Wanjie temporary workers

Chapter 162 The Fear of Being Dominated by the "Northern Darkness Swallowing the Sky"

Chapter 162 The Fear of Being Dominated by the "Northern Darkness Swallowing the Sky"
"Do you know where the six Infinity Stones are?" asked Bruce Lee.

"The time gem is with me, and the space gem is in S.H.I.E.L.D. It was snatched away by Loki a few days ago, and it should have been taken back by now, or it may be snatched again." Gu Yi said.

Immediately, Odin said: "If the earth wants to go to the interstellar, it is necessary to choose a target to stand up, but it is not necessary to use the Cosmic Rubik's Cube to attract the Kirita people, but also to use my Rainbow Bridge. I will now Go and get the Cosmic Rubik's Cube and the Soul Stone that the Kirita people gave Loki, things like the Infinity Stone, although a single one is not a concern, but it is safer to control it in your own hands."

After finishing speaking, Odin's figure flashed, and he disappeared immediately.

After a few breaths, he came back with two more infinite gems in his hand.

"I don't know how effective it is when there are three." Odin said, and embedded the two infinite gems in his hand on Lin Xuan's infinite throne.Then, Ancient One mage also inlaid his time gem on the Infinite Throne.Then Lin Xuan sat on it, felt it, and found that the laws of time and space in the entire Marvel universe became clearly visible.

And his mind was also wrapped in a mysterious substance, making it extremely tough.

"How does it feel?" Bruce Lee asked.

"It's okay!" Lin Xuan said: "If there are only these three infinite gems, there is no bonus to power, but after using them, my power can transcend space and time. The increase is qualitative and does not affect the strength. Small. If we get the power gem and the reality gem, the improvement will be even greater, and finally add the soul gem, and we should be able to have the power equivalent to the universe."

After speaking, he walked down and let Bruce Lee and others go up to experience it.

As a result, just a few seconds after Bruce Lee went up, he jumped down, shook his head and said: "It's not my own strength, my control is too poor, I feel very uncomfortable."

As for Master Gu Yi, he walked over and sat down for a couple of times, but because of an inexplicable repulsion, he couldn't sit down at all.

"It seems that this throne does not welcome me." Gu Yi said.

Then Odin went up to try it, but was also repelled, and finally sat down with all his powers, but he was bounced away by the power of the throne after only holding on for a second.

"Me too," said Odin.

Seeing this, Lin Xuan touched his nose and said, "I didn't set any password when building it."

"It's the Infinity Gem, and Odin and I couldn't control its power, so we were rejected." The Ancient One said.

Lin Xuan showed a puzzled expression upon hearing this.

"Your own power has actually changed, but you just don't feel it!" The system suddenly said: "The basic requirement for using this throne is the middle stage of the god level. The ancient one couldn't sit down because he didn't meet the requirements. Odin met the requirements. , but his understanding of power is not enough, and his mind is not good enough, so he was also rejected."

Then, the system said: "Bruce Lee has passed the test in all aspects, but his will and gems are incompatible, so he will feel very uncomfortable."

"So, only I am suitable for this infinite throne?" Lin Xuan said.

"In your case, Wanfa Divine Power has extremely strong compatibility, so you won't feel any discomfort, and it's easier to use than anyone else," the system said.

Then, in order to test their strength, several people opened the dimension gate and went to the dark dimension once.

Immediately, Domamu knelt down in front of them and said respectfully, "Dear strong man, may I help you?"

Gu Yi, Odin, Lin Xuan: "..."

This evil god of the dark dimension seems to be useless.

"This place is empty, even if you come back, Dormammu will no longer have power." Bruce Lee said.

Afterwards, several people left, and Dormammu knelt on the spot for a long time, and did not stand up until he was sure that the several people had really left.

"It is said that the one that sucks up the power of the dark dimension is an earth martial art called 'Northern Darkness Swallowing the Sky'. If only I knew how to do that!" Domamu murmured.

Lin Xuan and others who left came to Hell through the medium of a certain evil spirit knight.

As the lord, Mephisto quickly noticed their arrival, but before he could react, he saw a big hand covering the sky, sucking the power of the entire hell.Not long after that, everyone left, and the hell was bare except for a group of demons, and there was nothing else.

And the demons also lost their strength and became extremely weak.

"I heard that it is a martial art of a human being on Earth, called 'Northern Darkness Swallowing the Sky'." A devil said.

Then, another devil said: "I heard that Dormammu's dark dimension was also absorbed by that human being."

"Human beings are scary!"

"Earth is dangerous!"


Even Lin Xuan didn't expect that because the dark dimension and hell were sucked dry, the martial art called "Northern Darkness Swallowing the Sky" was known to many people in multiple dimensions. All the gods fought fiercely, worried that Lin Xuan would suck up their own power, and some even fled to other dimensions with their power.

And Dormammu and Mephisto, because they have experienced the fear of being dominated by the "Northern Darkness Swallowing the Sky", they will be afraid when they hear the word "earth".

Of course, their worries are superfluous, Lin Xuan has no interest in absorbing those useless forces at all.

Yes, it's useless, the power of hell is also divine power, repeated with Dormammu's dark power!

"Could it be that all the power systems in the Marvel Universe are divine power after the end?" Lin Xuan asked the system as he was on his way.

Immediately, the system said: "Except for Eastern metaphysics and martial arts, other powers are indeed divine powers. The value of this world has almost been tapped. Hurry up and collect six infinite gems, then defeat Qi Ruita to complete the task, and leave early." Bar!"

Lin Xuan nodded when he heard the words, and then came to the dark elf and said directly: "Hand over the ether particles!"

Naturally, the leader of the dark elves would not hand it over. He still expected to rely on that thing to rise up, so he grabbed the weapon and hit Lin Xuan directly.As a result, there is no doubt that Lin Xuan used the power of the Infinite Throne to cast the "Northern Darkness Swallowing the Sky", directly absorbing all the power in the dark elves' habitat, and made the leader of the Dark Elf feel once "Northern Darkness Swallowing the Sky" The fear of domination.

After that, the only remaining power is naturally the Reality Gem.

"Four!" After Lin Xuan took away the Reality Gem, with a thought, he went to the place where the Guardians of the Galaxy were.

At this point, the Guardians of the Galaxy have just left the Collector with the Power Gem in hand and are at a loss.

(End of this chapter)

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