Wanjie temporary workers

Chapter 149 Return to the Marvel World

Chapter 149 Return to the Marvel World
Marvel universe, S.H.I.E.L.D., in the director's office.

"It's really strange. For so many years, Huaxia has never asked anything about S.H.I.E.L.D. except for the money. Why did you suddenly support me to form the Avengers Alliance this time, and even sent a helper?" Big bald Nick Foo Rui knocked on the table, puzzled.

Although SHIELD was established by the United States, it is not an official department of the United States, but a worldwide organization.

It is only responsible to the United Nations. In theory, all countries that have joined the United Nations can be regarded as the boss of S.H.I.E.L.D.

But in fact, this is not the case. Soviet Russia has almost no control over it, and Huaxia has never participated in anything related to S.H.I.E.L.D., and only occasionally allocates a large amount of money to support its development.

Britain also rarely interferes with S.H.I.E.L.D.'s affairs, so S.H.I.E.L.D. is roughly equivalent to half of the official American organization.

But in fact, it originated in ancient Egypt thousands of years ago. It has always had its own way of behavior and is not subject to the jurisdiction of any country. The orders issued by the President of the United States can be heard or not.

Of course, under normal circumstances, Nick Fury would not openly contradict the President of the United States.

Except this time, on whether to form the Avengers, S.H.I.E.L.D. and the president had a disagreement: the president thought it was completely unnecessary, those so-called superheroes should be honest ordinary citizens, nuclear bombs were enough to protect people’s safety .As for Nick Fury, he is very worried about the alien invasion that may come at any time, and insists on establishing the Avengers Alliance, believing that only in this way can he better deal with alien threats.

The two even got into trouble with the United Nations because of this confrontation.

The result surprised Nick Fury. Huaxia, who never expressed any opinions on SHIELD, actually supported SHIELD this time, and even said that he would send a temporary helper to help form the Avengers Alliance, and wait for everything to enter After being on track, transfer that person back.

"Could it be to install our own people?" Nick Fury thought.

But soon, he overturned this assumption - as the world's number one spy chief, he understands Huaxia's behavior very well, and people in that country would never do such endless things.

They don't like to play infiltration at all. If they are interested in extraordinary power, they will not use the hands of S.H.I.E.L.D. to do anything.

Because China is the only country in the world capable of mass-producing superheroes. Their ordinary soldiers can become superpowers by going to the Bruce Lee Martial Arts Academy. Why is it necessary to spy on the power of the Avengers?

"Perhaps, they also feel the threat of aliens?" Nick Fury thought of the Chinese superhero, who was recognized as the strongest life form in the world, Bruce Lee.

At this time, Hong Kong, the Bruce Lee that Nick Fury thought of, was receiving an old friend.

"This time, you didn't leave for long." Bruce Lee said.

Hearing this, Lin Xuan smiled and said, "It's not long, but you have experienced many things, and your martial arts have improved a lot. Xiaolong, you have also improved a lot. You should have reached another level above the extraordinary, right?"

"That's right." As he spoke, Bruce Lee smiled wickedly, and punched Lin Xuan in the chest.

The two are also old friends. When they meet again after a long absence, they don't need to reminisce about the old days, and they don't need to drink, but fights must be fought. If they don't even practice martial arts when they meet, wouldn't it be the same as if they didn't meet each other?
Lin Xuan also deliberately tried to use the physical skills he had learned, and fought with Bruce Lee.

Bruce Lee's strength is not weak: in terms of strength, he has already reached the middle stage of the god level, and in terms of speed, he is far beyond the middle stage of the god level. Even if Lin Xuan has 32 times the strength, he can still... beat Bruce Lee into the air with one punch up.

The gap in strength is really too big.

However, Bruce Lee also took advantage of this gap to punch him in the chest again.

The result was of course ineffective.

"Your strength of hard qigong has increased again!" Bruce Lee said, rubbing his fists.

"Your ability to resist blows also exceeded my expectations." Lin Xuan said.

After drinking and reminiscing about the old days, Bruce Lee asked: "Why are you suddenly interested in building that so-called 'Avengers Alliance' this time? Let me tell you, it's not Bruce Lee bragging. Now that the world is talking about extraordinary organizations, my martial arts gym is absolutely It is second to none, even the school of mutants and the sanctuary of the supreme mage are far inferior! The deputy owner of the martial arts hall has been you until now. If you are really interested in the extraordinary organization or have something to do, we You can switch positions, and I will bring the entire martial arts gym to help you."

Hearing this, Lin Xuan smiled lightly and shook his head.

Although Bruce Lee's martial arts school is huge, it is not his own after all.

He himself has subordinates here, and after decades of development, it should have formed a scale.

"If you don't need it, well, I'll send someone to help you." Bruce Lee said.

When Lin Xuan heard this, he couldn't help showing a puzzled look.

"It's settled like this." Bruce Lee said.

Early the next morning, a plane departed from Xiangjiang and landed at the airport of SHIELD headquarters.

Below, Nick Fury, Director of S.H.I.E.L.D., led a group of people to greet him grandly.

Lin Xuan was speechless, and said dumbfoundedly: "The person you sent is very good!"

Who did Bruce Lee send to help him?
It is none other than Bruce Lee himself!

Because his martial arts gyms are spread all over the world, his influence is huge, and his own strength is superb. He is known as the strongest creature in the world. With Nick Fury's calmness, he was shocked when he heard that he came.

"Two, please." Nick Fury said.

Although many years have passed, Nick Fury, the deputy owner of Lin Xuan, Bruce Lee's martial arts gym, still knows, and not only does he know, he also knows that Lin Xuan is Bruce Lee's manager and life mentor. Kung fu has been promoted to the whole world.

Of course, that's all. Lin Xuan's origin, strength, character, etc. are all a mystery.

"This time I formed the Avengers, I was just a layman." Bruce Lee said.

"Hello, I'm Lin Xuan, China's temporary commissioner, entrusted to help build the Avenger." Lin Xuan greeted Nick Fury.

"Hello, I'm Director of S.H.I.E.L.D., Nick Fury." Nick Fury said.

After that, Lin Xuan didn't hesitate, and asked directly: "Mr. Director, the key to establishing the Avengers Alliance is to gather people with extraordinary powers from all over the world. How many have you found?"

Immediately, a look of embarrassment appeared on Nick Fury's old face.

"There are quite a few people with special skills, but there is only one warrior with truly extraordinary abilities..." As he spoke, he waved his hand and asked his subordinates to lead in a young man with a dazed expression.

It is none other than Captain America who has been frozen for 70 years under the influence of the plot correction power.

"I just fell asleep for a while, and unexpectedly, 70 years have passed. I..." Steve was stunned for a moment, then frowned and said, "Why did you find someone who is exactly like my instructor to come over?" ?I’ve already said that although I can’t accept being in a coma for 70 years, but things are like this, I can hold on, I’m not an ‘old man’ who needs your comfort!”

(End of this chapter)

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