Wanjie temporary workers

Chapter 143 Using scientific methods to mass-produce peerless masters

Chapter 143 Using scientific methods to mass-produce peerless masters
"No, at most two or three times a person can perform exercises, the meridians will be overwhelmed, and the spirit will be damaged. If you really suck it like you said, the person who is sucked may die at any time." Gu Santong said: "However, even if you can only disperse the kung fu two or three times, if you have a lot of internal strength medicine, you can really try it. After all, all martial artists in the world can accumulate many peerless masters."

Hearing this, Cheng Shifei looked confused, and thought to himself: Is this the way peerless masters talk?
"What if I still have the magic medicine to restore meridians?" Lin Xuan said.

It's just Jingyuan Pill, it's okay to take it once or twice, but if it's too much, it will definitely hurt the body, and may even cause death.You must know that internal force is closely related to energy and energy, and the loss of internal force is actually the loss of life, which cannot be made up by ordinary medicines.Those old masters dare not compete with others in internal strength, why?
It is because once the internal force is exhausted, people will die!

However, ordinary drugs can't do it, but super soldier serum can do it. As long as it doesn't dry it up all at once, it's easy to replenish the internal energy.

And the cost is low, and it will not damage the spirit.

"If you can make up for all the damage, your idea can indeed be realized, but in this way, the money consumed will be inestimable." Gu Santong said.

Immediately, Lin Xuan smiled and said, "Problems that can be solved with money are not problems."

"What do you need us to do for you?" Cheng Shifei asked.

"It's not too much, just put aside all grievances and grudges temporarily, and deal with personal grievances after my affairs are over." Lin Xuan said.

Hearing this, it doesn't matter if it's right or wrong, anyway, he doesn't have any grievances.

As for the ancient three links, he nodded and said: "Indeed, the promotion of the overall improvement of the world cannot be done by just one or two people. If we want to succeed, Laozhu is an indispensable and important helper. I will temporarily Let go of the grievances with him. However, you also have to beware of him, otherwise it is very likely that most of your efforts will be made for others."

Lin Xuan laughed immediately when he heard the words, and said, "As long as you can put it down for a while, that's fine. You don't need to think about anything else."

Unless the world advances, no matter how strong Zhu Shi is, it is impossible to threaten him.

Even plotting, there is no hope of success.

"Don't worry, even if I want to settle accounts with the old pig, I'm powerless now." Gu Santong said.

At the beginning, he was alone, but he could keep his promise for 20 years. He was nested on the ninth floor of the dungeon, and he would not go out if he could.Now that he has a son, it is even more impossible for him to go to the God of Tie Dan - he very much hopes that his son will master his martial arts, defeat the God of Tie Dan and regain the number one in the world, but he does not want his son to make mistakes.

Going to seek revenge on Shenhou now is definitely going to die.

No one knows better than Gu Santong how advanced Zhu Wushi's martial arts are.

"Very well, after this is done, I will not treat you father and son badly." Lin Xuan said.

After that, Gu Santong taught him all the martial arts he knew.Although it is not very useful, some of the martial arts, such as "King Kong Immortal Art" and "Suction Dafa", can complement other martial arts mastered by Lin Xuan.Especially the "Suction Dafa", this martial art has extremely strong remote control ability. After mastering it, combined with the "Shenlian" method, you can even kill people ten thousand meters away with a sword.

Of course, there is no second-level self-defense pistol for a headshot from [-] miles away, that's for sure.

But in terms of power, it is far stronger than a second-level self-defense pistol.

"First of all, we need to find two Tianxiang cardamoms, so that Zhu Wushi can be dealt with." Lin Xuan took Cheng Shifei and Gu Santong, sneaked into the palace and took the Tianxiang cardamom from Princess Yunluo.

Afterwards, Cheng Shifei and Gu Santong stayed in the palace temporarily, while Lin Xuan came to Cao Zhengchun's place in Dongchang.

"Who are you?" Cao Zhengchun was a little surprised by the arrival of this unexpected guest, but not panicked.

He is still very confident in his martial arts.

"It doesn't matter who I am. The important thing is that I came with an elixir that can increase my lifespan. I need you to help me with some things with all your heart and soul." Lin Xuan said: "In the process of doing things , you want to cooperate with God Lord Tiedan, so I hope that you can put aside your grievances for the time being, at least you are not allowed to fight life and death before the matter is completed."

This Cao Zhengchun, Tiangang Boy Kung Fu is also very powerful, at least no one can defeat him except for the masters of the level that the god of iron courage Hou Zhu ignores.

As for people at that level, in the whole plot, there are only Gu Santong, Zhu Wushi, and Cheng right and wrong in the later stage, only these three!

"Are you here to make fun of the governor?" Cao Zhengchun said, and slapped Lin Xuan.

In this regard, Lin Xuan smiled slightly, stretched out his fingers a little forward, and put it down on the ground.

"How is it possible?" Cao Zhengchun couldn't believe it.

"Nothing is impossible. I admire your martial arts, but if you want to make a move, you only need one move to kill you!" Lin Xuan said: "Think carefully about what I said, then the ten thousand years of longevity is Yes, or not, you give me an answer."

As he spoke, he waved his hand and helped Cao Zhengchun up.

"Unexpectedly, there is someone in this world who can defeat me with one move, and the others are convinced." Cao Zhengchun said.

Not long after, all of Cao Zhengchun's martial arts, as well as a piece of Tianxiang cardamom, were sent to Lin Xuan.

Then he left Dongchang and came to the world's richest merchant Wansanqian.

"One elixir for all your family property, isn't it more profitable than buying and selling?" Lin Xuan said.

But how can Wan Sanqian believe it?
He directly ordered the Four Ghosts of Xiangxi to beat Lin Xuan out. Naturally, he was taught a lesson about how to behave.

In the end, Lin Xuan came to Hulong Mountain Villa, and said to Hou Zhu, the God of Tiedan, "I have already found two Tianxiang cardamoms. I will give you one first to save Suxin. I will give you the remaining one together." I will give it to you within a year, and I hope that in this year, you can help me improve the overall level of Jianghu warriors to a higher level."

Shenhou was taken aback when he heard the words, and asked in confusion: "What good will this do for you?"

"Only when the pond is big can it accommodate big fish. I am here to break through to a higher level of martial arts." Lin Xuan said half-truthfully.

Because it was related to Su Xin, Shenhou didn't say much, and said directly: "Yes, I will help you."

Therefore, under Lin Xuan's organization, Gu Santong, Cao Zhengchun, and Zhu Wushi formed a short-term alliance.

"We want to use the most scientific method to mass-produce peerless masters, so first of all, we have to create an inner strength method that does not pursue power, but only seeks to accumulate internal strength and strengthen the foundation." Lin Xuan said, and Gu Santong and others Together, based on the health-preserving part of Taijiquan, they have created an internal strength cultivation method suitable for all ages.

This method condenses all of Lin Xuan's accumulation of martial arts, and the effect of purely cultivating internal energy to warm up the spirit and spirit surpasses any martial arts.

However, apart from the rapid cultivation of internal strength and the ability to prolong life, other aspects are very weak.

The internal force cultivated is very pure, but precisely because of its purity, the internal force cultivated by this method cannot be used at all. It can only passively improve the physical fitness, and the increase in strength is very limited.

The name of this exercise was chosen by Lin Xuan as "**** Divine Art"!
(End of this chapter)

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