Wanjie temporary workers

Chapter 159 Thor's Hammer

Chapter 159 Thor's Hammer
"Mom sells it!" Lin Xuan's smile froze on his face. At this moment, his heart was broken.

It wasn't that Thor hit him on purpose, but during the fight, the hammer flew right at him.In addition, Lei Shen's cultivation base is not high, so he failed to notice his sudden appearance.So this led to the fact that just as Lin Xuan showed up to say hello, Thor's Hammer came towards him and hit him straight in the face.

Of course, it is impossible to hit it.

Lin Xuan shot subconsciously, and directly pinched the hammer.

Immediately, Captain America, Iron Man and others who were fighting stopped, and Thor, the god of thunder, was also stunned on the spot because of shock.

"You can actually pick up my hammer?" Thor said in shock.

Lin Xuan smiled and said, "It's not as heavy as I thought."

He also didn't expect that he could catch Thor's Hammer.

But after catching it, it's okay to think about it carefully: the condition for lifting Thor's Hammer is to have a heart of justice and compassion, and know how to use one's own power correctly, which Lin Xuan will definitely not be able to achieve.In fact, this is a condition that is almost impossible to achieve, because the vast majority of people cannot be peeked at their hearts.

Thor's Hammer has spirituality and can identify who is qualified, but most of the time, people's hearts will not be revealed at all.

Therefore, even if the conditions are met, one still cannot lift Thor's Hammer under normal circumstances.

To put it simply, except for the owner Thor, whether other people can lift this thing depends on the mood of the hammer.

However, this does not apply to Lin Xuan, because it is not that Thor's Hammer cannot be lifted, but only those who are recognized by it can lift it without sufficient strength.In other words, if the strength is sufficient, it is possible to directly lift Thor's Hammer by virtue of its own strength.

Lin Xuan is such a person with enough strength!
The building material of Thor's Hammer is a collapsed star, that is to say, its weight is almost equivalent to a planet, so normal people can't afford it without being recognized.

However, Lin Xuan has 64 times the god-level mid-term strength, so he can lift Thor's Hammer by brute force.

Therefore, there was a scene that shocked Thor, his hammer was caught!

"Give it back to you." Lin Xuan threw the hammer at Thor.

As a result, the huge force not only knocked Thor into the air, the hammer fell to the ground and caused a shock, but also collapsed a nearby mountain... After crawling out of the rubble, Thor, the god of thunder, held the hammer and stared at Lin Xuan After a long time, he didn't say anything.

Obviously, he has thought of another possibility.

"There is someone who can pick up my hammer purely by strength?" When Thor, the god of thunder, spoke, the expression on his face was extremely dignified.

Hearing this, Lin Xuan smiled slightly and said, "Welcome to Earth."

This time, no hammer flew over. Thor respectfully made an Asgardian diplomatic salute, and then said: "Hello, strong man on earth, I am Thor, God of Asgard. Know you."

"My name is Lin Xuan." Lin Xuan said.

After a few more conversations, there is no doubt that Thor was soon limped by him and joined the Avengers.

"What hammer of yours, no one can lift it?" Tony Stark asked on the way back.

"A normal person would never be able to lift it," Thor said.

Hearing this, everyone who was not convinced naturally tried it again: Even if Iron Man put on the battle suit and turned on the horsepower to the maximum, he could not shake the hammer at all; The power in the mid-level stage also failed to lift; Magneto found that the hammer had metal components, but after using the ability, he couldn't control it at all. There was a powerful force preventing him from controlling the hammer, which was Odin's divine power!
Tianqi also tried it, and found that his divine power was far inferior to Odin, and he was not enough to hold up a planet, so he couldn't lift it up.

Finally, Bruce Lee, who first held the hammer with one hand and tried to lift it up with muscular strength, but the hammer did not move at all.Then, unconvinced, he held the hammer in both hands, and used his internal force that had skyrocketed to tens of thousands of years after learning the "Northern Darkness Swallowing the Sky".

At the same time, the "mysterious martial arts" force technique he created himself was also used.

Then in an instant, a powerful force erupted, and the hammer of Thor's hammer was snapped off with a "click"!

"My God, he really deserves to be my idol." Tony Stark said, fearing that the world would not be chaotic.

He already disliked Thor, and he was even more ashamed that he couldn't lift the hammer before.

But now, after the hammer broke, all his unhappiness was swept away!
He could feel that Thor's heart might not be very good at this time.

"How is this possible?" Thor, the god of thunder, looked unbelievable.

"Sure enough, it is worthy of being the strongest creature on earth. This power has undoubtedly surpassed God." Tianqi said.

As for Magneto, he said: "Mr. Bruce Lee, are you sure that your strength is all exercised, not from the x-gene? I doubt that you are a sixth-level mutant of the strength system, otherwise you will be able to rely on exercise alone. I really don't understand why you have such a strong power."

Regarding this, Bruce Lee didn't say anything, and the Hulk who had already started practicing martial arts said, "That's called cultivation."

"Perhaps, our earth is no longer afraid of invasion from other dimensions." Ancient One said.

Only he could see that Bruce Lee's explosive power in that moment was enough to blow up the earth!

"My hammer actually broke?" Thor still didn't recover from the shock.

"The quality is too poor. Although the wood of the World Tree is strong, it is far from able to bear the weight of Thor's Hammer. If it is not supported by Odin's divine power inside, I am afraid you will not be able to use this weapon." Lin Xuan said: "Furthermore , even if you have Odin’s divine power, once you are strong enough to actually use this hammer, it will be damaged if you use it in battle.”

These words are not nonsense, this is the system's evaluation after communicating with the system in his heart, he is just a conveyer.

"But, this is the weapon my father gave me, how could it be so fragile?" Thor still couldn't believe it.

Regarding this, Lin Xuan smiled slightly and said, "I think this is not a weapon that Odin gave you, but a toy that allows you to fight some less powerful enemies when you are weak. As for becoming stronger, you no longer need weapons at all, after all you are the god of thunder, not the god of the hammer."

This sentence is not nonsense. Thor's real strength is not the hammer, but his own strength.

At this time, he has not yet awakened. If he really awakens and masters his own power, he will advance to the god level and become the real god of thunder and lightning.Even, if he cultivates the supernatural power of controlling lightning to the extreme, he can advance to the late stage of the god level, becoming a more powerful existence than Dormammu and Odin!

"Sorry, I didn't know that the handle of your hammer could not withstand the body of the hammer, otherwise you would not have used such a great force." Bruce Lee said.

Hearing this, Thor shook his head and said, "It's okay, it's not your fault."

"I will help you fix it. As compensation, you can learn from me the skills to develop your own potential. As long as it is the kung fu that I know, I can pass it on to you." Bruce Lee said.

"It's really okay." Thor shook his head again.

It was his own hammer that was not strong enough, who could he blame?

At this moment, an old voice suddenly sounded: "The hammer is just a toy, it doesn't matter if it is destroyed, and you don't need Mr. Li's help to repair it. However, Thor will leave it to you in the future. I hope he is worshiping you as his teacher." After that, I can release my potential and learn how to use my power."

As soon as these words came out, Thor, the god of thunder, immediately showed a look of astonishment.

Bruce Lee was also taken aback.

"Old man, I'm a visitor from afar, why don't we drink tea together and talk about our understanding of cultivation, how about it?" Lin Xuan said.

(End of this chapter)

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