Wanjie temporary workers

Chapter 161 The Infinite Throne

Chapter 161 The Infinite Throne
"Shall we collect all six infinity gems?" Lin Xuan was taken aback.

Infinity gems are very strong, he knows this better than anyone else, there is no need for Odin to say it.But as a person who does not belong to the Marvel world, he clearly understands that the power of the Infinity Stones is only useful in the Marvel universe. Once out of this world, without corresponding laws, it will become six beautiful glass beads, not No longer have any power.

This is also the reason why Lin Xuan didn't pay much attention to the infinite gems.

Because even if it is taken into the ring space, the system pulls away the corresponding law, it is only to upgrade the ring space, and he still does not get the slightest benefit.

You must know that the laws are also divided into the laws of the small world, the general laws of the heavens, and the supreme three thousand ways.

The small world law is only useful in each world, which is equivalent to the authority to control the world, and it cannot be taken out at all.The most typical one is the will of heaven and earth. If someone can separate it, they will find that the will of heaven and earth that has left their own world has no power, not even as good as a mortal.

But in one's own world, the will of heaven and earth is almost omnipotent. Unless the power is equal to or surpasses the entire world, human power cannot compete at all.

This is a property of the small-world law.

The universal law of the heavens seems to be similar to the law of the small world, but it is actually completely different.The more typical ones are immortals—although immortals do not control the laws, they are the products under the laws. They are eternal self-achievement and have been recognized by the general laws.

They can manifest in thousands of worlds, beyond life and death, and even beyond the concept of strength and weakness in the eyes of ordinary people.

For example, there is Lu Dongbin in Journey to the East, and if you kill him, you will find out that there is also Dongbin in Journey to the West, and there is also the World of Lotus Lantern.Unlike ordinary projection manifestations, as long as the gods are willing, any manifestation can become the deity. As long as there are manifestations in the heavens and worlds, it is a truly immortal existence.

And the spells of the gods will not be discounted in the slightest because of the difference in the world.

For example, Sun Wukong casts the body-holding technique, even if he is as strong as the Great Emperor Shrouding the Sky, or as powerful as the Six Gem Threater, he will still be immobilized, because he is a god, and he can already leverage the universal laws of the heavens to a certain extent.As for Avalokitesvara, she can turn mortals into dogs, she can also turn Thanos of the Six Gems into a dog, and she can also turn the Immortal Emperor into a dog, because she is a fifth-level existence and has already mastered some of the universal laws of the heavens.

The power that may be revealed, the law of the small world will be very strong, but once it meets the general law, it will be completely restrained.

This is the difference between gods and mortals, the difference between a village chief and an emperor!

On top of that, there is no need to mention the Three Thousand Great Dao, which is the highest law that only saints can touch, and only those who are strong in the Dao Fruit Realm can fully grasp it.Strictly speaking, it is no longer a law, and there is no difference between universal and non-universal, because those who are strong in the realm of Dao and Fruit are themselves the source of the Dao and the source of the law, and their personal power has surpassed the heavens and the world.

The small world doesn't need to understand or recognize that kind of power, but as long as a strong person in the Dao Fruit Realm wants to, he can blow it up with one punch.

All of these are vain to those who are strong in the Dao Fruit Realm.

"I've also heard rumors about the Infinity Gem. After collecting six of them, is it really that powerful?" Ancient One asked.

Everyone knows that Infinity Stones are very strong, but no one knows how strong they are.

Because there is no one who can exert its full power.

As for what it looks like after the six infinite gems are collected, I am afraid that even Odin does not know, only Lin Xuan who has read the mapping information knows a thing or two.

"Host, although it's useless, you really might as well build an infinite gem equipment for fun, at least you can feel the power of the 'Great Emperor' in advance." The system said: "As for the equipment building skills, the old man Odin can only To put it bluntly, I actually don’t understand it. If I understood it, I would have started collecting infinite gems. But you can search and exchange it through Wandu. Because that thing is not very useful, it is not much more expensive than the forging technology of Dragon Saber and Yitian Sword. "

Lin Xuan was taken aback when he heard the words, and then decisively opened Wandu Search, and exchanged for a share of the Infinity Glove's crafting technology.

Then I found that, as the system said, the crafting technology of the Infinity Gloves is not complicated: the key to everything is not the material, nor the power of the gloves, because after inlaying the Infinity Gems, everything can be enhanced by the Gems.The key to the glove is "consciousness transmission". How to connect people's will with the infinite gems through the glove is the key point.

"Then the question is, what is it embedded in?" Lin Xuan thought.

Because it can only be used in the Marvel universe, this is just a temporary equipment and can be used casually.

As long as you want, you can make it into an "infinite brick" with six gem holes, an "infinite pan" that can be inlaid with gems, or even "infinite slippers" and "infinite jeans".As long as the condition of "consciousness transmission" is met, no matter what form it is finally created, it is an infinite artifact.

After all, the Infinity Stones are the key, not what gets set.

"By the way, the piece of equipment you created is not completely useless." The system added.

Lin Xuan was taken aback, and asked, "Could it be possible to take it out?"

"Of course not. After changing the place, that thing is useless." The system said: "But if you take away the law and integrate it into your ring space, you can let that artifact in your ring space have the same possession as in Marvel The power of the universe, in this disguised form, can be regarded as brought out!"

Immediately, Lin Xuan's eyes lit up.

He almost forgot that his own ring space is already comparable to a small world, and can absorb the laws of various worlds.

"Then don't think about it, what you want to build must be full of style!" Lin Xuan said, took out a pen and paper, and started drawing the design directly.

A few minutes later, an "Infinite Throne" was designed by him.

The style of the throne resembles an ancient dragon chair, but the patterns on the backrest resemble the murals behind the Tathagata Buddha.There are six patterns in total, blooming in different directions like a peacock spreading its tail.There is a hole at the top of each pattern for inlaying gems, six patterns, exactly six infinite gems can be inlaid.

Seeing this, Gu Yi asked suspiciously: "This doesn't seem to be a weapon, does it?"

"Of course not." Lin Xuan smiled.

Then, Bruce Lee said for him: "I am different from Lin Xuan and you. We are warriors, and we only care about our own strength. No matter how powerful the external objects are, we will not shake our dedication to martial arts. Therefore, even if you use infinite gems, And it's only going to be a seat or something, not a weapon."

Hearing this, Odin immediately said: "Don't rely on external things, only pursue yourself, no wonder you are so strong."

Lin Xuan: "..."

Mao's persistence, Mao's reliance on himself, if this is not an infinite gem, but a treasure such as a chaotic orb, I will definitely inlay it into the magic weapon of my life, and I will never hesitate for half a second-everyone who has played online games knows , Although one's own attributes are important, equipment krypton gold is more important. Having both is truly powerful.

The main reason why it became a throne is that the infinite gems are too weak.

Even if it can bring out the Marvel universe, it is nothing more than a treasure of the emperor level, and it is not qualified to be turned into a weapon by Lin Xuan.

In fact, in terms of potential, the Infinity Gemstone is not even as good as the Edman Alloy Sword, because the Edman Alloy is actually the "Meteorite Iron", which has almost unlimited growth, and can eventually transform with continuous sacrifices. The most precious fruit of enlightenment.And the Infinity Gem is nothing without Marvel. Even if it completes the law, it is nothing more than an imperial weapon. If it is cultivated into the magic power, Lin Xuan can crush it with one hand!

Because of the way to build it, with the help of Odin, Gu Yi and others, Lin Xuan quickly created the Infinite Throne.

"Next, start collecting infinite gems!" Lin Xuan said.

He is really a bit, can't wait to experience the power of the Great Emperor, although that power is flawed.

(End of this chapter)

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