Wanjie temporary workers

Chapter 153 Pulling Apocalypse Over and Beating Up

Chapter 153 Pulling Apocalypse Over and Beating Up
Apocalypse's strength is definitely second to none in the X-Men series.Maybe Phoenix Girl's superpower is stronger than him, maybe there are other people with even more incredible abilities.But in terms of controlling their own power, those people are far from good enough, and their personality is extremely weak, far from being able to be alone like Tianqi.

In addition, in terms of combat experience, no one can compare with Apocalypse.

"Absolutely not!" Magneto heard that Lin Xuan was going to revive Tianqi, and immediately said: "Tianqi is an evil careerist, he can't bring any benefits to this world, even for mutants, his existence is too much. The disadvantages outweigh the advantages, if you bring him to this point in time, you may not have to wait for the alien invasion, he will directly destroy the earth."

It is said that those who experienced the previous battle, Storm, Professor X, and the others all showed worried expressions.

The resurrection of Apocalypse caused too much trauma to them and to the world.

"He's right. The existence of Apocalypse is a threat. If all of us hadn't worked together to defeat him, the earth would have become a death star." Professor X said, "I'm not scaremongering. Personality and ability, triggering a world war and eventually destroying the earth is definitely a very likely thing to happen."

In this regard, Magneto and the others all nodded.

"But Tianqi is also an earthling after all. When facing the threat of aliens, he may not be able to unite with us." Lin Xuan smiled slightly and said: "The most important thing is that there is still me in this world. If Tianqi does not If he is obedient, I will beat him until he is obedient, if not, I will banish him back at worst."

As soon as these words came out, Professor X, Magneto and the others all looked dumbfounded.

It seems to make sense, but why, there is always a strange feeling?

In the end, because he really didn't have the confidence to resist the person he saw, Professor X agreed to call Tianqi over.

Ever since, Lin Xuan told everyone the principle of traveling through time and space, and everyone looked for bugs and ways to use them together. Then, when the Phantom Cat opened the door of time and space, Lin Xuan reached in, pulled it out, and pulled out a face. Confused apocalypse.

Yes, dumbfounded.

Tian Qi couldn't understand what he encountered at all.

A second ago, he was still fighting with Professor X, Magneto, Storm Girl and others, and he was about to be broken down into particles by Phoenix Girl's ultimate move.But in an instant, he was pulled here, and met another batch of Professor X, Magneto, and Storm.

Why another batch?

Because people, those few people, he can feel it, but their ages have all aged for many years.

Especially Professor X, it's hard for Tianqi to imagine that the handsome guy he wanted to possess turned into this appearance: the black and handsome hair turned into a big bald head, his handsome face turned into an old face, and he was also lame Yes, although sitting in a wheelchair is still cool, but... If I become like this, I might as well die!
This is the voice of Tianqi at this moment.

Immediately afterwards, when he realized that he had time-traveled decades later, he showed a solemn expression.

Time and space are a kind of taboo power, which cannot be touched by ordinary people.

"Hey, big brother Tianqi, if there are aliens who want to occupy the earth and exterminate all human beings, can you tolerate it?" Lin Xuan asked.

Immediately, Tianqi showed a dazed look, and said: "It turns out that you have encountered a crisis that cannot be solved and need my help? It doesn't matter, everyone is a powerful human being. As long as you surrender to me, I will lead you to defeat All powerful enemies, become the gods who rule the earth!"

Then, he glanced at Professor X, and said, "Son, tell me who beat you like this, and I will avenge you!"

Professor X: "..."

Magneto, Storm: "..."

"..." Lin Xuan.

Nima, this apocalypse, can you be more funny?
"Mr. Lin, did you use too much force when you pulled him, which broke his brain?" Professor X asked via voice transmission.

"Absolutely not. Moreover, as a fifth-level mutant, Tian Qi's brain is so easy to break?" Lin Xuan said.

There are five levels of mutants. Professor X, Magneto, Storm Girl and others are four levels. They have extremely powerful destructive power, and their strength is roughly equivalent to Zhu Wushi and Gu Santong in the quasi-shenwu realm.And Tian Qi is a fifth-level mutant, a real third-level god-level existence,
This is no longer an extraordinary level, and therefore, the mutant ability is no longer limited to the ability itself, but will improve the physical fitness in all aspects.

For example, Apocalypse is far stronger than ordinary people in terms of power alone.

"Hey, buddy, do you want to see the power of a sixth-level mutant?" Lin Xuan patted Tian Qi on the shoulder and said.

Hearing this, Tian Qi couldn't help being stunned for a moment, and said in astonishment: "There is still a sixth level for mutants?"

"Of course there is, and with practice, you can advance to level [-], level [-], level [-], which is a level that you can't even imagine!" Lin Xuan said.

Immediately, Tianqi excitedly said: "Show me your strength."

"No problem." As Lin Xuan said, he jumped up suddenly, and used the "falling from the sky" palm technique to shoot Tianqi into the ground.Then he used the sword energy that had already reached [-] meters, and stabbed it again.Then he used the method of suction to draw Tian Qi over, raised his neck and asked, "How about it, can this power be considered level six?"

Regarding this, Professor X, Magneto and others were all in cold sweat.

It's hard for them to imagine that there is someone who can be so cruel and completely suppress Tianqi.

"What a terrible power." Tianqi said.

At this point, even if he couldn't believe it, he had to admit that he had met someone who was completely irresistible.

"As for me, I want to establish an organization to avenge the perpetrators for those who have been persecuted. Simply put, it is to protect the earth." Lin Xuan said: "You are also a part of the earth, and your strength is not weak, so, Now I solemnly invite you to join the Avengers, what do you think?"

Immediately, Tianqi said: "I join."

Even if he wanted to say no, would he dare to say no?

Apocalypse is also really strange, why would someone be so powerful?Is it really the so-called sixth-level mutant?
In fact, if the "divine" superpower is put into the mutant system, Lin Xuan at this time is really a sixth-level mutant—the fourth-level extraordinary peak, the fifth-level god-level early stage, and the sixth-level god-level mid-stage. There's nothing wrong with that!

"Even if it's just a temporary subordinate, you have to be kind and powerful to win people's hearts." Thinking in his heart, Lin Xuan took out three things from the ring space and put them in front of Tian Qi, Professor X, and Magneto respectively.

 I got up late today.

(End of this chapter)

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