Wanjie temporary workers

Chapter 144 Establishing the Martial Ranking

Chapter 144 Establishing the Martial Ranking
"**Shengong, isn't this name a bit inappropriate?" Cheng Shifei said: "Lei gives people a feeling of great power, and Feng feels a bit like a knife. This name sounds good when used in other martial arts, but you just created it. The martial arts in my school only cultivate internal strength and nourish oneself, it has nothing to do with prowess!"

Regarding this, Lin Xuan smiled slightly and said, "No, it's very good, it's just that you don't understand it!"

Soon, Cao Zhengchun and Zhu ignored the magical skills of the ** and promoted them to the whole world.Immediately afterwards, Lin Xuan selected talented warriors to teach a simplified version of martial arts. Wansanqian paid for the establishment of a "internal force trading" market. Several people joined hands and soon formed a complete set of "peerless martial arts". Master" production line.

Wansanqian was the first person to try. Because of his wealth and wealth, he directly inhaled to the thousand-year limit level in one breath.

If it weren't for Lin Xuan's various medicines, and the help of Tie Dan Shenhou, he would have exploded and died.

However, although the skill has been improved, the strength is not very strong-the ordinary skill of a thousand years is not as pure as Cao Zhengchun's 60-year-old Tiangang boy skill, and it can't resist Shenhou's power-absorbing method, let alone Fighting against King Kong is not bad.

According to everyone's estimates, Wan Sanqian will have to practice for at least 100 years before he can become a true peerless master.

"It doesn't matter, my talent is poor, and my comprehension is not good. I am already satisfied with this skill." Wan Sanqian said.

"If you are a warrior with excellent talent, it only takes a few years or even a few months to fully familiarize yourself with this skill. It is easier for someone who is a peerless master to adapt." Lin Xuan said: "For example, some of you may directly There will be no discomfort when you improve your skill."

Everyone nodded when they heard the words, so Zhu Wushi, Gu Santong, and Cao Zhengchun also "recharged" their thousand-year skills with krypton gold.

After that came the three secret agents of Hulong Villa and Cheng Zhengfei. Because the first three were already very good at martial arts, even if they were far inferior to Cao Zhengchun and the others after krypton gold, they could at least control their own internal strength.As for the latter, Cheng Shifei possessed the ancient Santong's indestructible magic skill of Vajra and the power-absorbing method, directly absorbing the power to full value, and then refining it, he became a super master.

Of course, the application is far from mature, and you can only rely on the Immortality of the Vajra to fight against others, and you cannot combine the power-absorbing method to attack the enemy from a distance.

"Let's rest first! There are other things to do tomorrow." Lin Xuan said.

But that night, a masked man in black came to his room.

"Heavenly fragrant cardamom, bring it!" said the man in black.

"Even if I cover my face, I know it's you, why bother?" Lin Xuan said.

Immediately, the man in black used the power-absorbing technique and grabbed him.

Regarding this, Lin Xuan smiled, and also used the great method of suction, and started to suck against him.

"You can also absorb Dafa?" the man in black asked in amazement.

"More than that, I will also absorb several similar martial arts, such as Star Absorbing Dafa, Beiming Divine Art, and Heiner, and finally integrate them into one, creating a stronger 'advanced version of Beiming Divine Art'. Are you interested in giving it a try? ?” Lin Xuan said.

Hearing this, the man in black decisively tore off his face scarf, shook his head and said, "My martial arts are not as good as yours."

This is exactly what Hou Zhu, the god of iron gallbladder, ignored.

"Nonsense, how many years have I practiced, and how many years have you practiced? If it weren't for immortality, I'm afraid I would have a gray beard at this time." Lin Xuan patted Zhu Wushi on the shoulder and said with a smile: "Man, some It is inevitable that we will encounter some sufferings and difficulties from time to time, and even cannot help ourselves to make some choices that we regret for the rest of our lives. However, we cannot change ourselves because of this and turn ourselves into heinous sinners, do you understand?"

Immediately, Zhu Wushi shook his head and said: "There are some truths, if you understand it, you can really let it go."

"That's true." Lin Xuan nodded, and then said: "However, as for the rebellion, I suggest that you better let it go. What's the use of mere secular imperial power? I came to you for the matter of promoting the overall level of martial arts in Jianghu. I got the ancient three links, I found Cao Zhengchun, but I didn't find the emperor, do you know why?"

"Why?" Zhu asked indifferently.

Lin Xuan smiled and said: "Because it's meaningless, martial arts have already surpassed the secular imperial power at my level! If one day I want to kill a person, even if he is the emperor, can he escape? If one day I If you want to save a person, even if you are the emperor, can you kill him against my will?"

Hearing this, Zhu Wushi fell into deep thought.

If this sentence is told by others, even if it is the ancient three links, it is impossible to shake him.

But Lin Xuan is different. This is a person whose martial arts are far superior to his own, which makes him admire.Moreover, he also knew that Lin Xuan was promoting the overall improvement of Jianghu and seeking a higher realm.Naturally, this realm is not the realm of divine martial arts, because after obtaining a thousand years of skill, I, Gu Santong and Cao Zhengchun are already close to the realm of divine martial arts, but far inferior to the person in front of me.

Obviously, what this person can pursue can only be the supreme realm that is above the gods and martial arts, truly surpassing everything else.

At least that's how it seemed to him.

"If we succeed, the state of divine martial arts will no longer be the pinnacle of martial arts. At that time, personal martial power will be infinitely magnified, and there will be a situation where the strong surpass the court." Lin Xuan continued: "And you, as the number one in the world, A master, and an uncle of the current dynasty, does not need to seek power and usurp the throne at all to become the true master of Ming Dynasty."

Hearing this, Zhu Wushi didn't speak, but his expression was shaken.

He understands better than anyone that strength is the foundation of his life.

"Breakthrough as soon as possible, I am optimistic about you." Lin Xuan said.


The next day, under the impetus of Lin Xuan, Zhu Wushi and Cao Zhengchun released a list called "Shenwu List".

This list has set a martial arts ranking for all the masters in the world: Hou Zhu, the God of Tiedan, ranked first in the realm of quasi-divine martial arts; Cao Zhengchun, quasi-shenwujing, ranked third; Da Nei Secret Agent Duan Tianya, the pinnacle of the Bridge of Heaven and Earth, ranked fourth...

Since ancient times, there is no first in literature, and no second in martial arts. The ranking of this martial arts list is naturally highly controversial.

So there is no doubt that in order to prove themselves, most of the warriors in the world began to challenge and compete for rankings.

Under the deliberate promotion of Lin Xuan and others, most of the talented warriors advanced by leaps and bounds, becoming stronger and stronger.And the overall level of warriors in the entire rivers and lakes has also grown steadily.All kinds of elixir and magic skills emerge one after another, and almost every few days, a top master will emerge.

Among them, the fastest to emerge is Cheng Zhengfei, the successor of the undefeated urchin Gu Santong.

Under the personal guidance of Gu Santong, he quickly mastered the indestructible magic of King Kong. Afterwards, he worked hard to practice the unique skills of the eight sects. No.3 in the Shenwu list.

This battle shook the world.

Immediately afterwards, the emperor came forward to personally reward Cheng Fei, and betrothed his younger sister Princess Yunluo to him—the miraculous skill was unrivaled in the world, he became famous in the first battle, married Bai Fumei, and reached the pinnacle of life. Naturally, many young warriors are practicing more diligently, hoping that one day they can become the second right and wrong.

And at this moment, Gui Hai Yidao came to Lin Xuan with a "Heroic Dominance" cheat book.

(End of this chapter)

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