Wanjie temporary workers

Chapter 160 Meeting with Odin

Chapter 160 Meeting with Odin
"If you are willing, I will naturally ask for it." Following the voice, an old man with a gray beard manifested his figure.

Seeing him, Thor immediately asked in surprise, "Father?"

There is no doubt that this gray-bearded old man is the ruler of the Nine Kingdoms, God King Odin of Asgard.

"Son, I asked you to take Loki away, but I didn't ask you to fight against the strong on Earth. If there were no wise men on Earth who understood that we are not enemies, we in Asgard might be killed by the strongest creatures in the universe at this time." Lead an attack!" Odin walked up to Thor, patted his shoulder and said.

Hearing this, Thor, the god of thunder, immediately showed a self-blame expression, and said, "I was too impulsive, father."

Lin Xuan and the others were stunned.

Thor is fighting with the Avengers, what does this have to do with the strongest creature in the universe?

In addition, who is the strongest creature in the universe?
"Come to my martial arts gym, let's share our practice experience together!" Bruce Lee said.

Not long after, in the martial arts gym in Los Angeles, Lin Xuan, Bruce Lee, Odin, and Gu Yi sat around a tea table and began to drink Kung Fu tea.

There was no one else around, not even Odin's son Thor, and the ancient mutant Apocalypse, were not qualified to participate in this exchange.

It is worth mentioning that with the appearance of Odin, the Marvel Universe, which originally only had Tier [-], directly became Tier [-], but the force value of Gu Yi and others did not change at all.As for Odin's cultivation level, Lin Xuan had never seen it before, at the late stage of the god level.If there is a way to hit the fairy god, he can try to hit the fourth-order fairy god now.

Of course, even if Odin is one of the strongest in the Marvel universe, the chance of reaching the fourth level is only one in ten thousand.

In addition, due to old age and frailty, his vitality and blood have withered, and his strength has dropped to the middle stage of the god level.

"The strongest creature in the universe you mentioned earlier, do you mean the little dragon?" Lin Xuan asked.

Hearing this, Odin nodded, but shook his head again.

"It's not me." Bruce Lee said.

He didn't forget that when he lifted the hammer, Lin Xuan played it lightly, but he tried his best to break the handle of the hammer but couldn't lift it up.

"Perhaps in terms of power, Mr. Bruce Lee is not the strongest in the universe, but he can perfectly control every ounce of power in himself, and cooperate with the will that is so powerful that it can interfere with the laws of the universe. His opponent." Odin said: "Without your appearance, he would be the strongest creature in the universe, but you are so powerful that I can hardly imagine."

Hearing this, Lin Xuan couldn't help but frowned, and said, "It's not that exaggerated, is it?"

He is only at the middle stage of the god level, even if his strength is 64 times that of the ordinary middle stage of the god level, he may not be stronger than the late stage of the god level.

You know, that is a realm that can impact the immortal way!

"It's because you are too strong!" Odin said.

Afterwards, several people communicated with each other, and finally Lin Xuan came to a conclusion that left him speechless: Although Odin is a late-stage God-level, he is very weak. Without the help of external objects, his power in his heyday was only in the mid-stage of God-level It is about twice as strong as that of Bruce Lee, who has ten thousand years of skill, let alone compared with Lin Xuan.

And the gods he has seen, such as swallowing stars, the god group, the goddess of death, etc., are only equivalent to the normal late stage god level.

If it weren't for the abundance of longevity in this Marvel world, they wouldn't even be able to achieve the most basic longevity.

However, this is only his own strength. The foreign objects in this world are particularly strong. When Odin wears the Destroyer Armor and holds the Eternal Spear, he is definitely a genuine god-level late-stage combat power.And Tun Xing, Tianshen Group and others, either with the help of cosmic power, or mastered individual rare treasures, also have combat power far exceeding their own power.

Among them, the best ones can even have the fighting power of the emperor who overwhelms the sky in the later stage.

"Host, you may have made a mistake. Although various mysterious forces emerge in this Marvel universe, it is still a science-based world in essence, and science has developed to an extremely high level, so it can be counted as It’s level three.” The system said: “The cultivation of the people here is indeed not high, and their personal combat power is even far below the realm, but with the help of foreign objects, the actual destructive power is definitely not low!”

Lin Xuan was taken aback when he heard this.

If it is a world of science and technology, then the actual level cannot be calculated by personal force at all.

For example, in the world of wolf warriors, there are no superpowers there, but if there is a real fight, the number one world in the world can be defeated in a short time, and the world of Fengyun may not be able to resist those hot weapons-this is just a Lin Xuan doesn't know what the world of advanced and second-order technology looks like, but at least it can definitely threaten the god-level.

As for the third-tier technological world, I am afraid that even the Shrouding Emperor may not be able to suppress it.

For example, in this Marvel universe, relying solely on its own strength, no one should be the emperor's opponent, but Thanos after collecting six infinite gems, holding the infinite gauntlet, is definitely not a problem.Even, even if it is against a stronger emperor like Wu Shi, it is not unreasonable.

However, although the power of technology is strong, it also has obvious weaknesses.

For example, the power of infinite gems does not work on the life court, which is a very embarrassing thing.

So in this world, counting the powerhouses, there are only three levels.

"Is Odin's divine power a kind of power?" Thinking in his heart, Lin Xuan proposed mutual exchange exercises.

As a result, Gu Yi and Bruce Lee gained supernatural powers, while Odin practiced a high-level martial arts, greatly increasing his strength and rejuvenating his youth.

Lin Xuan also obtained Odin's divine power, but found that it was essentially the same thing as Dormammu's dark divine power, but the attributes were different.It's like Zuo Lengchan's Frost Palm and Jiumozhi's Flame Saber, they look very different, but in essence, both are martial arts.

"Damn, it's a loss." Lin Xuan thought to himself.

So, in order to pay back, he said to Odin: "You also join the Avengers!"

"Okay." Odin didn't refuse.

He is planning to stay on Earth for a while to spend his old age peacefully, although this old age may be a bit longer because he stepped into martial arts.

"You intentionally indulged Loki in order to lure the Kiritas over through him, right?" Odin said suddenly, "I suggest you give up this idea. Although the Kiritas are nothing to worry about, they have a not-so-simple motive behind them." character, if you face him, you may not necessarily win."

Hearing this, Lin Xuan smiled and said, "Are you talking about the Thanos who was born from Titan?"

"You know him?" Odin was taken aback.

"He is indeed not a simple character!" Lin Xuan said.

Thanos, that is, Thanos, after he holds the Infinity Gauntlet and collects all the Infinity Gems, he is definitely a character who can fight against the Great Emperor.

However, is Thanos weak without infinite gems?

Not necessarily, even something like Thor's Hammer requires extremely strong power to use, and even if ordinary people have obtained such a treasure as the Infinity Gauntlet, they may not be able to grasp it.Otherwise, for so many years in the Marvel Universe, why only Thanos has the Infinity Gauntlet and started collecting Infinity Gems, while the others didn't make any waves?
In addition, it is an indisputable fact that Thanos can control six infinite gems.

For ordinary people, it is difficult to control one!

"If you get all the infinite gems and make them into one piece of equipment, the chances of winning are [-]%!" Odin said.

(End of this chapter)

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