Wanjie temporary workers

Chapter 158 The Loki Incident and the Visitors from God's Domain

Chapter 158 The Loki Incident and the Visitors from God's Domain

"SHIELD encountered an unknown enemy, and the Rubik's Cube was stolen by him!" Nick Fury said out of breath.

Naturally, he was tired from running all the way.

Because of Lin Xuan's change, Bruce Lee, the strongest man on earth, is famous even in the Nine Gods, because he has beaten many aliens from other countries.In addition, several people worked together to disable Dormammu, the evil god of the dark dimension some time ago. Now the entire multiverse knows that the earth is not easy to mess with, and Loki also knows the situation on the earth from Odin.

Therefore, when robbing the Rubik's Cube, he planned to kill everyone in order to reduce trouble.

One can imagine how much effort the big bald man had to make to escape from death.

"Is the enemy you met called Rocky?" Bruce Lee asked.

Nick Fury nodded and said, "Do you know him?"

"Naturally, the evil god in Norse mythology and the younger brother of Thor, the god of thunder, is not very strong, but he is very good at plotting and tricking." Lin Xuan said with a smile while drinking juice: "He won't do it for no reason. Going to grab the Cosmic Rubik's Cube, and I don't have the ability to use the energy of the Cosmic Rubik's Cube, there should be someone behind it."

With that said, he poured another glass of juice and brought it to Nick Fury.

Regarding this, the big bald head was speechless, and said, "Why don't you seem to be in a hurry at all?"

The Cosmic Rubik's Cube contains huge energy, and its functions are miraculous. He is very anxious to be robbed.

But Lin Xuan, he was not in a hurry at all.In fact, if he wanted to stop it, it would be impossible for someone like Loki to steal the Cosmic Rubik's Cube. The reason why everything was allowed to develop was to let Loki steal the Cosmic Rubik's Cube, and then use the power of the Cosmic Rubik's Cube to open the space channel.

Otherwise, how could he complete the task if the Kirita army couldn't come?

But on the lips, he still said: "It's useless to be anxious. Now the enemy is in the dark and we are clear. Only by stabilizing your own position can you defeat the enemy in one fell swoop when it appears."

After finishing speaking, he raised his hand to signal the big bald head to drink juice.

"I'm not in the mood to drink right now," Nick Fury said.

"I'm not in the mood to pour juice for others, but in your current state, if you don't heal your wounds, you will buy a coffin!" Lin Xuan said, and with a sudden wave of his hand, he sent the juice directly to the big bald head's mouth.

The next moment, the powerful medicinal power took effect, and the big bald head, which was originally covered in scars, instantly healed all the wounds.

"Well, your juice is not ordinary." Nick Fury said with emotion.

Lin Xuan's juice was drunk by the Avengers every day, and he drank it himself, but he never knew that the juice had healing properties.

"It's just useful for ordinary people. For us, it's really just ordinary juice." Lin Xuan laughed.

Then, under his call, Tian Qi, Gu Yi, Magneto, Professor X and others met and started to discuss.

The first one to speak was Tianqi, and he said solemnly: "I know that Loki is the second son of Odin, the ruler of the Nine Kingdoms. If Odin instigated him to rob the Rubik's Cube, it would be troublesome! As the Nine Earth, the last one among the big countries, may not be able to resist the invasion of Asgard, the realm of the gods!"

Having said that, he paused for a moment, and said again: "Odin, that is a more difficult character than Dormammu!"

"En." Lin Xuan nodded.

An Infinity Gem can defeat Dormammu, but at the beginning, the Dark Elf who possessed the Reality Gem failed to defeat Odin, and Odin also dismissed the power of the Rubik's Cube. You can imagine how strong he was in his heyday .

"It can't be Odin. Legend has it that the Rubik's Cube is his treasure left on Earth. How could anyone send someone to snatch his stuff?" Captain America shook his head.

Then, the big bald head also said: "Yes, Odin will not spy on the earth. After all, he once ruled here. In addition, I have reliable news that Loki has been defeated by Thor in the civil strife in Asgard." And exiled, the current ruler of God's Domain is Odin's eldest son Thor."

"That must be in exile, and Loki has gained the support of other people." Ancient One said.

At this time, Professor X looked at Lin Xuan and said, "Could it be the one that destroys the earth with one punch as predicted?"

"Maybe!" Lin Xuan said.

In fact, he knows all the ins and outs: this is Thanos collecting infinite gems. In order to please his master, the Kirita star people joined hands with Loki to plot the earth, and want to open the space channel to come here. Before the master Thanos arrives , to take control of the situation first, so as to enhance his status in the mind of the master.

It's a pity that even Thanos has to be well-prepared before he dares to come to Earth. How can the plan of the Kirita Stars come true?

In the original plot, they were blocked by the strong on the earth, and they were beaten not so badly.

Of course, the "nuclear bomb" that was fired at the end is also an important reason why the earth can win the final victory - it was just a nuclear bomb that actually blew up an entire interstellar fortress. Lin Xuan has reason to believe that it is definitely not an ordinary nuclear bomb , at least not the kind of Hiroshima and Nagasaki.

However, nuclear bombs are just a general term for a series of weapons. From atomic bombs to antimatter bombs, the power can be said to vary greatly.

In a world like Marvel where black technology is everywhere, it is not surprising that nuclear bombs are more powerful.

You know, that is the most widely spread human ultimate weapon in the heavens and myriad worlds!
"I think the most important thing right now is to find Loki. I can use the gamma rays emitted by the Rubik's Cube to track his location," Bruce Banner said.

Then after some actions, they determined the location and started the hunt in the past.

However, several people did not go. Tian Qi, Gu Yi, and Bruce Lee found Lin Xuan and held another secret meeting.

"There is no one else here. Can you tell us what you think?" Bruce Lee said, "Others may think that you were negligent and let Loki steal the Rubik's Cube, but I know that if you didn't do it on purpose." If you release the water, then Loki won't even have a chance to come to Earth!"

And Tianqi said: "Even if you have ulterior motives, there is no need to hide from me."

Of course not, because he is apocalyptic, and he is not a good person at all.

If Lin Xuan had any conspiracy, he would applaud instead.

"The strength has reached your level, and the plot is nothing more than power. If you have any plan, you can tell us, as long as it doesn't endanger the earth, we will help you." Gu Yi also said.

In fact, the three of them are not the masters of peace at all.

"This is what I think. The aliens want to use the Rubik's Cube to open the door to the earth, but here comes the question. Didn't we also open the door to their house?" Lin Xuan said with a smile: "If we really If they are weak, that would be a disaster, but if they are the weak, wouldn’t it be fat to our mouths?”

Hearing this, Bruce Lee and Tianqi nodded, and Gu Yi, seeing that the three reached a consensus, did not refute in the end.

The law of the jungle, survival of the fittest, everyone on the earth knows this truth.

"Actually, if you take the initiative to attack Kirita, you can still complete the task." The system said suddenly.

Lin Xuan was speechless.

I don't even know where the Kirita people are, how can I go there?
Because Lin Xuan, Bruce Lee and others deliberately released water, everything developed as in the original plot. After Loki was captured, Thor, the god of thunder who came from God's Domain, fought with the Avengers.

"Welcome to Earth." Lin Xuan went to greet him, but a hammer flew towards him.

(End of this chapter)

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