Wanjie temporary workers

Chapter 148 Begins with a strange man, ends with a strange man!

Chapter 148 Begins with a strange man, ends with a strange man!
After completing the way of martial arts, Lin Xuan began to study thaumaturgy and Taoism, and the number one plane in the world, the value of force began to increase rapidly: under the stimulation of Cheng Shifei and Tianchi strange man, the world's warriors practiced harder, and some of them who did not practice People who study martial arts also joined the ranks of practicing kung fu, or to get rich overnight, or to be nominated for the Shenwu list, or to be a high-ranking official and rich salary.

In short, under the impetus of Lin Xuan and others, martial art has become the avenue of generosity.

Soon, all the people of Ming Dynasty practiced martial arts.

Countless "***" have sold the inner strength they have cultivated to others in exchange for the rewards they want.

Martial artists who lack internal strength have accumulated profound internal strength in a short period of time through "****"——In addition to the ranking of martial arts in the Shenwu List, everyone on the list can get rewards corresponding to their rankings, calculated on a day-to-day basis , paid by Wan Sanqian, the richest man in Ming Dynasty.

Later, in order to win people's hearts, the emperor also opened up the treasury and joined the ranks of payment.

The result is naturally that as long as you practice martial arts hard and enter the list of gods, you can get a lot of money and buy internal power to reach a very high level in a short time!
Of course, it is definitely not a simple matter to enter the Shenwu list.Because those people have been supported by money, their internal strength is extremely high, and their martial arts are also extremely high.As for the top ten super masters, each of them has thousands of years of skill, and they have cultivated the top skills in the world, which is far beyond what ordinary people can compete with.

"Taoism is easy to do. As long as you use your vitality to strengthen your soul, you can quickly cultivate to its full value." After several months of retreat, Lin Xuan has also filled his cells with Taoism, and his strength has changed from the middle stage of the god level. Four times, eight times that of the middle stage of the god level.

Undoubtedly, every time a power is added, the power of the prototype of "Wanfa Shenli" will be multiplied.

A few months later, his thaumaturgy cultivation reached full value, the prototype of divine power lit up with a fifth ray of light, and his strength doubled again, reaching sixteen times that of an ordinary mid-level god.

"I can feel that now my whole body is full of explosive power. It's a pity that the martial arts all depend on the physical body. Otherwise, the strength can still be achieved..." Lin Xuan was thinking in his heart, he was taken aback for a moment, and then retreated to practice again. Guan, although there are still five powers in his body, his strength has already reached 32 times that of the mid-stage god level!
Guoshu only cultivates the physical body, but because of this, directly reaching the middle stage of the god level can strengthen the cells and achieve the effect of fusion.

It was a pleasant surprise.

However, Lin Xuan was a little disappointed that the strength of the Yuanshen pushed the Taoism to full value, but the Yuanshen itself was far from reaching the point of great success—it was not power, but an upgraded product of the soul, although relying on foreign objects It can grow strong, but it is difficult to break through to the god level after all.

"Don't worry about this, you can cultivate other powers first, and finally the primordial spirit has reached the middle stage of the god level, and then the fusion is the time to truly cultivate the 'Wanfa Divine Power'!" the system said.

Lin Xuan nodded upon hearing this.

Although it was a pity that he couldn't double his strength again, he was already very powerful in the middle stage of 32 times the god level.

People in the same realm, he can already be destroyed with a snap of his fingers!
"Promoting the advancement of the world is really not a simple matter." After Lin Xuan finished the retreat, he summoned Zhu Wushi and other top ten masters in the Shenwu list, and taught part of his "Northern Darkness Swallowing the Sky".

Not long after, Zhu Wushi, Gu Santong, Cao Zhengchun, Cheng Shifei, Guihai Yidao, Duan Tianya... There are ten people who have advanced to the realm of martial arts.

However, this world has not been upgraded because of this.

"What's going on?" Lin Xuan asked the system.

"This is because the promotion failed and left the root of the disease, so you have to get several times the thrust to really advance." The system said: "Of course, there are also advantages, that is, it is not too difficult to cultivate strong people."

Lin Xuan was speechless, and continued to cultivate the strong.

But apart from the few protagonists that Tiandi loves, it is not so easy for others to advance to the realm of martial arts in a short period of time.

Until this day, at the highest place of the palace, a long howl shook the whole world.

The shackles between heaven and earth were opened, and everyone's strength began to advance by leaps and bounds.

"Hahaha, I did it!" The Tianchi strange man exuded a powerful aura of the late stage of the god level, looking up to the sky and screaming.

Then, as if his wish had been fulfilled, and he no longer needed to exist, his body began to decompose, turning into a huge aura of heaven and earth, and dissipating between heaven and earth—the world has been promoted, and the strange man of Tianchi will be the last straw to rush away. After breaking the shackles of heaven and earth, from now on, people in this world will be able to cultivate to the third level and above, and will have the opportunity to explore the illusory and truly immortal!
"It started with a strange man and ended with a strange man. The promotion in this world is really full of legends." Lin Xuan said with emotion.

In the courtyard of Hulong Villa, a tree grew rapidly and blossomed and bore fruit.

"Wow, is this a walnut tree?" Cheng Shifei, who came to play, asked.

Then, his wife Princess Yunluo also said: "It's so strange."

"This is the 'Sacred Tree of Heavenly Fragrance', a miraculous fruit tree unimaginable by ordinary people, and the fruit it bears is the legendary cardamom of heavenly fragrance!" Zhu Wushi said.

With the sound, Lin Xuan's mission in this world was completed.

In the end, he still didn't hand over the Tianxiang cardamom to Zhu Wushi, but planted it in the ground, which gave birth to the Tianxiang sacred tree.

But the task was completed in the same way, and it was still overfulfilled.

"That was just before, now Tianxiang cardamom is no longer a legend." Gu Santong said.

Beside, Su Xin held a parasol and stood between the two of them.

The picture is peaceful and beautiful, but is it the calm before the storm, or has it really calmed down?

"This world doesn't seem to have produced too strong masters." Before leaving, Lin Xuan told the system.

At the beginning of the world's promotion, there was an explosion of strong players, but only Zhu Wushi and Gu Santong reached the middle stage of the god level.As for the others, Cheng Shifei is stronger than ordinary martial arts, but Ouchi Secret Agent Duan Tianya and others are all ordinary martial arts, and their strength is at most comparable to Suzaku, Qinglong and others.

This is not as scary as when Ip Man's world was promoted to the world of kung fu.

"Normally, the so-called blowout has a limit. The strongest can barely reach the middle stage of the god level. Do you think it is so easy to reach the middle and late stages of the god level?" the system said.

"Okay!" Lin Xuan realized that he was thinking too much.

It is easy to give birth to an extraordinary power, but a god-level power is a living god in a sense, so how could it be so easy to be born?
At this time, his temporary worker experience value has reached 60.00%, which is less than half, and he can enter the third-level world.

After returning, Qi Ran was still practicing, so he didn't delay and drew another work order.

Work unit information: Nick Fury wants to form the Avengers, but the resistance is too great, and there is no superhero who can stand up to the scene, so he appealed to the United Nations for help.

Mission completion conditions: Go to S.H.I.E.L.D. on behalf of Huaxia, form the Avengers Alliance, and defeat the Kirita army in the Battle of New York.

Work remuneration: a work card for temporary workers.

Friendly reminder: don't miss the mind gem.

(End of this chapter)

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