tiangang boy martial arts, etc., but there are also some that did not appear in the original plot, and I don’t know if the people who knew it did not appear or have been lost. .As for the people mentioned, apart from Tianchi strange man, he has never heard of Sword Demon, Sword God, Immortal Boy, etc.

In the mapping information, these people are not mentioned, not in any TV or movie.

But just imagine, A Bi Dao's three knives can be controlled freely, the magic of absorbing power and the magic of Vajra indestructibility are integrated in one body, and the sword energy is soaring... This is by no means an ordinary master.

It is even possible that they are even more powerful than the current Iron God Hou Zhu Wushi.

Sure enough, the next moment, Gu Santong said: "I don't know what level the old pig's suction method has reached, but he doesn't know the invincibility of the diamond. Reaching the realm of divine martial arts is at least one realm worse than Tianchi strange man and others!"

"What is the realm of divine martial arts?" Cheng Shifei asked.

This is what Lin Xuan wants to know.

"Technology is close to the Tao, and the achievement of supernatural powers is the highest state of martial arts, the realm of martial arts." Gu Santong said: "I don't know how far the sword demons, sword gods and others have reached, but from the Tianchi strange man left Judging from the inheritance of martial arts, he not only reached that level, but also reached the extreme level of martial arts, and tried many times to break through to a higher level."

Hearing this, Lin Xuan was basically sure that Chi Qixia had reached the third-order god level that day.

Because of supernatural powers, it can basically be said to be a sign of the third order.

"It's a pity that he failed in the end. Not only did he die, but he also caused a serious injury to the vitality of the entire Jianghu, and he couldn't recover in a hundred years." Gu Santong also said: "Because the overall level of martial arts in Jianghu has declined, now I want to Reaching the Realm of Divine Martial Arts is ten times more difficult than before, and there have been no masters of the Realm of Divine Martial Arts in Jianghu for hundreds of years."

It is said that right and wrong are in the cloud.

As for Lin Xuan, he said, "Couldn't you be fooling me all the time?"

It suddenly occurred to him that this ancient Santong, nicknamed Unbeaten Naughty Boy, spent his life deceiving people and ghosts for pleasure.

"I can lie to others, but if I lie to you, it will be easy to see through." Gu Santong shook his head and said, "Tianchi strange man once said that there are two ways to improve the overall level of warriors in the rivers and lakes. High-level powerhouses, so that they communicate with each other, can promote the overall level of martial arts to a higher level; and another way is for a certain person to break through to two levels above the top level of the rivers and lakes, so that others can follow in his footsteps If you walk, you can also improve as a whole."

Hearing this, Lin Xuan nodded, making sure that Gu Santong didn't fool himself.

Although the conclusion of Tianchi strange man is not completely correct, and he may not know the existence of "world shackles", but the general direction is still correct.

The first method is what Lin Xuan has done and has been doing all the time: to cultivate a number of strong people who surpass the world level, so that their cultivation will drive the overall improvement, thereby promoting the world's upgrade.

And the second type, Bruce Lee forcibly opening the shackles of the world, is an example.In the third-order world "super-body world", Lucy became a god in one fell swoop, comprehended all the knowledge of the universe and reached the peak of the god-level, and also broke the shackles of the world, so that the super-body world, which was originally only a mortal world, was directly promoted to the third-order.

Hongjun Zixiao Palace's preaching is a combination of both, and finally promotes Honghuangtian to become one of the heavens.

"Tianchi strange man is a generation of strange people, but unfortunately he failed." Lin Xuan regretted.

In the low-level world, the person who can think of promoting the world's promotion is absolutely extraordinary, but unfortunately that person is dead, and he has no chance to meet him.

"But I advise you to give up." Gu Santong said again: "Whether you use the power-absorbing method to absorb all the martial arts of the world on your own, forcefully break through to a higher level, or teach several people the method of absorbing energy, together It is not advisable to advance to the realm of the gods and then seek to promote the promotion of the world, because no matter what method is used, the final result will be the continued decline of the world."

Hearing this, Lin Xuan smiled and said, "I know that although high-end combat power is the key to overall improvement, ordinary Jianghu masters are the cornerstone of overall improvement."

"That's right, if there are no ordinary masters, then no matter how high a person's level is, they will be like a loft in the sky, unable to support the entire world." Gu Santong said.

"Not necessarily, but we really can't support the whole world alone." Lin Xuan nodded.

Bruce Lee was able to open the shackles of the world forcibly because he was too outstanding, a genius of the ages, and the shackles of the world he lived in were not strong at all; Lucy was able to open the shackles of the world because she was knowledgeable. Let everyone know it, let everyone reach the god level; and Hongjun's success lies in the fact that there are seven saints in Honghuangtian, all of whom have broken through to the realm of Taoism.

The system of this world is martial arts, and Lin Xuan is not that outstanding, so naturally he can't do it if he wants to.

At least, he can't do it now, but it may be possible in the future.

"So, let's give up!" Gu Santong said.

Regarding this, Lin Xuan shook his head and said: "No, Tianchi strange man didn't succeed, that's because the method is wrong, not that the way doesn't work. As long as we build high-end combat power, we can ensure that ordinary masters will only increase. It will definitely promote the promotion of the world, and let the overall level of Jianghu masters reach the realm of martial arts!"

"Keep ordinary masters, whose internal energy are you absorbing?" Gu San said.

"What if I have a lot of pills that can increase the power?" Lin Xuan said with a smile: "We can drain a person's power first, and then give him a hundred-year-old internal power pill, then suck it up, and then feed the medicine. With this cycle, wouldn’t it be possible to gain infinite skill? As long as the skill is sufficient, even a pig can become a peerless master if it’s not lazy!”

(End of this chapter)

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