Wanjie temporary workers

Chapter 151 The Hulk in the Forest

Chapter 151 The Hulk in the Forest

"It's easy, leave this person to me!" Lin Xuan laughed.

A few hours later, he came to a small wooden house alone.

"Hey, it's very dangerous here, I think you should leave as soon as possible." Bruce Banner said to Lin Xuan while eating barbecue.

He doesn't change his shape when he is not angry, and the quiet temperament of a scientist is fully revealed.

If they didn't know it in advance, absolutely no one would be able to recognize that this gentle man is the Hulk who symbolizes disaster.

"Passing by here, I'm hungry, and want to ask for some barbecue." Lin Xuan said.

Hearing this, Bruce Banner pointed to an animal thigh that was being tested next to him and said: "There are over there, if you want to eat, take it yourself. However, after eating, I still suggest you leave as soon as possible, this place is really dangerous."

"Why?" Lin Xuan asked with interest.

"Because in this forest, there lives a dangerous big green man, which is far more terrifying than lions and jackals. Once it gets angry, even a group of heavily armed soldiers can't handle it." Bruce Banner said , sent a box of condiments to Lin Xuan, and said: "This is a condiment I have treasured for a long time, use it!"

Lin Xuan was taken aback for a moment, and then said, "I didn't expect you to be so hospitable."

"Hospitality? Yes, I used to be very hospitable, but now, I don't dare to entertain guests anymore." Bruce Banner said.

At this time, Lin Xuan opened the seasoning, only to find that it was moldy.

Seeing this, Bruce Banner immediately showed embarrassment, and said: "Because this is the last treasure, I have not been willing to use it. I didn't expect it to be moldy. I am really sorry."

"It doesn't matter." Lin Xuan threw away the seasoning and said, "In fact, life is like this. The things you have always treasured may not be used at all. And the things you have been afraid of may also be very useful to you. It's not good to stay in the forest alone, the outside world is your stage, come out with me!"

Immediately, Bruce Banner frowned and said, "A careerist? A businessman? A policeman? A secret agent? Or a government department?"

"None." Lin Xuan shook his head.

"Then who are you?" Bruce Banner asked.

Hearing this, Lin Xuan smiled and said, "A person who can help you!"

"Help me? What can I do for help?" When Bruce Banner spoke, there was already a hint of violent tendency because of his vigilance.

Seeing this, Lin Xuan stretched out his finger and tapped on his "pain point".

The next moment, a roar shook the forest, and a green giant stood up, shaking the ground with its fists.

"I heard that the angry Hulk has unlimited power, and I don't know if it's true or not." Lin Xuan raised his hand and smashed the big green man into the ground with a punch.

At this moment, although Bruce Banner's strength is strong, it is only the peak of the second order, and it may not be able to fight right and wrong.

However, after being smashed into the ground, because of his anger, his strength was instantly raised to a new level, reaching the initial stage of the god level.

Immediately afterwards, he jumped up and hit Lin Xuan, and was punched into the ground again.

As a result, the anger became stronger, and the power doubled in an instant on the basis of the initial stage of the god level.

But that's about it.

After rushing towards Lin Xuan, he was undoubtedly punched into the ground again, and then the anger continued to increase, but the increased strength was already very, very little.

"Sure enough, there is no power, it can be infinite." A little disappointed, Lin Xuan exerted his power in the middle of the god level, punched down hard, and directly knocked the Hulk back to its original form.

After waking up, lying in the big pit, Bruce Banner's heart collapsed at this moment.

"You actually defeated the Hulk?" He couldn't believe it.

"For mortals, it's very strong, but for me, it's just that!" Lin Xuan shook his head and said nonchalantly.Then he took out a bottle of "RR" virus, stuffed it into Banner's mouth and said, "Come on, eat some of this, it's very useful for boosting immunity."

In response, Bruce Banner shrugged and said: "Medicine doesn't work for me."

On the way of wandering, it's not that he didn't think about self-death, but the final result was that he couldn't die no matter what.

He has eaten all kinds of poisons and tried all kinds of methods, but because of the existence of Hulk, he is immune to all severe poisons, and when his life is in danger, he will instantly turn into Hulk—subconsciously, he doesn’t want to die at all , so every time at a critical moment, he will transform into Hulk and survive.

Bruce Banner has never encountered anything that can kill Hulk.

Poison was useless, and normal medicine naturally had no effect on him.

Because of the existence of Hulk, after eating the "RR" virus, he did not appear weak, but directly awakened his superpowers.

"Hulk's power, it seems that I can use it too!" Bruce Banner turned one arm green, punched down, and directly interrupted a thick tree.

"That's your power, but it's just that you can't control it because you don't have the heart to control it!" Lin Xuan said, took out a secret book of cultivating the primordial spirit, and handed it to him, saying: "This thing is so powerful. Practice, if you can reach the Dacheng state and cultivate the primordial spirit, you will not lose consciousness in the transformed state."

Hearing this, although Bruce Banner didn't believe it, he still took the cheats.

"And this one, try this method and see if you can transform." Lin Xuan took out the cheat book of King Kong's indestructible magic skill again.

Later, under his teaching, even without anger, Bruce Banner transformed into the Hulk.

Then he punched Lin Xuan on the bridge of the nose.

"Mom! Lin Xuan was not injured, but he was caught off guard and was sent flying.

In a rage, he used the suction method, sucked up a hill, and slapped it on the Hulk's head... Under the cliff, Bruce Banner showed his head and said with a dazed expression, "Why am I suddenly stuck on the Hulk's head?" into the stone?"

Soon, the Hulk was brought to the Avengers headquarters by Lin Xuan and became one of the members.

And also came here, and Lin Xuan's three subordinates in the US team, Heishan, Baiyun, and Yan Laosan.

After 70 years of development, all three of them have reached the bridge between heaven and earth, and Bai Yun has even mastered the first grade and one yang finger, which is very remarkable.

The three also established their own forces. Among them, Montenegro formed an international mercenary group. After years of development, it has become a giant in the field of mercenaries in the world; Baiyun became a businessman, although he was not as rich as Tony Stark. But it also plays an important role in the world; and Yan Laosan, who calls himself the King of Hades, established a killer organization.

He put every heinous person on the assassination list, and as long as someone is willing to pay, he can buy the corresponding head.

The three of them united together, bought an island, deployed armed forces, and established the headquarters of the "Ten Thousand Realms" organization.

"The three of you don't want to join, just help out temporarily, after the alliance is on the right track, your own career is still important." Lin Xuan said: "As for the Avengers, I think there is a place where we should be able to find a large number of suitable members. "

(End of this chapter)

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