Wanjie temporary workers

Chapter 152 X-Men

Chapter 152 X-Men
There is still a big difference between the mapping information and the real heavens and worlds: in the New York War at the beginning of the Avengers Alliance, only the US team, Thor, Iron Man and others were included in the mapping information, but in fact, the war is In terms of comprehensiveness, how can a few people, no matter how extraordinary their combat effectiveness is, represent all of them?
In addition to them, there are a large number of mutants with extremely powerful abilities, and they actually also participated in the battle!

Wolverine, Storm, Professor X, Magneto and others have also killed the Quartet.

In fact, in the original plot, the X-Men once joined the Avengers, but they were mapped to the main world, Earth, because the movie was not made because of copyright issues.

But how the movie is made does not affect the real world.

Therefore, in many cases, mapping information can only be used for reference, and should not be taken too seriously.

"System, Professor X has the ability to detect other people's thinking. Is there any way we can block it?" Lin Xuan asked intently on the way to the mutant school.

Immediately, the system said: "For you, as long as the soul is perfect and combined with the prototype of the myriad magic powers in the cells in the body, you will be immune to all methods of soul exploration and soul searching."

"This can't be done for the time being." Lin Xuan said.

"That's okay, the existence of this system has its own natural shield. If Professor X probes your heart with your ability, you will find that everything you do is to resist the invasion from aliens—in simple terms, everything He can't detect things that have nothing to do with this world." The system said.

Lin Xuan breathed a sigh of relief when he heard this.

Although it's okay to be probed, normal people don't like their hearts to be seen through.

"In addition, the will of the world will also help you to a certain extent." The system added.

Soon, Lin Xuan came to the mutant school.

This time is very coincidental, just as Magneto came to the school to make trouble again, and was confronting Wolverine, Storm and others led by Professor X.

"Very good, there is no need to look for Magneto." Lin Xuan said.

As soon as these words came out, both sides of the confrontation were stunned.

"Child, go away, there is danger here." Professor X knew that Magneto hated ordinary people the most, so he hurriedly told him to leave.

As for Magneto, he manipulated a steel pipe and stabbed Lin Xuan.

Wolverine reacted quickly and reached out to grab the steel pipe, but when he turned around suddenly, he found that Magneto had been knocked over, and his feet were pressed to the ground.

"You should be glad that I have a good temper and am not interested in blowing your head off!" Lin Xuan said.

Magneto is also one of the targets of his trip, so naturally he cannot be killed.But if you want to bring him under your command, you must first frustrate his spirit, otherwise it is impossible to subdue him without a strong force to suppress him.

Because this kind of person will only temporarily succumb to the strong, but will never be able to completely surrender.

Therefore, Lin Xuan directly knocked him to the ground.

"Are you a mutant too?" Magneto asked.

Lin Xuan shook his head.

The next moment, all the steel pipes on the construction site in the distance flew up and stabbed him.

"I'm quite old, why do I have to be so impulsive?" Lin Xuan said, using the suction method, he sucked a building under construction not far away, blocked all the steel pipes, and sent it back.

For a moment, everyone showed a dignified expression.

This is exactly what Lin Xuan wanted.

"Sir, what are you doing here?" Professor X asked.

When Lin Xuan heard this, he didn't hesitate, and said directly: "I want to gather superheroes to form the 'Avengers Alliance', so I'm here to invite Professor X to join you."

Hearing this, Professor X couldn't help but frowned, and said, "Why is it called the Avenger?"

"Because the purpose of the alliance is to avenge the perpetrators for those who have been persecuted!" Lin Xuan smiled and said, "In short, it is to protect the earth and fight those powerful enemies that ordinary people cannot defeat, for example, those who come from the depths of the starry sky The cosmic overlord Thanos."

Thanos, the super villain of the Marvel Universe, has a name called Thanos.

Regarding Lin Xuan's words, Magneto and the others were all stupefied, while Professor X said, "I'm sorry, can I check your thoughts?"

Upon hearing this, Lin Xuan nodded and said, "Yes."

It didn't take long for Professor X to use his ability, and he saw a shocking picture in his heart: an overwhelming army, raging in the depths of the universe, turning a star into a death star wherever it went.

The giant was wearing a pair of gloves, in which were set six bright gems, very beautiful.

After that, the light of death bloomed, and the huge fist pierced through the starry sky, directly destroying the entire earth!
The picture stopped abruptly, Professor X trembled and spat out a mouthful of blood.

Seeing this, Storm, Wolverine and the others were all shocked.

Magneto also showed a concerned look.

"I'm fine, you don't have to worry." Professor X took a long breath, looked at Lin Xuan and said, "The picture I saw in your heart should be an inspiration from the universe, right? No wonder you want to form the Avengers, if We cannot unite, whether it is mutants, ordinary people, or even those plants and animals, all will be destroyed."

Lin Xuan: "..."

He had no idea what Professor X saw.

"It's the will of the world. It interferes with Professor X's investigation results, in order to make your work more convenient." The system said.

Lin Xuan was speechless.

At this time, Professor X looked at Magneto and said, "Old friend, I think it's time for us to put aside all grievances and fight side by side again!"

"Is there really such a big crisis?" Magneto asked in surprise.

"If it is not handled well, the earth will cease to exist. Do you think the crisis is serious?" Professor X said: "This is a battle that concerns the life and death of all human beings. All of us must unite to have a glimmer of hope to survive." !"

Hearing this, Magneto, who was originally very irritating, immediately became honest.

Although the relationship has always been hostile, he is still very convinced of Professor X, so after clarifying the stakes, he led the Brotherhood of Mutants and all joined the Avengers.

Also joined are Professor X and a group of X-Men.

However, Lin Xuan always felt that something was missing.

"Yes, when it comes to mutants, how can he be missing?" After Lin Xuan thought about it, he asked in his heart: "System, no matter what method I use or who I bring in, the stronger the Avengers I form, the stronger the Avengers will be." After defeating the Kirita fleet, the more reward points you get, right?"

Immediately, the system replied: "Not bad."

So Lin Xuan walked up to Phantom Cat, smiled and said, "Miss Katie, I think I might ask you for help with something."

"What's the matter?" Phantom Cat wondered.

"I'll teach you something, you can help me reverse time and space, and bring the fifth-level mutant Apocalypse to this point in time!" Lin Xuan said.

 There was a typo in this chapter, which has been corrected.

(End of this chapter)

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